Our freedom to fly unlicenced disappeared with RAAus 🤢 How ever Aviation has forged ahead under RAAus to a point where cost will stifle it, in the long run. I spoke with the owner of the WEB site and our discussion went down a mineshaft, I followed up with an email to further explain, it was ignored.
One of his suppliers offered to sell me a Part 103 Aircraft direct.
Having said this, I am considering flying to the U.S. and doing training for Part 103 Aircraft and looking at what is available.
I have had some offers for training. IF I buy an aircraft, you don’t need to guess what I will do with it. I have a friend who imports aircraft who said to let him know with a possibility of including my kit, with his container of aircraft, at his convenience.
Before everyone gets all bitter and twisted, being illegal etc. Remember, illegal is….a sick bird 🤩
As an aside I will have a Part 103 training certificate…..
People would ask WHY? I say, because I CAN 🤩🤩