recently decided to try and up my hours and fly as much as possible to get my RPC by the end of the year, and also get a better feel. two weeks between lessons is too long (get a Thursday off each fort-nite, which Ive been learning to fly with - because I can)
so did three lessons last week. on Thursday a refresher flight as it had been 2 months (work and holidays). then literally swapped to a different plane and instructor to go up for an introduction to steep turns (45 degree bank - made me dizzy and feel a bit crook for an hour or two afterwards)
But the last lesson yesterday (Sunday) was by far the most enjoyable, crosswind circuits.
had a different instructor (I can choose who to fly with through the school, but due to life tend to just choose whoever is available) I haven't flown with this Instructor before but enjoy changing up instructors as they all give different pieces of the puzzle. He was experienced and had a commercial approach (i.e. everything had a reason, and importantly explained why) he changed my habits on the ground to hold the stick with the checklist between my thumb and finger to operate everything with my left hand - as I would in flight. and use the thumb and finger to flip switches, as its easier in flight to undo if its the wrong one. shows the difference in approach/experience
but what made it such an awesome experience was his teaching in flight, made me talk through each step on the ground - not just parroting back what I remember. then pulled the power (telling me - at height/speed before I would normally put up flaps) to ensure I understood and followed through. there is more brain power on the ground then in the air for figuring out how to act. introduced me to side-slips, they are AWESOME!!! such a fun way to fly. Also picked up I was still tensing up and struggling with the transition from approach and flare, the ground. so had me fly a pass down the runway at treetop level after the flare. Made a huge difference to my feel of controls and reactions, the next landing was a full stop but felt so much more comfortable and was immediately able to respond to a bit of ballooning by instinctively dropping the nose and land without a bounce.
probably would have been a bit intimidated with all the information this Instructor gave if he was my first one, but at my current level its awesome and the different approaches worked really well and made it a lot of fun - but also a huge amount to process with lots happening through the flight, instead of the single focus building block approach Ive had with others (which is still something I feel more comfortable with for new skills) . I think regularly swapping things up with a different Instructor is a great Idea. each has their own benefits and help provide a better foundation.
came home feeling on an high, with a bit of an adrenaline rush. Cant wait to get back in the air Sunday
sitting at about 13-14 hours currently. hoping with 2 lessons every second Thursday and an additional lesson on Sundays I have a good chance of celebrating by the end of the year. Solo before my Birthday in mid November would be awesome