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The Flying Show

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About The Flying Show

  • Birthday 09/10/1961


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    Eden Park
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  1. yeah thanks RossK, he won't touch Raaus aircraft unfortunately.
  2. Hi everyone, desperately looking for a LAME to do a 100hourly on my aircraft, It's based at Riddles creek rotax powered Raaus registered any suggestions most welcomed, thank you
  3. no tips, but I'm glad as an aspi now I realise my issues with flare timing could be a common thing.
  4. wow! that photo brings back memories, I still have an old black and white photo of me in the scout back in 1975 or so I would have been about 15 or 16. The amazing part of the photo is a take off attempt on Cooper st Campbellfield (for Victorians that know the area) I will try and find it to post here, I recall my dad diving the kingswood to NSW where we met Ron Wheeler, we managed to "sit" the scout on the bonnet and over the top of the car to bring it back to Melbourne. Amazing memories! Carlos "The Flying Show"
  5. the advertising issue with channel 31 is a delicate one. We need to be subtle but yes, we can and have promoted aviation products, certain aircraft etc. We've just had news that channel 31 are now continuing to 2018 and we've been asked to maintain production so the foxtel project "MAY" be on hold (not sure). One thing is certain, we will be going nationally through channel 31 and we're hoping to do some serious travelling to cover overseas events etc. so keep watching!!
  6. Hey knpage, welcome, this is Carlos from the flying show i live at Eden Park, not far from you and I've still got my Savannah S in the box until i finish my hangar (hopefully soon) I would sure like to meet up during construction to exchange notes etc. will be in touch regards Carlos "The Flying Show"
  7. Hi again guys, The story thus far...Channel 31 has been given an extension till December 31st this year, they got the news on the 30th of June and immediately informed us to get new stories etc. to get us through till the end of the year, in the meantime they are running repeats. We have embarked on getting new stories as we speak hence the reason for not being able to get onto this forum for any late news. Channel 31 insists on placing us against the news on the major channels because our show rates very very well and it's the best competition channel 31 has against the high rating major channels for that time slot. This means that we lose a lot of our audience because people get home late etc.. and the repeats are deliberately run at odd times in order to make our audience see the show at 6pm Wednesdays. (It's all politics). The show is now shown in Adelaide (channel 44) and will soon be shown in NSW and Queensland as we have had a lot of requests from people there. We missed out on oshkhosh this year as we thought C31 would close in June, we were also planning a trip to England as we were invited to the release of the Bulldog gyrocopter which surprised us as we had no idea they even knew about us! (what a beautiful plane!!) but we prefer to cover stories here in OZ first and yes we have considered AAK at Taree as I was looking at buying a hornet and got a savannah instead (thanks Neil of sunbury) but we will get there and hopefully we will cover Ole's creation!! We'll try and keep you upto date on events as they happen, if you know of someone or have any interesting stories, please let us know, many thanks, Carlos, Ethan and Kieran - "The Flying Show" PS : Red 750 you sound interesting, you fly? have you got a spitfire in the barn?
  8. weejah: tried the "Topaz"? Rod Birrell from airsports is the rep. worth checking out. regards
  9. Any idea where this took place?
  10. I would like to catch up Jack as Channel 31 have been given an extension of time till 31 December, 2017. so we will be back filming soon and it would be a good chance to start promoting the airshow for next year. Will be in touch soon regards Carlos
  11. Hey Jack!! we've just posted the Tyabb airshow promo in our facebook page of the flying show and already we've got a few emails of many looking forward to it (and so are we!!!) "Carlos and the flying show team"
  12. Yeah. Neil, thanks to your Savannah (which I closely inspected at Sunbury) I have now bought the kit and am frantically trying to complete the construction of my Hangar at home so I can get it delivered. I will be in touch with you to do a bit of a story pending on what direction we take with the TV show. regards Carlos
  13. Yeah Ben, Channel 31 is a community based channel and unfortunately will be closing shop at the end of June. Like you we've had great enthusiasm from interstate viewers and a big push for the show to go interstate. The folk in SA have contacted their TV networks in numbers to get them to show it there and with success our TV show will now be shown in Adelaide. We've had a bit of interest from channel 9 gem and Foxtel discovery channel, the beauty of these stations is the ability to have the show shown nationally, so fingers crossed!!. Incredibly enough our largest viewing audience is USA closely followed by Brazil. Most people like the fact the the show's format is simple un-edited, non-scripted etc. If we are to be picked up by a larger TV station we might have to come up with greater productions with a different format. We'll see what happens and will keep you all posted. Carlos
  14. Thanks Guys, Reg is alive and well, I just paid up for the S kit and can't stop smiling!!, now counting the days for the delivery, I need to finish the hanger I'm building at home so the rush is on. Talk about rush, don't forget to watch the flying show tomorrow night, I get to talk to Skip Stewart and we get to see him perform. regards Carlos
  15. Yes please, if you could forward me the details, much appreciated
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