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  1. Especially on a national guard aircraft. These are the reserve forces. Using older equipment
  2. Interesting I haven't heard anything further despite the initial reporting. would have thought CASA would have released a statement about investigation
  3. why do it while wearing such a bright colored jumper. what a clown
  4. Having worked with Ducati..... this is the last regulator I would recommend. they are notorious for overcharging and overheating. we would often replace with aftermarket alternatives and relocation kits to put them in the airflow
  5. I used to have some dealings with one of these companies as they purchased motorcycles through the dealership, was all above board. but they are a lottery not a raffle. and work off a subscription service - you dont buy a ticket, but have a certain amount of entries based on the dollars you pay each month. notice that they all exclude certain states due to gambling laws differing. (if it includes SA chances are its dodgy)
  6. From Reddit (so not the best source) From an article I was reading this morning
  7. I've heard a few reports from pilots that the weather radars are next to useless in the area with the tropical storms. they are set up - and trained for north american weather patterns. and newly forming thunderstorms aren't picked up by it
  8. All sorts over the years. they often do it with special stitching on the leather gloves finger tips. but i also have some glove liners (thin tight gloves) that have a silver section on the finger tips. its amazing how that bit of stretch/give and feel completely change the comfort and usability of a touch screen
  9. Had them for years with motorcycle gloves. always found them clunky to use. fine for swiping up etc.. to answer a call. but too bulky for typing a message (or gps address). quicker and easier to just take the things off most of the time, then fluff around with the fat finger issue
  10. the champ I hire from Aldinga has a black metal plate attached to the dip stick down one side. find it much easier to read then the wood. can see the obvious shine of the liquid on the metal.
  11. Whats the story with the attitude indicator, doesn't look like its parked on a hillside? (not a potential buyer, just curios if this is common from aircraft sitting and an easy fix)
  12. I have one of these in my helmet collection. might do the job (was bought back from Vietnam for me - where they are used as motorcycle helmets)
  13. is Macca still on? my old man had us listen to it in the car every Sunday on the way to church when I was a kid
  14. have a read... https://www.afr.com/companies/transport/bonza-s-backers-plotted-to-get-the-planes-out-and-wind-this-up-20240506-p5fp87 sounds like the plans with the parent company were different to what was being told to Bonza. bit like GM shutting down Holden having been planned for months - but management being told the week before that all was well.
  15. fair enough, with moving the motorcycle talk off this thread I have resurrected the bike thread https://www.socialaustralia.com.au/topic/1202-the-bike-shed/page/4/
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