The key here is the ultrasound component, looking for artery narrowing or blockages. In a person with known heart disease an angiogram is done after a blockage is suspected, if found then a stent is inserted to solve the problem.
But, I have seen an instance where another blockage occurred a month later, my wife case in point. The symptoms pointed to another blockage, my wife’s Cardiologist asked me what I thought as I study Cardiology. My comment was, it’s his job but…….if it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, my guess is…’s a duck. As far as I am concerned. So we did an Angiogram and I was in the theatre and yes it was a duck, so I watched the stenting process and the new blockage was 10mm from the previous one. A surprise for us both.
He said he had not seen this before, and he has been attending my wife for 23 years, and she now has 7 stents the result of inherited heart disease. But yes, even Sudden Cardiac Arrest can occur at any time, some 20,000 people die each year from that in Australia. Blockages of of the arteries is one thing, also consider the hearts electrophysiology aspect of problems that can affect it as well.
Its a complex organ that can see continuous service 24 hours a day for 80 years and beyond 🤩🤩