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Everything posted by jackc

  1. The Savannah Air Force 🙂
  2. Did anyone think to phone the RAAus Technical Dept? After seeing all this, they will write an amendment for their Technical Manual 🙂
  3. Not for a factory 24 rego, unless makers STC?
  4. Turbs, I take on board what you say…..but the more I learn, I can’t but think the whole system is somewhat broken 😞. Insurance? You can forget that as Insurance companies dig as deep as the can to deny any claims they can. Policies with PDS documents not understood by many. CASA Riles have a mountain of bandaids stuck one on top of the other! WHY? because they are too lazy to rewrite anything that will update and simplify the rules. RAAus are guilty of the same…….their attitude is simply, just pay your rego and membership? Their insurance policy for members? I have been told by those who know……it’s a paddock full of Landmines 😞 RAAus themselves need to get their act together, too. But, being the little Cupcakes we are…..we just suck it up.
  5. Look, you screw up, licence or not in, ANY kind of aircraft and DIE by your own hand? When your life is lost, its over. I have NO life insurance, NO superannuation, NO pension, the first 2 are a big scam anyway. At my age I have NO fcuks to give. So, all the goody two shoes people can go live the rest of their unhappy life obeying every last nanny rule until they croak. Not for me……Adventure has been part of my whole life. My wife? Sadly she looks like passing before but if it’s the reverse I have her covered anyway. I am a decision maker and planner…….
  6. In crashing anything, some people will do their best to make the Crasher…..a scapegoat. No matter how innocent they could be. Human nature can be VERY horrible in some cases……
  7. The wheels or wings or bilge plugs go missing AND you injure or kill somebody, licence or not….YOU are done like a dinner. NO licence is a mitigating event to the main problem. IF I chose to fly unlicensed, or in an unregistered plane, it would be on a property in the Central West of Qld, even to the point I could trailer it out to a remote road somewhere and fly……that makes the ‘illegality’ of it even more fun! The big rule would/should be NO passenger(s) So, you crash and die with either result…..on impact, or the passage of time before found. YOU the PIC decide your risk factor in this. You make a big bungle and YOU die? Will CASA, RAAus fine your estate for your unlicensed flying, what about you insurance for plane? There is none if you had no licence and you are not alive to claim anyway…..so what’s it all matter. Your family get to grieve, but you are GONE…… Also, how many licences pilots have flown without a current medical they are under? How many with expired BFR?, expired 100 hourly?, Without correct endorsements? Snuck through controlled air space? Flown IMC on VFR flight? How would CASA ever know? They won’t unless they spring you on a ramp check. Bigger chance of an RBT in the Simpson Desert?
  8. I buy Tycab Australian Made cable via Cooldrive, cost more but worth it. Gave Junkar away a long time ago….. https://www.tycab.com.au/
  9. With the advent of most organisations wanting to treat crash investigations like hot potatoes. It’s getting to a situation where people care less, just want to do their own thing. Why become involved? An old DC-3 pilot I was talking to a couple days ago said to me, WHY even bother with even having a licence, you don’t need one to be a good pilot 🙂 I said a resounding YES!!! Licences will never stop crashes. You can still be.a crap pilot with a licence and a hay stack high list of endorsements and still crash. As a PIC, the whole buck stops with you as a pilot. Be it a 747 or an Aerolyte 103
  10. All my cable supplies come from Cooldrive in 30m rolls, made by Jaylec.
  11. Speaking of fuel tank condensation, for machines on the ground, I often give them a dose of Methylated Spirits to solve that problem.
  12. Don’t lean too hard on decent Instructors…….or there will be NONE left. They will simply call it a day and enjoy their twilight years flying there own planes.
  13. There is lots of good YouTube stuff, and not so good. You need to sift the wheat from the chaff. Jason Miller from “The “Finer Points” has some good stuff.
  14. Well, I am about to find out…….got one of those pumps a few months ago, not tried mine yest
  15. I am sorry, but RAAus needs to lift their game a bit. They can harp on all they like about safety, maybe their methodology in the delivery of the message needs to change? In this threads case, pilot made poor decision by the looks of it. His logbook hours, experience, endorsements etc mean NOTHING. His licence did not save him. Circumstances on the day went against him 🙂. I feel sad for those left behind 😞. He probably should never have started the trip, if the plane was not right. Too late now 😞
  16. Most Govt Depts won’t allow the use of 20lt jerry cans due to being too heavy when filled, due to OH&S rules. I use 2 x 10 litre cans as it’s a balanced load for my body to carry, using 1 x 20 litre can is an unbalanced load and not good for your body, especially when heaving it into the back of a ute.
  17. Use 10 litre steel jerry cans, filled from 20 litr ones, with large Mr Funnel works a treat. Too old lifting 20 litre cans these days 🙂
  18. In this this thread’s case I would say a robust discussion of differing opinions. NO group of posters have the same opinion and that is a good thing, I have learnt from many who don’t agree with me at times:-). So long as discussion does not turn nasty and totally revengeful, just let it flow along 🙂
  19. I guess the end was near when he teed up a beat up run on his mates house in North Coffs, so his mate had a photo op from his lawn. The relationship went backwards from there 😞. Well, I wrote off my 6 hours money in lesson credits that he ripped off me. Not to mention my logbooks he did not send to my new flying school. I still chuckle on one lesson near the end, he says ‘your aircraft’ so I promptly head out to sea 🙂. He says, ‘where do you think you’re going? ‘. I say ‘New Zealand’ Please book inflight refuelling in 5 hours time! He says ‘what about food and beverages?’ I say ‘none’ then silence fir a few seconds then I say ‘ think yourself lucky you are not sitting on a 20 litre drum riding with my airline’. I guess I did not endear my self to him. He seemed a nice guy otherwise, but I have learnt a lot since those days. I guess I had to start somewhere………
  20. Well, I think I got ripped off first time around…….I did 18 hours training with my first flight school and never got to do a take off even 😞 I was beginning to think I was a crap student. But then another student did something like 35 hours to get her RPC at the same place. Current flying school was a 2 hour training assessment tha i passed fine, after nearly 3 years no lessons COVID plus a hire pilot binned the original flying school plane (5 months to get repaired) I lost 6 hours of lesson costs in credit etc, so never went back. Current CFI asks have I ever done takeoffs and landings……no, none of that. So we did a take off together, then next one I did…….worked out fine. Did my circuits OK until I hit a willy willy and shook things up a bit. Landings are next up in a week or 2 and he says I should be good to go after another 4 hours, and hopefully do solo time. Not banking on that but I am getting closer to the end goal 🙂
  21. With a lack of verifiable information, the Coroner will probably trot out the old ‘Death By Misadventure’ finding?
  22. In respect of this crash, I wonder how many hours in the pilots log for last 12 months? What about last BFR? Experience on aircraft type? Overall condition of aircraft? Experience in flying the type of conditions present on the day? Since no investigation? We won’t know, apart from bush opinions and gossip?
  23. We all have our methodologies in making our decisions, based on our knowledge and risk assessment. Even PICs with many thousands of hours in their logs can make a mistake. Even to the point….don’t feel like flying today, so I won’t. I used to apply it to motorcycle riding, even.
  24. Landing on the highway have been a better option? OR fly to alternate, not many out there though. Either way may have been less crosswind for take off. Would have be best to stay on the ground for right conditions?
  25. Want your crash investigated? Change over from RAAus rego to VH rego and ATSB will have to do something 🙂
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