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Everything posted by jackc

  1. It CAN be the good old days (snicker snicker!). Depends on where you live 🙂 Always remember, illegal is a sick bird 😉
  2. First thing I asked myself as a member was……is it too much to expect a reply in a couple of days, even IF they had questions to ask me? When you need to make a buying decision based on the requirement that must be met…..I thought it would be an easy thing to get a determination on? I mean look at the realism about this…….I just fit the thing and be done with it 🙂. Am I going to get a ramp check on a property airstrip……CASA won’t bother, too busy in more closely populated areas. IF I crash the aircraft for what ever reason and die, They can investigate all they like……no so sure the RAAus track record for investigation is intensive, never the less you can t prosecute a dead body 🙂 Personally, I would suspect many people have or would do these kinds of additions/mods anyway? Not the it compromises safety or anything, it’s just that the regulators want the last word? Correct me IF I am wrong……
  3. Yesterday I made the enquiry about it to RAAus Tech Dept……. Get in part replay saying quote: Thank you for your email, RAAus will be in contact with you within 10 business days. RAAus business hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, however Tuesdays and Thursdays telephone support is only available from 12pm to 5pm Australian Eastern Time. Due to current circumstances surrounding Coronavirus, RAAus has implemented a callback system for all phone calls - RAAus will look to return calls to members as soon as possible during this time. Unquote…… The wheels turn slowly in the RAAus Tech Dept…….
  4. So Turbs that is what you think some peoples comments are? A ‘general spit about Govts and Australian flying in general’. ? You must expect some ‘yaw’ in threads……. There is a reason no one has spent a razoo on that airfield, it’s because it’s future was under a cloud, for want of a better description. Yes it’s substandard but is upgradable and IF there was certain tenure that problem could be solved. Aviators in general nurture their airfields and are proud of them but only IF they see a good future……
  5. Wingtech told me it was a standard Thruster colour scheme. However I was not able to get same due to a shortage of materials for the original colour scheme on the skins I got a couple of weeks ago, before Allan closed down 😞
  6. Looks like LSA and Sport Pilots don’t have restrictions flying over buildings, people etc. Unless I have missed something? https://www.eaa.org/eaa/aviation-interests/~/media/371132a085ce4204ba93c2b4a6ee0902.ashx
  7. That is for the no licence, no rego flyers…….
  8. The thing that peeves me is having to pore over charts when checking G airspace, too much information clutter where something important could be missed. If only there were charts primarily for RAA pilot use.
  9. Avoidance of some Wars in the past has resulted from skilled negotiations. When those skilled negotiations fail, then it’s game ON……..
  10. Well, I have picked some pretty big battles in my lifetime, ones that people said I was wasting my time……but I still won. My personal policy is…..if you don’t have a go, you will never know 🙂. I will be happy to take my achievements to my grave!
  11. So is Ben Morgan and the AOPA wasting their time? Who here would take on what appears to be a thankless task trying to keep the wolves from airport doors? I mean would I not have a clue, been in Aviation all of 5 minutes with nearly Zero knowledge, and living in an Aviation wasteland.
  12. Don’t try fitting this to your aircraft, looks just like a Bomb 😞 https://levilaviation.com I think might be allowable on 19 rego?
  13. Money, greed and apathy comes to mind. There are examples everywhere, airports/airstrips, caravan parks, speedway tracks, showgrounds plus many others. These facilities created many years ago have been surrounded by development and values have risen to the point where the operators of these facilities have realised there is big money in developing those facilities and the incumbent uses are now unviable in respect of monetary return. How many airports that accommodate GA and RAA have been built in the last 20 years? As I have said in the past, many people will be flying from private airstrip in may cases. Airports/airstrips in many rural areas will still be around for a long time, but the numbers will dwindle the closer they are to more densely populated areas. Not a good look, but we just have to keep working to keep existing facilities going and to this end, Ben Morgan is fighting a daily War to try and save airports under threat. I don’t see many soldiers behind him…….
  14. Looking at my airstrip construction and as we are getting intermittent rain it’s time to knock over some trees to make it wide enough, I need to get serious and realise I don’t want an erosion headache, I am getting a seeder to tow behind my ATV but wondering what grasses I should sew. Probably need to add fertiliser etc. Not being able to water it, so will need to be a good covering, hardy type of something to do the job. Fast growing a bonus 🙂
  15. Then add this to the list…… http://vocasupport.com/airports-in-australia/
  16. All I need to do is watch out for drones! And helicopters doing power line inspections, be too low for radar and like you said keep watch for anything else. Lived here for years and never seen much except for the aircraft departing for Brisbane that pass over at 4500 feet or so. Arrival come in on a different track 15 kilometres to my North. Be interesting when my Skyecho2 turns up and I do a ground based ADS-B listening watch. Would not mind setting up a proper ADS-B ground station and feed the data to the Internet, need to do some research on that. Could be beneficial for local area?
  17. Turbs needs training……he sh1tcans things, tells us his experience BUT but does not offer ideas for possible solutions. By all means can someone’s ideas, but be ready to offer possible workable solutions otherwise it’s best to say nothing. Success with RAAus board will determine how he can deal with egos, big or small. No different to most organisations that have a regulatory flavour to them. Skills of negotiation need to come to the fore……..
  18. Turbs, the only time I have had any real success with submissions is when I have submitted them in person to meetings, I have done this with Govt Depts, Defence Depts, multi million dollar corporations both here and overseas. I have runs on the board for success. Submissions by email, letter etc have never seemed to work, but at least when the first Airspace kerfuffle with ASA was on, I got a thank you msg from both RAAus and ASA for my submission.
  19. It can’t be a substitute for ELT/PLB but it sure is handy for email/SMS messaging and tracking for your family. I use it in the 4x4 and previously when I was a lone expedition motorcyclist.
  20. Good looking kit 🙂. This, is my summon help device….
  21. Well, sit back and see how our air space changes by ASA go? I will hurry up AND wait 🙂
  22. Decisions are usually set in concrete WITHOUT considering submissions, they are only paying lip service to people in an effort to make them feel all warm and fuzzy. Nothing more 😞
  23. Generally, an Epipen is only used by the person who may need it. No one except well qualified medical professionals are equiped to deal with giving an unconscious or non communicative person any, medication. I have always carried extra medication for a possible need, when my wife an I travelled all over Southern Africa on a motorcycle, my GP loaded us up with enough different medications to bring a dead whale back to life 🙂. Stuff you would not get into or out of the country with, these days. My wife got food poisoning in South Africa……Gastroenteritis fixed 🙂. Along with a few other maladies on our trips there.
  24. I need to think what I need to add to a First Aid kit in the way of air sickness medication, since I have been flying I have only got a bit sick a couple of times and not sure what causes it. IF I am skipper in a boat, no problem. However I did a tour boat trip to Balls Knob? when on holiday to Lord Howe Island. Never been so sick in my life, took some over the counter pills (Quell) Useless, sick as a dog the the whole 3 hours of start to finish. Bothers me IF I get turbulence while flying…….bit hard to fly and use a chuck bag! I know I had some pretty good stuff when I got Chemotherapy for my Cancer 10 years ago……it was that good, I did not need an Aeroplane, to fly 🙂
  25. Which raises the point……carrying a small Aid Kit in you aircraft sounds like a good ideas. Wonder how many people do it?
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