Hi all, Richard here, one question plus some advice please, I'm confused. With my background and facilities I have no problem with the thought of building a kit aircraft like the Sierra 200 Sierra Two Seater | Wedgetail Aircraft Pty Ltd , incidentially is that asuitable aircraft for a no licence no flying experience newb? A single seater would be fine but two would allow an instructor initially.
The other thing is personal. I'm not a youngster and up until recently have had no interest in light aircraft, I enjoy speed and ignorantly thought that they were all slow and boring. I live in the country where it's ideal for flying, the sky is so big and open and I'd like to see more of it. Don't want to start a project and not finish it so I'm wondering if this urge is just a passing thing or if anyone else has had a similar later in life urge. I like to do things, have a suitable work space plus there is nothing else that appeals. What do you think?