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Everything posted by jackc

  1. And they won’t stop until they get that blood, even at the wrong person's expense?
  2. You want Spooks to visit your house? I found how easy that was, stuff being moved on RPT for nefarious purposes. Contrary to popular belief……they don’t turn up in Black Helicopters either. White rental Corollas, not wanting to blow their budget…….
  3. Given todays environment, it pays to say NOTHING about any incident you heard from the Grapevine, a trusted source or anywhere else. Because at worst IF it blows up as an investigation? You could well end up with a Subpoena stuffed into your top pocket with an appearance date……. Happened to me twice in my life, and one investigation went on for 6 years……
  4. At the start, my flying school specifically stated he would retain the log books with the School, I did not know any better so that is the way it is. Don’t remember seeing any of this at the start of my RAAus membership either. But the way things have been lately, I don’t expect too much of RAAus as our compulsory peak body AND regulator, either……
  5. I recently started at a new school, my previous flight school sent my training hours through to my new school, but not my log books 😞 The claimed they sent them, and never did. I went to RAAus but they said not their problem…..between me and my old flight school. So, my new instructor looked at my hours and asked me what I had done. So, I was subject to 2 hours of flying with him setting my flight tasks and I did them as requested for my training assessment. I was assessed on my performance and he was very happy. Now, I had not done a lesson for 3 years and had never flown the aircraft type, a Jabiru J-230D that I had just purchased, called it the ‘Super Bin Chicken’ 🙂 Yesterday, I was given 45 minutes whiteboard on takeoffs, circuits etc. which after 1.5 hours of training, completed those tasks to his standard. Next week will be more whiteboard and landings etc, so will need to try and pull off some greasers IF I am lucky. flying conditions here are very hot and lumpy. Approaches will see sink, lift etc and make it difficult etc. So will get more revision work and advance more in the training etc. Now up to some 21 hours training all up. So, basically you will be up for assessment hours, plus any addition to get you to sign off level, not to mention theory exams and radio work.
  6. Be VERY aware of a revengeful person who has just received a terminal disease diagnosis with a short TTR. Also bear in mind that same person has NOTHING to lose in their existing life, except that life itself.
  7. RAAus is now upwards of $300 per hour for training, plus surcharges etc.
  8. Arms length all right, until it wants rego money, certificate and membership money OR it wants to change regulations, enforce regulations. No such thing as an arms length regulator? I would allege the structure of the organisation is incorrect and should possibly go back to what it was?
  9. Better remind the RAAus CEO about the history, his recent attitude requires reprogramming…..
  10. NO functioning radio(s) because of faults, on differing frequencies? Or possibly one radio not ‘on’ or being used. NO EC devices or transponder fitted or in use. And poor ‘see and avoid’ ? Wonder IF this incident would have occurred IF Sky Echo units were fitted and ON in both aircraft?
  11. The FAA’s FAR Part 103 regime is looking better all the time, No Licence and NO rego and just go flying……hang the consequences and just take all responsibility:-).
  12. There were allegedly quite a few radio transmissions by the Glider, NONE from the other aircraft?
  13. Well, regulators have a responsibility to do their job, if that involves investigation then so be it. They bone us IF we break any rules they make……but that’s what they see as the fun in their job. Just like Police and traffic radars, cameras etc. The smokos consists of bragging right for their daily ‘kills’. That happens everywhere rules/laws are enforced. Paramedics join the Ambulance Service and must realise what they are into……DONT do it if you don’t think you are upto it. I joined the Military ‘69 to ‘75 knowing full well I could have to at worse shoot people dead and some days have the best of fun doing my job. Maybe this is how Aviation should work……everyone for him/her self??
  14. Well, RAA is all we have and they are our peak body and regulator and are beholden to CASA? IF no one wants to care much about investigations that’s it, party is over…….
  15. A personal friend of mine now retired was a Forensic Pathologist amongst other things. In his working life he did 11,000 autopsies and lived at Coronial Inquests etc. He was very dedicated to his work. His knowledge and experience would be a big loss to the profession. But he loved his work and obviously cut out for it. I always say, don’t like your job? Then ditch it and do something else, no matter what……..
  16. WHY do we pay membership? Plane rego? Certificates etc? And RAAus wants play in its sandpits of choice? IF it’s people don’t want to do what comes with their job, then find another job and let others who are prepared to do it, take it on. Ya gotta take the good with the bad in this life. Go hard OR…..go home 🙂
  17. Maybe RAAus are like ATSB and don’t want to spend the money? Just let the Police do a 3 line report and the Coroner can spend 2 minutes….say death by mis adventure……next case please 😞
  18. Should just need a wireless comms practical as it relates to Aviation, ANY comms licence should have RPL recognition?
  19. Yeah well, i only got 4 pages in to Paragraph 6 and broke out in fits of laughter to the point of my wife asking what wrong with me? Then commenting, am I reading something about planes 🙂. Yep I said, situation normal 🙂
  20. I get the impression that FAA FAR Part 103 is not well received by RAAus and any approvals would be difficult from brief conversations I have had, MONEY would be a big part of anything. There are companies advertising in Australia and I have enquired with them. However they keep no stock of kits etc, It’s a hurry up and take a long wait of you want something and they just lay down what people can do, can’t do and I get the impression IF I managed to buy one of their kits they would immediately run off and tell RAAus that I got one. Australia is a nation of snitchers and dobbers on people who are different and innovative unless they are making money from something. Everything is mainly about money. Aviation is no different, sadly. For years I have been breaking rules modifying my own vehicles without approvals and never crashed or died. Wether my cars have the magical blue mod plate for Qld makes no difference to me. What the ear does not hear, the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve 🙂 Hint…..my home made LP GAs injection system for Diesels works great., but illegal!! For me illegal is a sick bird 🙂 Bring on Part 103, wether The regulators like it or not……just get out there and FLY legal or not 🙂
  21. All getting too hard, should not be complex, but you can guarantee it will be…….many egos out to do battle and naturally MORE costs to membership. Might be time to go VH? Would that help?
  22. Wonder IF they will RPL my Advanced Ham Radio Licence 🙂
  23. Well, you can adopt the rules of IFR as it allies in this case. ‘I Follow Roads’ and that is easy 🙂 On your trip yo do some ‘go around’ practice….you select a piece of highway where there is a large intersection, you setup to land on the road……fly the approach and then execute an ‘early’ go around, reading the road signs as you fly past at say 200ft. Climb out, head for next chosen town and mark your chart as a confirmed location, amend your flight plan as needed and think winner…winner chicken dinner 🙂
  24. An then, just image the machine the Part 103 ‘Dingo’ now this would be fun 🙂 https://youtu.be/UmKW9ajxQ3k
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