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Everything posted by jackc

  1. But forcing right of way can be disastrous on the road and in the sky and in this case no one crashed, just write it down to experience?
  2. Onetrack, I take on board what you say but the only thing it can fall on is any of our Wallabies around the place, IF that happens we will butcher it and eat it! Insurance? It won’t blow down the way I will build it, I spoke with an engineer and he simply dribbled on and on and what it would cost……. I just lost interest 🙂 Everything I have designed here has always worked with no trouble, In this case the steel supplier gave me a catalogue with all the specs for the material I am using so I am guided by that. I had a shed built here by a kit shed builder…….pulled him up because he short cutted, shed leaked like a sieve…..he did not care, got an inspection done on it, report documented problems. Went to the builder with it, he basically said a shed is not guaranteed waterproof and to get lost. I said I am off to my Solicitor……he changed his tune, cost him $5000 for a roofer to make good. So it’s DIY for me these days 🙂
  3. Pre flight stuff but there is more to come I believe 🙂
  4. Maybe I should do a build thread, I am engineering it all, based on some I have seen. Actually have 2 to build for separate locations, one in a cyclone area.
  5. Turbs, you just identified a serious short coming of RAaus to address the MET training. A very important part of flying. So maybe RAaus need to be pressured on this? Flight planning was my last club training day, I felt it was worthwhile and so did the other attendees. I am always hungry to learn, it’s been part of my whole life.
  6. It’s generally recognised that many human beings don’t like to admit they screwed up. Is it better to dob people in or, offer to educate them? If there is not regular safety seminars and simple refresher courses, about the various Aviation requirements, then we have all failed…… Forward thinking clubs need to do this sort of thing, more often. Our CDFG club does 🙂
  7. I have suffered many months in ‘Hangar hell’. getting prices that were astronomical from kit shed places with delays and astronomical prices to put it up. A couple of weeks ago I bit the bullet and decided to build my own from the ground up. Now a week to go and a large load of steel will be delivered and will start to build the trusses and all the bits, setting up in my big shed for the build, welders, cutoff saw, plasma cutter, mag base drill, and all the other goodies needed. I have machinery to put up the frames, trusses, purlins etc, but will get someone to screw the roof on. I am too old to do that 🙂. This whole thing is engineered by myself, being totally unqualified and put up in the middle of the bush 🙂
  8. Makes me kind of envious 🙂 I have all the gear, but NO idea!!
  9. Head off to your Doctor and describe your situation, probably start with a full lot of blood tests, also get your eyes checked and wear sunglasses for glare if you don’t already. You could try over the counter sea sickness medication too….
  10. Well maybe it’s time to run a airmanship seminar in a few places and help get people up to speed. One of our CDFG members hosted a Flight Planning one a couple of weekends ago along with a bush luncheon that was very social. Another instructor brought along the latest VFRG books for sale along with other CASA. publications. A great training day and social as well. I got a lot out of it and we had about 15 or so attendees. Maybe there needs to be more days like this?
  11. I will order for a flying school aircraft on cross hire and see what happens, IF it’s a disaster I would ask Jabiru for approval for same horsepower UL motor that I could substitute. Which thy would probably refuse? I won’t say anymore, yet 🙂
  12. Thanks everyone for the advice, well have given thought to all this. The J-230 is on my radar and subject to inspection hopefully next week. I will simply use it within its current limitations. Subject to how much I like it, I will order a new complete Gen 4 engine for it. The Aeropup is already equiped with big wheels and is getting its rewire completed, that aircraft can give me off airport entertainment and I will look at replacing the Rotax 80hp with a UL 350i or similar possibly in the future. The Thruster will get the new 582 I already have for it. All this SHOULD cover me to EOL 🙂
  13. Thanks Brendan, Only problem is I need 24 reg, otherwise a Savannah would be fine, I am close to a deal on a 1400 hour J-230 with luck, hence my tyre enquiry.
  14. Jabiru’s email in it entirety as sent to me: If the aircraft is registered as experimental (i.e. 19-rego or VH- experimental), then the approval process is up to you. If the aircraft is registered under the ASTM LSA (i.e. 24-rego) then the aircraft has to remain standard (500 x 6 nose and mains). Under ASTM there is no STC ruling, it is a manufactures approval. FYI: the font nose wheel yoke will not accommodate any larger tyre than 500 x 6 due to clearance withing the yoke ID dimensions. Also, if the tyre size is increased, it will put more loading on the main gear legs and fuse attachment point and the braking capacity will be reduced. This is something that we have not load tested or approved.
  15. It will be quite a while before RAA get those privileges for RPC holders. In the meantime, many will go VH for lower cost and more privileges.
  16. And, I am not so sure a Sky Echo will make the cut, either?
  17. It’s all the talk at SAAA, there was a seminar on it a Narromine apparently, lots of interest. Car medicals for GA will probably make many go back to GA, many planes just sitting in hangars will take to the skies once again. RAA people will upgrade and change over to VH and be able to fly in controlled airspace, too?
  18. Too busy putting all their efforts into Drones, bragging about going ahead in leaps and bounds, shame they would not pour the same effort into Aviation that has real pilots….
  19. IF I get this aircraft, I will have a good look, the front wheel yoke will not allow a size increase anyway, but Jabiru said also that the load mount points for undercarriage had not been tested for increased stress on those points of the fuselage, either. Cant see how that could be, even for a small increase but they design aircraft and I dont……and being 24 rego etc etc, we all know the story.
  20. Heard back from Jabiru….. If the aircraft is registered under the ASTM LSA (i.e. 24-rego) then the aircraft has to remain standard (500 x 6 nose and mains). Under ASTM there is no STC ruling, it is a manufactures approval. Jabiru have done no load testing etc to come up data that allows such modifications to a 24 reg J-230, for approval by them. Therefore I will just have to let the tyres down a bit, for softer landings 🙂
  21. Well, I have made the enquiry to Jabiru so will see what happens?
  22. Aviation regulators have as a Police Officer would say, ‘form’ 😞
  23. I believe they are doing audits in Qld at this time……
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