Problem I have is……precious little knowledge of Aviation or its history. Aviation Regulations are a minefield to study, in fact I have never seen such an abortion of legislation/regulation in my life. Hence I have a large handicap in being able to present a case. All I know is the U.S. has a KISS principle in setting up and administering its FAA FAR Part 103 regime, its covered in a few pages of requirements to comply.
About FAA Part 103 for Ultralights | EAA
Adopted and effective in 1982, Part 103 formally established what truly is recreational flight.
Its easy for our regulators to copy this and I accept there must me some kind of framework around this for admin of training and safety, but retain the U.S. FAA requirements/specification as defined by them. Would not be hard to alter the regime a little for our use here, but the plan must be closely aligned with FAA. NO actual licence, NO rego……. We are talking low budget Aviation here, a starting point. It may sow the seeds for RAA and GA Aviation, too.
RAAus is a company, they wont make money, so they will never support it. So we start a ‘new AUF’ as another entity?
Its a lower rung on the ladder below RAAus, all ladders have steps 🙂