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Everything posted by cheyenne

  1. cheyenne

    170 v 230 v 430

    Condog. If you looking for second hand the mate is selling his J230 due to ill health it 94hrs on the clock and all ways been hangered. Adrian
  2. cheyenne

    170 v 230 v 430

    G/Condog, You will find the 170 would have a lot more room sitting in the seats, I have flown my J160 to Broome,Darwin, Alice Springs,and Port Augusta with my wife and plenty of space. We had a J230 with us on one trip he got there a little faster and when we filled up the fuel tanks the J230 was always only about 10 litres more. Adrian
  3. The standed check on the Jabiru under carrage bolts is to grab the strut and push the leg forward with your foot any movement detected, then check the bolts.
  4. :yikes:Returning back to Bundy after visiting NatFly the " pig " passed me I had trouble staying straight on the road, looking in the revision mirrors those exhaust pipes are BIG. Adrian
  5. G/Day Jem, you use all the same bolts brake pads, calipers and back plate, just unbolt the old rotors off the hubs and bolt the new ones on. The supplier in Bundy is Anthony Holder 0410 621 158, 07 4157 4400. You can still get brake fad if used very hard but let the pressure off for a second and you have brakes again. Adrian
  6. G/Day Jem, they are available from a bloke here in Bundaberg, I think around $90.00 plus freight. They will fit your Jab, you will have to offset the back plate slightly so the pads sits flat on the rotor. Adrian
  7. Isis Flying Club will be having a Fly, Drive, Walk - in on Sunday 5th May at Childers Airstrip with overnight camping under the wing Saturday night.
  8. We have not been back to Great Keppel Island since the resort closed, I did not know there was still accommodation available. Great video, who do we contact about coming and staying? Adrian
  9. When my fan stopped it was aviate first landing area confirmed second getting the aircraft and my passenger down and on the ground safely third the last thing on ones mind is to turn on the ELB
  10. I just received my new rego lable yesterday, I supplied the photo of the MTO lable and the weight and balance and it all happened within the week. Adrian:clap:
  11. I have taped off about 1/3 of my oil cooler in my J160, this manages to keep the temp around the 80c mark in the winter, but we are no where as cold as your temps here in Bundaberg. I would try taping at least 60%. Another pilot has fitted a roller blind in front of his oil cooler the works well and can adjust it in the air as the temps requires. Adrian
  12. CH10 news just said 4 missing in a vintage aircraft near Kingaroy. Adrian
  13. For a couple of days I could not get the program to load from the favorites, the message came up to check the server as it was not a reconized site. I tried 3 different computors, :gaah:but it's all OK now. I had thought the site was barred at the time. Adrian
  14. We will be coming over with the Bundaberg Jaba-Roo formation crew on Saturday, and flying back in the afternoon. Adrian
  15. At the 25 or 20 hr services the lame should be checking all exhaust bolts and screw clamps as a general inspection during maintaince, this would have picked up a loose or missing bolt. Adrian
  16. 6 minutes from home to my hanger at Bundy.
  17. Bundaberg will only take credit cards now.
  18. The name could be either, but when I talk to other pilots about the forum I refer to Recreational flyiers site.
  19. If you only land to refuel and don't leave air side you should be OK, the last time I was there no body came out to see us. Adrian
  20. I have fitted lambs wool seat covers to our J160 and even with my lower back problem I have had no problems with 4hr flights, I agree with you all the standard seat covering gives me a pain within an hour of test flying any other Jabiru. Adrian:plane:
  21. It is very very rare that a jabiru is writen off, I only know of one that could not be repaired due to the egg shell cracks right through the hull. I have recovered some of the Jabiru's for repairs that the pilots's have had the miss fortune to damage either on landing or taking off. Adrian
  22. Gregv, just a throught have you checked the fingerfilters in the wing tanks outlets? Jabiru now use ones with larger holes through them. Adrian
  23. The props on Jabiru's do not spin when the engine stops, on the 4 cylinders the prop is bolted onto the the prop flange so that when the engine stops the prop is in the horizontal position, the same with the 6 cylinder. Adrian
  24. G/Day normfox, I was at max load of fuel,pax and luggage 544kg in the J160
  25. G/Day Fly_tornado, no after trimming the aircraft glided at a decent rate of 750ft/min at 70knots and handled normaly
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