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    Aeropup/Thruster T300/J-230D
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  1. Just my useless opinion here. The technology in these aircraft is too overwhelming for many older students, to come to grips with. Glass Cockpits should be an endorsement only, not a training platform. Only fixed pitch props as well. Hiding in my bomb shelter!
  2. Not anymore 👍
  3. Recently I have fielded a flurry of phone calls that tell me, that under the impending circumstance we are now been subject to, the pathway exists to transfer to VH rego, do the Class 5 medical (that RAAus won’t recognise) go RPL and do Maintenance under SAAA. Since I have been in SAAA for 4 years, I don’t have to join. Apparently there will be a lot of discussion, at their Wentworth Fly In.
  4. In actual fact RAAus are in breach of the Constitution because They have not involved members or shareholders by updating them via a communiqué relating to the current progress of the legal action under discussion at this time. I was given this information via a phone call from a person who has intense knowledge on the subject.
  5. illegal? Is a sick bird 🤩
  6. Nothing is illegal unless you get caught doing it. Only when you get caught and the illegality is discovered? THEN you face the music. As it was said to me on phone last night, you can fly an unregistered plane any time you like, the plane itself does not care if it’s not registered, it will still fly just the same, regardless 🤩
  7. Apart from the current investigation, there are another two investigations to run and apparently false information was given in one of those also, so unfortunately it’s not looking very good at RAA , considering there will be civil actions against them as well that have been somewhat detailed already. Understand that as a result of cover-ups there will probably be NO insurance coverage for RAA, under the terms and conditions of the PDS which outlines the insurance companies terms and conditions of that policy. Just imagine if I personally tried to cover up something in an RAA investigation with my own aircraft, and what the results could be from that. I’m sure. that I would pay a price for it. There are sad days ahead……..
  8. Peter Eicher from Boort in Victoria flies an Archaeopteryx https://www.ultralight-glider.fr/congratulation-marlies/
  9. That’s only the start of it. There is ANOTHER investigation coming
  10. SAAA will fit in somewhere as plans are being made by them, and CASA has already been part of that.
  11. I can’t right now, it was the subject of a longish phone call, I had this morning. 👍 Besides one has to be careful what one says here. Suffice to say, that some people in RAA will need to put their armour plated suits on
  12. Let me say this…..anything will be possible, another hearing is schedules, at a possible cost to RAA of $200,000 legal to add to their existing $400,000. But it’s not close to ending, as ANOTHER investigation is pending, and the WHOLE of RAA hierarchy will be part of that. From what I already know, I would allege the end is near 🤢🤢
  13. Mr Boutell, will be dragged in as It happened under his watch?
  14. You either have it, or you don’t, but there are varying degrees of either. IF it takes you a lot of hours of training to make Solo and end up with your certificate? Does it make you a good Pilot? No, it’s hoped that practice and further learning does that. In this threads case, the Pilot made a poor decision, the holes lined up, and he has paid the price, as many have done before him, some with many thousands of hours. We can go on for days about investigation responsibilities, but it all comes back to money…….. something needs to change in that respect? BUT how or what?
  15. Threre is a whole heap of other things Shareholders should know, behind the scenes, like, I would allege some $400,0000 in legal fees, to date. AND the possible departure of the President, to CASA?
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