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Everything posted by jackc

  1. https://youtu.be/BuSjs45TL1E?si=O1BcnWjSlOIVx58k There is no doubt about it, the FAA FAR Part 103 pilots take their responsibilities rather professionally in the U.S. Videos like this are very informative. The more I see, the more I like 🤩
  2. It’s a money making process for RAAus, I wanted to do a BRP fitting, to my Aeropup, 19 reg, had all factory information but had to pay money to do MARAP an hope it got approved? Abandoned whole thing, bought wearable Parachute, now I can exit stage left, pull cord….bye bye aircraft 👍👍
  3. I passed my opinion as relating to my personal risk assessment, given my age, experience and ability. I mean if an agreement is reached to allow the neighbour to fly? Then down the track the neighbour may think, I need to get another plane, a BIG red one, widda wireless that plays ‘Slim Dusty’ 🤩 Guess what? He needs a BIGGER airstrip, so he moves OR Hangar's his plane elsewhere?
  4. Personally, I would not operate from that airstrip. I would have bought a more suitable place to fly from, that house is too close for my liking. The risk element is probably not that great, but its one I would not be happy with.
  5. https://youtu.be/bNXeFH43L9s?si=HZygtO-1fUw8LAQK
  6. The topic title says it all. Just cast your eyes around our aviation sector right now and you will see tightening regulations, increase cost to hanger fees, and cost to operate your aircraft, lack of ability to modify or do anything with it. A shortage of hangers, face a shortage of airstrip space, medical situations which will ultimately stop you flying sooner than later. And as you watch the end enjoyment of your hobby disappear with all of this coming in on top of us, you will no longer be able to fly and this is not gonna get any better. RAAus has increasingly tightened the sector since the days of the AUF, unfortunately it’s almost like a mini GA, or worse. An increase in regulations is making it more difficult for compliance by many aircraft and pilots.. Well, you can all sit on your hands and watch it disappear or you can get off your collective backside and try and do something about it and make representations to political ministers and anyone else who will lend an ear for our cause. For years in the US, the FAA has sanctioned FAR part 103 segment of the US aviation flying scene. Part 103 has seen massive increases in training opportunities. A Burgening aircraft market for people who are unable to meet the requirements either medically, for RAA, GA and have Aircraft, or air strips or hanger availability. They can still fly Part 103.by going to the U.S. All they they need is a trailer to cart their aircraft to a suitable location and they can all fly, if they want to go that way. The way things are now if you can’t fly for any reason you are out of the aviation sector as it exists the most you’ll ever do is make paper planes to fly across your lounge room. If we had part 103 you would still be in the sky flying yes a little slower yes a little lower but you’d still be having fun flying in the sky. So yes, Australia needs an FAA FAR part 103 type system here for aviation to prosper for people young and old, in Australia. See here:
  7. The only passenger I will ever take would be an Instructor, I never want the responsibility of taking an ordinary PAX.
  8. I know a guy who illegally flew a DC3 on some illegal flights. CASA staked him out but were too late, he left well before first light. They were late, as they got messed up in directions where to go to, where the flight originated. It was a property in Qld.
  9. Many of us stand to learn a lot from all of this…..
  10. It’s not RAA rules anyway, unlicensed aircraft and unlicenced pilots come under CASAs rules……It may come under RAA, IF aircraft is registered with them, or recently expired?
  11. I have several properties……..
  12. Knowing what I know now…….i should have started in Aviation, by going to the U.S. for a couple of months holiday, Bought an FAA FAR Part 103 aircraft built and got some training, logged hours flying the wings off it. Shipped it back to Australia and reassembled it and just flown here, NO CASA, NO RAA, who are they? Do like many in Western Qld now.. But I would buy any Aviation Training Books, I could lay my hands on, study everything I could to gain knowledge etc. Never need an MARAP to do ANYTHING 👍
  13. But we get no choices, don’t join and you don’t fly aircraft in this Aviation sector. If I had my choice I would not be in it at all, because my experiences have not been convivial with RAA. The way I feel right now, is do what i did in South Africa 15 years ago, bought a BMW1200GS Bike, stored it there, flew over every year for 6 years, traveled around for 4-6 weeks, put in storage come home, rinse and repeat🤩 Right now I would go to the U.S. buy an FAA FAR Part 103 plane, store it there and visit twice a year, visit Air Venture etc, fly the wings off it. NO RAA, NO licence, NO bullsh1t, Rinse and repeat, until I die , spending the inheritance. 🤩 I don’t really need RAA, as can go VH rego, class 5 medical, with SAAA and fly away, happy days 👍👍
  14. All they need to do is notify basically that circumstances are pending until final determination is made. No legal discussion can be made, under the circumstances. But to simply say nothing at all, is an insult to the members, shareholder, stakeholders of the organisation.
  15. ¡CEO told me last week, they will get around to it shortly. Snow jobbing a Coroner does not go well, when the relevant people get caught.
  16. We all stand to learn……
  17. Wonder what effect that has, on the RAA insurance policy?
  18. Regardless of who says what, the buck will stop at the end of it all, with whatever happens. Until then we can all cast our opinions, for what they are worth, in the meantime, right or wrong…….
  19. Different to what a Lawyer said to me, personal friend on a phone call. So I will just hurry up, and wait 😁
  20. Alleged withholding of evidence or telling lies to a Coronial Inquest is viewed very seriously, and an insurance company could invalidate a policy covering the organisation involved, and the people in it.
  21. Does not to you, but it will to others 🤢
  22. The bill so far is $400,000 and climbing 🤢
  23. There is never any fairness or honesty in any part of the legal system in Australia. It’s all about money and how much it costs. Human Beings, behaving at their finest………
  24. But there ARE battle plans being made by organisations who know more than us. Given existing imposed legal costs, money has to be found, that people don’t have. Because the actions of some will invalidate any insurance policies, being paid out. Regardless of DPP actions, some people will suffer major loss, then comes civil action possibilities, too. Either way, it’s a sad day for RAAus…….
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