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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Well, the RAAus guy did not front the trike owner? IF the owner was not contacted by RAAus, I would wonder why? Maybe RAAus shelfed the owner to CASA? They would take a long time to follow up? RAAus skulking around in the shadows is not a good PR look, makes members feel like the enemy? But then most Regulators operate like that these days, it’s the makeup of some of the people that work for them, I call those types ‘plastic policemen’ 🙂
  2. My resident Camel, destroys farm gates in a heartbeat 🙂
  3. Well, an RAAus person turned up at the Old Station Fly In, and was seen to be taking covert photos of some aircraft and then quietly left, before making himself known to the CDFG Club tent who were doing all the marshaling etc. I would allege it was an undercover mission on RAAus part. So be aware you may be observed at any time and not know it 😞 Can be known as a Fact Finding Mission, their description……we would have other words…….
  4. Tape is must have if large animals decide to feast on your wings or tail feathers 🙂
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Lots of good info on Part 103 Aircraft etc.
  6. https://www.eaa.org/eaa/aviation-interests/~/link.aspx?_id=F19457F9B41B41D391AA484BA86EF880&_z=z
  7. I use a soda gas bottle kit, 2 -3 bottles will blow up a BMW 1200 GS Tyre. I carry a Gorilla Snot tyre repair kit onboard my Vespa 300 GTS Super scooter. 1 bottle will pump up its tubeless tyre, when flat.
  8. Not so sure they work very well on AGM batteries, especially spiral plate ones?
  9. Whilst YouTube can be your friend, nothing can beat some training BEFORE you attempt to take to the sky 🙂
  10. Once a battery goes flat, you can recover it but it will lose capacity a small amount at the minimum, run it flat a few times and it’s in the bin 😞
  11. The way I work is as soon as I buy anything that has a battery, I just replace it so I know what I have. Every once in a while I do a load test with a digital tester, IF the battery has lost capacity by a reasonable CCA amount, then it’s gone. My newly acquired J-230 will be flying to me next week, so I will have the ferry pilot take a new battery with him, to fit and fly it home.
  12. Bruce, have you asked around SAAA? What area?
  13. Probably difficult, as I am about to find out with an Instructor even. It has been done in the days before YouTube with simple aircraft but no one would admit to it 🙂
  14. “Learn To Fly” series on YouTube? Is his friend 🙂 🙂
  15. jackc


    Alan of Wingtech retired October last year and sold off all his factory machinery and managed to use up the last of his sail materials inventory. I was fortunate to get the last full set he made, cost me $3970 delivered to Rockhampton. He also included repair swatches of material for me. I have heard nothing since of anyone advertising Thruster skins since.
  16. I moved my Aeropup Gympie to Rockhampton, used my 3.5t car trailer with tyres at 15PSI, and breezed along at 80-90kmh. Kept an eye on the hinge point of the wings and had no damage problems. It hung over the back of the trailer a little, was passed by a few HWP Cars but not pulled over, they were probably happy I was driving steadily……
  17. Sorry, a product misspelling on my part, been using this stuff on Ham Radio antennas for years….
  18. Aluminox (sp) is your friend 🙂
  19. Glen, when will it be available?
  20. The Microair 760 was never a great radio and as far as I know there have be no design changes either, the business has changed hands but products are still the same. I am pedantic about radios and have simply decided to replace mine, then I know I am good to go, reliably.
  21. Thanks mucho Ian for the fix……will test it 🙂
  22. Go find an antenna analyser, NOT a SWR meter and sweep the Aviation Band and see where it is best resonant, hopefully on you rmost used frequencies. One of my first jobs when I get the Super Bin Chicken home, along with a NEW Becker radio, the MicroAir 760 will be replaced ASAP.
  23. I hope the pilot recovers OK, but suspect it will be a long road for him….. Fire is one of my greatest fears……
  24. jackc


    Sorry for dumb question but, what happens to 24 rego for your conversion?
  25. Today I bought the ‘Super Bin Chicken’ 🙂
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