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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Well, our peak body better get it right, IF any members make a mistake anywhere, RAaus are quick to call them out 😞
  2. RA-Aus are our peak body, also our regulators and are always on about Safety which is good, but they need to get up to speed on thorough detailed incident reports that everyone can learn from. Everyone stands to learn 🙂
  3. RA-Aus are our peak body, also our regulators and are always on about Safety which is good, but they need to get up to speed on thorough detailed incident reports that everyone can learn from. Everyone stands to learn 🙂
  4. One would’ve thought members from the coalface should’ve been included?
  5. Want to keep the Aviation budget low with minimal instruction cost, and no problem medicals. We need a Foundation Aviation sector for Australia. Just copy FAA FAR Part 103 in its entirety, from the U.S. It just celebrated it 40th anniversary recently.
  6. We have 3 problems, drivers with no care for others, cars with razor sharp power steering and, cruise controls….
  7. Now, from what I have heard from a learned source Part 43 may never see the light of day as it has to go through the the Senate and may not make it, the LAMES Guild? may see to it that as a result of their efforts against it?
  8. Group G will be a winner, but cheap C152s will end as they are snapped up. Some people will take up the challenge and some won’t. Everyone now has a bigger choice 🙂
  9. I am flat chat as we speak 🙂
  10. I am totally responsible for my personal medical status, I have been studying Internal medicine for 8 years as a hobby and subscribe to several peer reviewed medical journals. My choice alone…..but it has paid dividends.
  11. Life everywhere has a risks of premature death, and I personally know of many…….
  12. And tens of thousands or more died in that time from alcohol abuse, then there’s Maccas related heart attacks etc etc.
  13. Let me say for a relative newbie, not very much meant a thing to me……..all the quoting of Part 149, 103 etc etc did not relate. So, MTOW 760 won’t be needed by me as I don’t aspire, it was a revelation for those wanting to go that way though. Tha other things like the Tech Manual amendments etc, never seem to stop, it seems rules are cherry picked from the U.S. and altered? Why? We should just adopt all the U.S. FAA rules completely and where relevant make any small adjustments where required, not butcher their rules for sake of doing so. Now, whilst I am on the soapbox, RAA is all about getting more privileges for the ‘upper end of town’. What about the ‘lower end of town’ where Aviation was the start for many in the past and could be for the future, too? Yes, I bang on about FAA FAR Part 103? The FAA rules for this sector in the U.S. spans a massive four pages……..how simple is that? Or are RAA and others just wanting to wheel the barrow they have. I keep asking AOPA about this and keep getting ignored, well it’s membership renewal time…….Guess what??
  14. In this case it may be his life and his money will be soon parted……
  15. Rollo makes kits in Gympie and has shipped to the U.S. as well
  16. Can’t wait to see your S-21 build, Mark 🙂
  17. Doing anything without a licence is FUN. I Used to be radio pirate with CBs years ago getting chased everywhere. Been threatened with arrest etc. Got nailed once under the Crimes Act 1914, fronted court defended myself and the D.O.C of the time had a barrister, blew him into the weeds and had all charges dismissed. Not a year later they decided to make CB legal. Using that precedent, we publish lots of unlicensed ultralight FAR Part 103 operations and CASA might just think about something in the future. Have asked Admin here for subgroup……tried to do it but would not work.
  18. Went and got tested for senility, dementia and other mental problems to add to my will, wife likewise. Finances covered etc. So, my documentation is in order 🙂
  19. Look, I am over it……IF I kill my self doing anything stupid its MY fault, it’s up to me to do my own risk assessment to determine if I wish to go ahead or not. IF risk involves others? Nope won’t go there. Who can sue me IF I kill or badly injure myself? It’s all on me. You know, I did all sorts of dangerous things in my business life making my own personal risk assessments before there was even a coined phrase. 30 years of my own business with NO public liability insurance, nothing. Not even product liability insurance for anything I designed and built, no project insurance either. Never had a problem in those 30 years.
  20. Lost me, pilot is many sandwiches short of a picnic….Not a case of if, it’s a case of when it will all come to a sad end for him 😞
  21. EVERYTHING in this life has elements of risk, the idea being to minimise them where possible. IF nobody ever took risks, this Earth would not have got as far as it has. I take all advice onboard THEN work out if the risks are too high for injury/death to myself or any other human beings. If you only knew of the highly illegal things I have done in my life to prove ideas etc, you would be horrified, but alas no one has died or myself as a result of all this fun 🙂
  22. Make one for Helios and another for disenfranchised so called “sick bird” flyers :-)
  23. OK for people in high density areas, in the bush it’s teach yourself everything See my suggestion for a sub forum, don’t want to raise your stress levels Turbs:-)
  24. $40 grand of fun, flying night VFR on a full Moon, what’s not to like 🙂
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