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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Your motor won’t blow up IF you get a negative answer 🙂Just fly the freaking thing 🙂
  2. Just call them on the mobile, leave radio on but not ask anything over radio lest someone snitches to CASA about me getting some advantage in respect of rules etc. Can’t trust many human beings these days 🙂 Big mistake in letting people know what you are upto other than the usual commonsense safety things.
  3. Won’t get anything in writing, that is for sure. IF SHTF, I do have pretty good negotiating skills though. I will just work on that plan 🙂
  4. Turbs, you are the one always on about rules etc. I am saying I have to break rules to do what I need, that incidentally won’t harm anyone…..but as you always say ‘rules are rules’ Anyway, you seem to have a set on me tonight? I don’t remember pee’ing your Weeties this morning?
  5. Can’t go over 1000 above mean sea level, so that leaves me 350 AGL. Spoke with Rocky ATC, gave them location. They have said they will let me fly out of here, buts it’s not strictly to the written rule…… sometimes the written rules are stupid anyway. Just like some of the airspace changes ASA want to make.
  6. In my area I have NONE, with airstrip at 650 feet above MSL. and controlled airspace breathing down my neck 😞
  7. IF they have engine failure, can you have too much knowledge? Besides some controlled airspace restrictions mean you have to fly low?
  8. Maybe the local energy provider can supply power line mapping for an area people wish to fly in?
  9. In which case I would never fly to or from an airport I did not think safe enough. Serves as a good reminder to me when planning any trip to make sure I feel safe to fly to a location, or not.
  10. jackc


    Long intakes also help engine torque?
  11. Sorry, it IS Wal. Maybe best to hunt down a 582 and get him to do it. I was originally going to send him mine to do up, but decided to get a new one……when It comes I will drop my old one out and send it to him and get rebuilt, then I have a spare 🙂
  12. You don’t need to send it to the U.S. There is a guy near Melbourne certified to rebuild your engine and be zero timed. You could look for a 582 and do the same to it, more power and again zero timed. Would have to hunt up his number for you.
  13. My 25 rego T300 is flying with. 582 on condition, and running fine, however I did order a new complete Rotax motor with g/box so it will be zero time when installed.
  14. One can only pass on what the media prints, hence even posting the story as reported can be wrong 😞 I posted in good faith but maybe that’s a mistake, too.
  15. Here is another pic from the news article, looks different aircraft? Probably BOTH file photos 😞
  16. This was the photo published in The Chronicle relating to the crash, but we all know the lazy media often use file photos these days 😞
  17. This was the aircraft.. 😞
  18. Sadly it’s all true 🙂. Saving Bankstown now would be akin to trying to save the Titanic if it was equiped with bilge pumps from a 12ft tinny😞 Start making plans that don’t include Bankstown…….. The man with the nuts and bolts shop goes and buys a truck, sets it up like the Snap On Tools business model and he travels to various airports flogging his wares. A maintenance facility looks to move to another airport, same as any aviation business and considers NOTHING will change at Bankstown………the ship has sailed and it ain’t coming back 😞 The big time corporates have got what they wanted and it’s the end of an Aviation era, sad but true…….
  19. Arse is too close to the ground IF the plane does a gear up landing 🙂
  20. Yes, 4 manufacturers under the FAA FAR Part 103 in the U.S. https://www.eaa.org/eaa/aviation-interests/ultralights/getting-started-in-ultralight-flying/ultralight-manufacturers No category as such in Australia, however I have been referred to our CAO 95.10? that MAY allow unregistered aircraft to fly within the confines of the aircraft owners property, with restrictions? This needs clarification? https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2021L01670
  21. Every time I mention these types of flying machine to modern aviators, the ‘CASA lovers’ want to shoot me down 😞 Well, it’s coming……my day in the sky with NO registration and NO bullsh1t will happen……it’s on my bucket list. So, the little goody two shoes RA-aus and others will have to lump it. It will probably have to be a night VFR flight at midnight on a full Moon….what fun that would be 🙂
  22. Just phase out Qantas period……
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