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Everything posted by jackc

  1. A LAME OK’ed these engine mounts on my 912 powered Aeropup.
  2. The more I read this thread, seems lots of differing interpretations making me feel safer paddock jumping in a FAA Part 103 aircraft and staying well away from any airfields/airports etc. Not over 400 feet, just dodging the odd Drone. 🤩🤩
  3. This brand would only be my only choice, costly? Yes, but probably the best there is…… https://www.turtlepac.com/products/collapsible-jerry-can-fuel-tanks/
  4. Another MOSAIC Update https://bydanjohnson.com/mosaic-a-different-perspective/
  5. And a factory 400km from me that welcomes me through their doors, when I visit. And, can get parts anytime I want. 👍
  6. I was talking to a very well regarded Aviator about the video. I sent it to him for comment, he got the laughs I got from it and he simply said ‘that’s how we used to do it’ 🤩 We have people on this Earth who should not be driving cars, but they are. We have people who should not be flying aircraft, but they are. The difference is a poor pilot is soon to crash, and a poor self teaching pilot is going to crash SOONER?
  7. Back in th good old days we we can never see again UNLESS you have a go at FAA FAR Part 103 Aircraft in a secret place from prying eyes 🤩🤩 https://youtu.be/GuPNfrfJVP0?si=5GD6QnoNEo0Mmzip
  8. I flew that route often, 20 or so years ago on British Airways 747s, always got seat 59a up the back next to the drink machine, did not even have to get out of my seat for a drink 🤩 Brisbane to Narita Japan is another route that could get rough, too. I ALWAYS wear set belts, regardless and never had a problem…..
  9. With a Glider…..you can stay over speed on approach then chuck out air brakes, speed is regained quickly when you put them away. Better to be over by a lot than under 🤩
  10. This is something that most Ultralight Pilots fly to, but is relevant to larger aircraft, too https://www.facebook.com/100063952303049/posts/pfbid02heLF1QFqrFtp9farsGNXQVyNMJr6fu6mTC3HJonk9bvhczHGk99Noz5ZnX7fsFLgl/? An instance for me, I was doing Glider training at Benalla in an ASK21, My instructor came from France for the Gliding Season. Unfortunately, myself and EVA did not get along too well. 🤢 We get the aero tow from the LS1 V8 powered Pawnee, and we are away. Here I am doing as she asked fly out near Lake Makoan, she is not happy and in a terse voice say ‘you are gonna kill us both’ rest of the lesson was less than ordinary. Next flight she decides I don’t need much in the way of instrumentation. Pre take off instrument check I say ‘panel inoperative, instruments missing, don’t need ‘em anyway ‘ Cut the air with a chainsaw 🤩 terse instructions to fly the lesson. God part was, I greased the landing and not a word was said…… Who needs instruments? Fly by the seat of you pants, worked for me 🤩
  11. The more I read of this thread and similar. It’s never an open and shut case favouring Aviation. Airports are seen as a potential money makers for alternative uses, not tied to Aviation. And Local Govt entities are usually up to their ears in less then ethical dealings.
  12. FAA FAR Part 103 even easier 🤩
  13. It was so much simpler……back in the Wright Bros days 🤩
  14. I would never make Commercial Pilot, if I did not like weather on the day, I would say this 747 ain’t going anywhere and I would be fired in a heartbeat. On any given day, I don’t have to fly anywhere if I don’t have most things in my favour, but having said that, I make the risk assessment even IF it was a string bag Part 103 machine.
  15. I told one of his relatives, he will die in a plane crash one day 🤢 I do know he bought some kind of rocket ship from the U.S. 20 years ago, something like $3mil, and ferried it back to Sydney. Have not seen him for years, believe he owns a heap of car dealerships in Sydney.
  16. I can say I have been there done that 🤩 You just don’t know what a crazy life I have lead 🤩
  17. I had a horrible incident as a right seat passenger in a A36 Bonanza 42 years ago, the VFR Pilot (my boss at the time) A weather front came up enroute to Archerfield from Rockhampton. We got to Gayndah and I figured he would land there, no he wanted to keep going, I said make left turn, me being the pseudo navigator with a fist full of charts and not even half a clue at what I was doing . We go to the coast…….we got there with cloud down to 700ft. I said turn right at the beach and keep the sand on the right and the water on the left. He was visibly worried and I could honestly see it ending horribly bad. He ended up calling at Maroochydore on the radio and we were down to 600ft 🤢 He made a raggy landing because he was badly stressed. I will never forget that day, ever. We got a ride to Brisbane, I picked up a new Merc 2224 prime mover and drove home. Th Boss got grounded there for 3 days and I believe he got roasted for making the flight.
  18. This looks like a good FAR Part 103 training organisation 🤩 https://www.ultralightinstruction.com/ultralightinstruction-3 https://www.ultralightinstruction.com/ultralightinstruction-1
  19. When you do any recognised training, even if not needed. You get a certificate. I got my first at 5 years old for Learning to Swim, at the Harden-Murrumbarrah swimming pool in 1957. Did I need it? NO….but I have not drowned , thus far in my life 🤩
  20. I mean this is a doable dream for me, I have done many crazy things in my life and I am still here 🤩 ANY kind of training no matter what is a bonus. A training certificate is something, I can chalk up as an achievement. and count it as done 🤩 I have always been a minimalist person and had achievements in life doing a lot, with less. Hence I will never own a Dodge RAM. I drove a Suzuki 4x4 to many parts of Australia nearly 50 years ago, many people laughed at me, and said all sorts of things.
  21. Probably, I could ask Dennis Carley or Hayes Aero. Have to contact them next week on another matter…….
  22. Subject says it all 🤩🤩👍 https://youtu.be/hqUK4jkqlSY?si=nUkDzrtVOgYpYKpQ
  23. I know I will get shot down but, I wished VOR was still available to the extent it once was…….
  24. Turbs, It sounds to me that recent comments you make, indicate your keyboard is due for its 100 hourly? 👍
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