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Everything posted by jackc

  1. The CEO of RAAus does not run the place, it’s all the mouth pieces behind her, with vested interests. I have NO faith in that place, except for a few technical people in it.
  2. Never bothered with it, too much grief suffering my Alcoholic Father……
  3. A personal friend, who ironically phoned me today, operated Golden West Airways in the early ‘80 s out of Chinchilla Qld Flying this C47B.
  4. Look, if a 747 could get to the Moon, I would be on it 🤩 I flew all over the world, starting in 1981 on those old crates 🤩. Now a days I don’t have fly in modern airliners. My overseas travel days are over 👍
  5. Well, it looked a pretty crappy job to me, with my only knowledge back then was that planes had wings 🤩🤩
  6. We had one land at Nullarbor, at the old roadhouse in ‘76 when I worked there, 2 guys were flying it from Perth to Adelaide, in the heat of summer at Christmas time. I fueled it from our drums etc, the aviators went for a feed in our restaurant, if you could call it that 🤩 Came out to leave, vigorous hand propping with no result. lift up engine cover, smack the Maggies with a shifter, and it roared into life, and departed, resplendent in its hand painted silver frost paint job 👍
  7. I have lost a lot of faith in things that fly, in these modern times. Airlines can t even fly to their scheduled time table. Back in the late 70’s I used to fly 5 days a week, the boss used to buy 50 tickets at a time for me for my daily trips to Brisbane in seat 19a. Of the DC-9 A few times checkin staff used to ask me WHY, and I used to say first up, have you ever seen a plane back into a hill? Next was, I get the longest ride and last I can hear if at least one engine is still running. 🤩 Those machines were the most reliable old planes in the sky.👍
  8. Visited that Museum in 1998? I’m trying to get organised to fly into AirVenture 2025 in a FAR Part 103 untrlight.
  9. Seeing the auction company is enough for me to not touch it with a barge pole. 👍
  10. Did you ever jump off a carport roof, using a beach umbrella as a Parachute? I did, and I am still here 🤩 But I learnt to probably not ever try it again, without a far larger umbrella 👍👍 Nothing ventured……nothing gained 🤩
  11. I would take I somewhere remote and just fly the F thing. Just thinking……I am in a position to buy a remote property, with very limited land access where we keep our illegal aircraft and then stage clandestine fly weekends. That would F them 🤩🤩
  12. My LAME says it’s OK, but since I have an engine zero time to drop in, we have another aircraft to drop my old engine into, and get it going. I am just sick of how RAA has destroyed the original concept of ultralight flight, by their ego driven stand over tactics over the years.
  13. Nothing, but I got attitude from an RAA staff member who phoned me, that they decided to remove training status from my aircraft. I said, be careful here, I could totally de register , and fly it and dare them to catch me. And I would do it in a heartbeat. But I did add, I have a new crate motor anyway……..silence on the other end. RAA have slowly destroyed the concept of low budget enjoyable flying over the years, save a few decent people in the organisation, the rest of the whole show can get F as far as I am concerned…… I am planning to get more fun flying my own FAA FAR Part 103 aircraft in the U.S. Can’t wait to get there, look out Oshkosh, here I come 🤩🤩
  14. I have found a Dac in a shed……and there is a chance I may get to own it 👍 it’s unregistered and never has been……AND it never will be. RAA can go jump…..I am turning my personal clock back over 40 years 👍👍 The factory flight training video is my friend 🤩🤩
  15. Well, my Thruster is in my shed about ready for me to install one of the last 582 crate engines out of Rotax.
  16. I received this video in an unsolicited email last night, no doubt it was to sell ma a training package but, I have great deal of respect how the U.S. aviation people publish stuff and the FAA is a big part of that. https://flighttrainingcentral.com/2024/07/how-to-identify-airport-runways-and-traffic-patterns-video-tip/?trk_msg=DEGL7N5SM8UKJAGUI83P6F6BOS&trk_contact=7L9GVJVQRP61LH2PQECD4EKS0K&trk_sid=145LSK8T4GDR57878BL4042H18&trk_link=KR50N2813IAKVAGLAPP836SNCO&utm_source=MarketingEmail&utm_medium=email&utm_term=3.+Video+Tip%3a+How+to+Identify+Airport+Runways+and+Traffic+Patterns.&utm_campaign=FF24073A&utm_content=Fast+Five+-+July+27
  17. When regulatory documentation is formulated in a way that can have many interpretations, deliberate or otherwise. Become complicated and overridden by docmentation in other regulatory sections…….then it will always create problems when everything becomes too complex. Done concisely in a minimum number of pages, is how it should be. My favourite document example is FAA FAR Part 103 rules, contained on ONE A4 page 🤩🤩
  18. My motor was one of the last ones produced as a complete assembly 2 years ago.
  19. I ordered and received my brand new 582 crate motor from Rotax, 2 years ago WITHOUT oil injection. The existing 582 is also premix, started in 3 cranks the other day after 4 months, closed throttle, full choke. Oil injection is another layer of complexity.
  20. No wonder why I would rather fly FAA FAR Part 103 in the U.S. Australia is a shambles 🤢
  21. I did not have a good experience in that hangar. Visited there a few years ago when on a trip to Dubbo to do my L1 training, was looking at a new aircraft at the time, they had their red demo plane? In that hangar, had a good look at it, spoke with the owner etc, was impressed with the aircraft got a price…….and the fatal question. I asked how much for one with all steam guages. His furrowed brow was followed by, we don’t offer that choice. I said well that is what I would want, no further discussion……walked out to the car and wife asked what did I think, what was it like. I had only one word for her….f…d. She said don’t worry, you will find something you want. Dead right about that 🤩
  22. And after viewing this last night…..my last trip in the venerable 747 would be my last in a Boeing…..other than an old 737….. https://youtu.be/rvkEpstd9os
  23. As far as I am concerned Aviation Communications and its frequency management are prehistoric. The technology fell off the Ark and frequency/operations is a tangled mess, in many places, all ably screwed up by many human beings who use it.
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