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Everything posted by jackc

  1. The World can never be made perfect, no matter what you do………
  2. 4 tablets in a 600ml bottle of water, about an hour before I fly or do any work in the sun during hot weather, then bottle of water an hour or 2 later..
  3. Like everything I look for multiple sources of information, I should have added that I have spoken to my Pharmacist and GP about this stuff and they gave me suggested dosage rates and how often. My six monthly blood test regime has many added tests at my request for reasons I have outlined to my GP and he has not knocked me back on a request yet, because I tell him why, based on medical research I do. Yes, I m a medical freak, amongst other things 🤩
  4. Luckily for me, my GP is a friend, it pays to have good contacts, likewise my Wife’s Cardiologist who we have dealt with for 23 years, have even been in his operating theatre will working on my wife. We often have medical conversations by phone. Good contacts with knowledgable people in your life will always pay dividends in your life, no matter what their calling may be. Even politicians, lawyers etc, Police etc. you can learn something from them all, rule is mouth shut and ears open. But you also need a good brain to sort the Wheat from the Chaff 🤩
  5. Gp is starting point, a once over, blood tests and ECG. Luckily my GP is also a DAME
  6. Case in point in this published incident, I find it hard to believe in this case that the pilot has no prior symptoms that would have warned him of a possible impending problem. Fortunately, no other people were injured, or worse. Another good reason to assess yourself as fit to fly or…….maybe need an appointment with your GP. Sore left arm, back pain and heartburn are some of the indicators of possible Cardiac problem, amongst others. https://data.ntsb.gov/carol-repgen/api/Aviation/ReportMain/GenerateNewestReport/104866/pdf?fbclid=IwAR2G-uEw62ysU5zx6STWFAoXV631p_uUMeT788t3o09greH_2TryeAwKKCY_aem_ASXbHZr42gJk5JtZP7GoBWlIf8Nqo0rSsFK80M0rTidO5y9IuU03AwQ7XGvPkZRqTB8
  7. The key here is the ultrasound component, looking for artery narrowing or blockages. In a person with known heart disease an angiogram is done after a blockage is suspected, if found then a stent is inserted to solve the problem. But, I have seen an instance where another blockage occurred a month later, my wife case in point. The symptoms pointed to another blockage, my wife’s Cardiologist asked me what I thought as I study Cardiology. My comment was, it’s his job but…….if it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, my guess is…..it’s a duck. As far as I am concerned. So we did an Angiogram and I was in the theatre and yes it was a duck, so I watched the stenting process and the new blockage was 10mm from the previous one. A surprise for us both. He said he had not seen this before, and he has been attending my wife for 23 years, and she now has 7 stents the result of inherited heart disease. But yes, even Sudden Cardiac Arrest can occur at any time, some 20,000 people die each year from that in Australia. Blockages of of the arteries is one thing, also consider the hearts electrophysiology aspect of problems that can affect it as well. Its a complex organ that can see continuous service 24 hours a day for 80 years and beyond 🤩🤩
  8. Well, I took it on myself to get a a full Heart Echo Stress Test, my wife’s Cardiologist gave me the referral and and I paid the $636 for it, the Cardiologist asked WHY and I told him I fly and I had a personal responsibility to be tested, incase I had a latent problem. I passed with flying colours doing my level best to burn the bearings out of the treadmill 🤩 Now I know that heartwise I am fit to fly for a long time. I am very medically orientated, having studied internal medicine for the last 12 years of so and being a paid subscriber to a medical journal where I study case histories and clinical trials as a hobby. My GP is our local DAME as well…..
  9. Like anything, just follow the instructions and don’t overdose etc. as you get older replacing lost electrolytes becomes more important in part of maintaining hydration. https://hydralyte.com.au/
  10. In my case my 24 reg 230D is used for flying school training which prohibits any mods or work other than Jabiru mandated work. Now, endorsements can be done on 19 reg aircraft, with no problem. Jabiru have told me that main wheel size increases will be looked at in the future after they complete their engineering work on fuel injection design product.
  11. Mine is a 24 reg, Jabiru will not allow it. People wonder why I get pi$$ed off with stupid unsafe regulations.
  12. I made myself a rule, to never carry a passenger, not even my wife…..no one. my flying hobby is me and me alone. IF a flight I was piloting went pear shaped, i would never for give myself IF survived and my passenger was badly injured or died. At my time in life I have beaten many possible death scenarios and not looking to push my luck any more. If I crash and die, so be it…….
  13. Nev, it’s a 24 reg Jabiru plane and we can’t change it, I want a panel rotary switch with 0, 10, 20 deg flap settings so I can select what settings I need and just fly the plane. The existing system as fitted from the factory is dangerous in my opinion. Manual flaps would be OK too, but because of stupid rules and Jabiru won’t approve a change, I am stuck 🤢 IF I was 19 reg, it would have been the first mod I would do, along with an increase in main wheel size.
  14. Hydrolyte is my favourite, drinks heaps before I fly. Cost a lot of money but worth it and works for me.
  15. My Instructor will only ever be a passenger, no one else……
  16. The Jabiru electric flap system scares me IF I need a go around as I have to hold flap switch up to raise flaps and use left hand reaching across stick while watching indicator at extreme right of cabin, it’s a horrible system.
  17. In today’s World it comes back to this. You need Public Liability Insurance, with any complexity? Simply take all your information to a lawyer who specialises in Insurance, dump it all in his lap and then get ready to open your wallet, because that is as good as it can get.
  18. Now if the holder of your policy tries to find a reason to deny you claim? Then you end up in crippling litigation in which you cannot afford to defend yourself? Then the policy holder goes down the drain. Years ago the PDS was on the back page of policies, now it a Los Angeles sized phone book of gobldegook and escape clauses, unfortunately.
  19. Public Liability Insurance is a necessary evil for many, however many policies are full of evil escape clauses. The mere fact you have taken out some form of Public Liability insurance against an adverse event, protects the people you are undertaking work or event organisation for. They are covered, but depend on circumstance you may not be covered and may spend a lot of money, enforcing you claim.
  20. There are many offerings, the VTwins also offer a solution, too https://www.aero-news.net/index.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=63F35D18-EDC6-45F4-99FC-0AC80745BEE4
  21. For ANY insurance these days, you pay the premium and sign on the line. From then on you HOPE, as most policies are loaded with escape clauses that can make them worthless when the chips are down. AND you will go broke proving the policy should have covered you for your adverse event.
  22. IF you are smart, study a lot of YouTube videos that are now out there AND have a decent paddock and others surrounding your take off and landing location. Look at wind conditions, with a few bunny hops and NO Instructor, you have a very good chance to teach yourself to fly an Ultralight and do it well, with careful practice. The way our sector of Aviation is going, I don’t blame anyone for giving it a go, in our current declining regulatory environment, sad but true 🤢🤢
  23. It’s Aviation, what else could we expect?
  24. Aircraft is undergoing full refurbishment, have bought 2 others in the meantime……they can actually be flown 👍 WHY CASA? Not their problem as RAA administers us?
  25. In my 30 years of private enterprise, I refused many jobs that related to safety, in Radio Communications, particularly Marine. Bodgy radio/antenna repairs etc. Before the days of Mobile Phones I used to remind customers ‘its a long swim to a Public Phone Box’ when you are broken down or sinking. NO short cut work from my workshop. Just one of many examples……
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