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Everything posted by clouddancer

  1. They are both correct, it is an either, or, kind of scenario. either the aircraft taking off had turned onto crosswind, or it is climbing straight ahead and is further along the runway and you can finish your landing roll. simples.
  2. “On the other had it was RAA which submitted a list of engine failures one of which was a flat tyre, so maybe RAA has some work to do which would satisfy the complainants.” incorrect, RAAus was asked to supply a database extract of any accident or incident involving a Jabiru, this information was not filtered correctly when analysed by CASA, resulting in a flat tyre in an aircraft powered with a Jabiru engine being included in engine failure statistics!
  3. It is a funding and resourcing issue. The ATSB don’t have the funds to investigate any accidents involving sport aviation aircraft. Unless a minister gets involved and demands they investigate. The solution is to lobby for the ATSB to be better funded and resourced. As pilots are generally Australian taxpayers, regardless of the aircraft registration, fatal and serious accidents should be investigated. it is not an official policy or written document AFAIK, but a budgetary decision.
  4. “ A minus for raaus for me is they told me this week I can't use my xair to complete my solo training because I wasn't involved in the building of the kit. But I can do my endorsements in it. That is silly. They won't let me fly it solo but are happy for me to carry the instructor around for the endorsements. “ I think you will find this is in the CAO 95.55, so it is not a “rule” RAAus has made, but a rule made by CASA.
  5. First question. Is a Bolly prop legal on a Gazelle? Because Gazelle’s are Type Certified, not originally. Allsize were the original certified prop. But yes, if the MARAP process has been followed you can put a Bolly prop on a Gazelle. MARAP is exactly like a STC for RAAus Type Certified aircraft. So did the original owner pay for a MARAP for a Bolly prop? seems like the answer is no. is this fair on a subsequent owner? No, but buyer beware. Do research before you buy an aircraft, confirm what is original.
  6. As far as I know there are 12 pilots in that photo and there are no company cars, there is not enough budget.
  7. Check out the RAAP on controlled airspace on the RAAus website. https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/raap-14-can-i-fly-in-controlled-airspace.pdf
  8. Try this. https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/raap-11-converting-a-pilot-from-another-organisation-to-raaus-pilot-certificate-instructor-rating.pdf
  9. The report states “under review” I don’t think this is anything more than the pilot’s report, not the outcome.
  10. https://www.raa.asn.au/calendar-of-events/mtow/
  11. I think there would be an announcement from RAAus if they could register 760 kg MTOW aircraft already. Mid 2022 is what has been provided in emails by RAAus
  12. Please don’t fly into controlled airspace without holding a current CASA license and medical in an RAAus aircraft! The fact the controller knows you is not enough, you need to meet the controlled airspace requirements, meaning current CASA license, medical, current RAAus qualifications and an aircraft with calibrated instruments including altimeter, transponder (if the airspace requires it) and an approved engine (no automotive conversions)
  13. There are inaccuracies in the post from Air Venture and RAAus did not organize the raffle. the info about the trust as a start
  14. Why does everyone assume what was said in the original post by AirVenture is true?
  15. Can I suggest forumites write with specific airfield issues directly to RAAus, who will be happy to take up the discussion with Councils if RAAus members are not being treated equitably with other aircraft owners?
  16. Graham spent more than one evening discussing instructing techniques with me and another instructor at our school, after spending all day with his own students. He helped immensely, freely, joyfully and with passion! I always enjoyed him calling out to Temora, dropping in for a coffee, he would always bring something to eat so we could spend more time talking about flying. I was privileged to gain a formation endorsement with him, and loved his stories about flying not just all over the country, but all over the world. I can't believe he is really gone, but he has left a great big hole in the world with his passing. My thoughts are with his daughter and son in law, and his family, not just by blood but in the wider aviation community. We have lost a great pilot, instructor and friend. Fly on Graham!
  17. Have 1200 hours on 912ULS, and always did mag check at 3000, with slightly rougher running on left ignition. Now have a very harsh vibration through the airframe when doing the same check. Recently changed carby on right side (#1 and #3) due significant wear in slide and body. Replaced spark plugs, did all ignition tests, can swap the problem to the other ignition switch by swapping plugs on ignition systems after the modules. Engine runs perfectly at all power settings, but harsh vibration also present when changing throttle settings between 2600 and 2800rpm, either powering up or down. Engine has two blade wooden prop, carbys balanced, tried replacement coil, no change, really getting frustrated! Took engine out and got Wal at Bert Flood to run on test bench, no problems present, but not sitting in the aircraft might not produce the problem. Did have kick back starting problems about 300 hours ago, got sprague clutch replaced and new flywheel mod to improve starts, starts and runs really well. Any suggestions??
  18. Gazelle aircraft Hi Adam, Welcome to rec flying. Gazelle's are a great aircraft to start flying and enjoy around the local area. I did my basic training in the Skyfox which is the tail dragger version, and you can't get a more affordable, enjoyable aircraft. Secondhand they go for about $35-$40K and cost less than a car to run. Good luck
  19. I think one overlooked factor is communication. If the instructor doesn't explain what standard of competency and performance they are expecting, the student doesn't know if he/she is there. Often the student thinks they are ready, but they can't maintain the centreline on a landing, they can't or won't hold a consistent speed for approach and wander all over the sky anywhere between 800agl and 1200agl on downwind. When the performance criteria are laid out clearly and exactly, and a safe attitude to controlling the aircraft is taken, progress is made and everyone is happy. I still think too much emphasis is placed on when you go solo, and sometimes unintentionally by a well meaning club member. "You've got how many hours and you're not solo yet?" When you are competent and safe, you and the instructor should both be happy to let you loose. As far as 20 hours minimum for RA-Aus cert, I tell people that is a minimum, and they should expect anything up to 40 hours! Age has an influence, but often the maturity of kids works against them. Bottom line, we are all individuals, students, instructors, young or old and there can be no one answer that suits us all. By the way, love the stability angle Tony, so true, if we set the aircraft up and trim, we can relax and enjoy flying so much more. One last point, I really work hard to make sure people are relaxed, you can't control an aircraft if you are choking the stick with a death grip!
  20. Hi, Got a Jabiru 2.2 with 900 hours on it now. Use araldite on the rotor button to stop them vibrating and elongating, best advice I can give, do all the regular scheduled maintenance, especially head tension and tappet adjustment. Remember its a different engine than the Rotax, will not forgive sloppy maintenance, do regular compression/leakdown tests and if you don't get the right reading, take heads off and re lap valves. Never had a problem so far!
  21. Hi all, These were my best 4 1) first solo (goes without saying) 2) flying along the west of the ranges on a pristine, clear, cold morning with not a ripple, music on the MP3, watching sunrise! 3) landing in my Jabiru at YAYE with an overseas jet behind ("I'll extend my downwind for you!") with a trike in front (must be the smoothest runway in Australia) 4) watching the night show at Avalon 2003, specifically the glider with the flares on the wingtips doing aerobatics!
  22. Just arrived on the forum, been flying for over 10 years, built a Jabiru tail dragger and fly Tecnam's. Forums look good, and there is always good coverage of aircraft related articles. Look forward to chatting:thumb_up:
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