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About Farmpilot

  • Birthday 31/10/1970


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    Savannah S
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  1. I personally have hull and liability to top up what Raaus provides as in today's litigious society, it may not be enough??
  2. I have had three flats but I land in paddocks a lot. First was in a canola stubble, I won't do that again, it was cut short but is extremely strong. The second I didn't find the cause of but it happened on takeoff so I landed with a flat and tore the valve stem. No amount of goo will plug a leak like that. New tube. Third I found flat preflight, goo fixed it for a couple of flights but as the tyre is not rotating in the air, it did not stay sealed. I went for a couple of short local flights to test if the goo would work on a multi leg remote trip. Maybe not.
  3. My daughter took this as I flew over the paddock they were in. First calm evening for months, nice to fly without being bounced around.
  4. Showing your age Nev! Not many people now days would understand the impact that had on farming. Made many farmers rich overnight. It was before I was born by the way but heard many stories about it.
  5. Yes, a carpet python. Occasionally they will bite but non- venomous. There are a lot of them around here, help keep the mice down.
  6. He (the Huntsman) started crawling up the door towards the air vent so I opened it for him then realized it was blowing onto my face so shut it again.. This big fella lives in our ceiling all winter and had just eaten a couple of parrots. Not sure if he can get into the plane though, might be interesting for passengers. Not sure why no-one wants to come flying with me. ...
  7. I went for a quick fly new years day and had a stowaway. Glad my wife was not with me. I tried to attach a video but cannot work out how to do it using my phone.
  8. I am super lucky, have a farm and 50m from house to hangar and airstrip. Look out bedroom window to check windsock.
  9. Congratulations, Savannah’s are great fun to fly especially off field.
  10. G'day Dan, How did you get on with the repair? Hope it worked for you as well as it did for me. Cheers
  11. This is a link to what I purchased off eBay. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/VDO-KENWORTH-SPEEDO-TACHOURMETER-NEW-LCD-DISPLAY-FIX-YOUR-OWN-KEEP-ODO-READING/223255942918?hash=item33fb175706:g:LkwAAOSwh39cB1pM&frcectupt=true Pry the bezel open from the back like this video shows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIGVe96yzN4 This video explains what causes the LCD to fail and I did try replacing the grease and it worked for a while but failed again so I recommend just replacing the LCD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eldRUU7qc2Y
  12. My VDO was still working but the LCD gradually stopped displaying. For a while it worked intermittently then stopped altogether. When I put a new LCD in the hours were correct so the timer worked but just would not display the hours. I used a small flat head screw driver and gently prised the bezel off and the used pliers to press it back again. It did scratch it but I’m ok with that.
  13. G’day Dan, I prised the front open on my tachometer and put a new LCD screen in from eBay and it’s working perfectly again. My tachometer is a VDO brand and I googled ‘how to change VDO LCD’ and followed the instructions, it’s very easy. Cheers
  14. Thanks again Mark for making the effort to share the improvements that you make to your aircraft. I would like a set as well if that is possible. Cheers.
  15. Thanks for the links 80knots, I will get something sorted soon. Mark, your new avatar is really really good, the lady from Indonesia is very talented. It is so well thought out and extremely well executed. I hope the house plans etc go smoothly, can be a stressful time. You will be glad to get Mabel finished also. I guess you have nothing to fly now. Cheers, Dean
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