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Everything posted by SGM

  1. The $1584 is for $51k hull AND $1m Combined Single Limit of liability
  2. On the topic of insurance our renewal was due a couple of weeks ago, and I don't mined sharing my experience. We had $50k hull through PSB (Insurance House), for which the renewal was $1921 with a $1500 excess. I got an alternative quote via Bill Owen/Agile for $51k (which was bizarrely cheaper than $50k) with $1000 excess. This was $1221. This included the "new for old" bolt on. In the end we decided on increased coverage over last year, specifically the $1m Limit of Liability, largely to protect a passenger (most likely spouse/family member) in the event that any (ongoing) medical expenses are required as a result of an accident and they exceed the RAAus amount . This cost us $1584, so significantly less than both last year and the renewal. The note that came with Bill Owen quote is below. Obviously insurance is a highly personal perception of risk likelihood and consequence, so I don't suggest what we decided appropriate for everyone... but I get consistent free advice from this forum so I am happy to share. -------- Liability Limit: We also strongly recommend a minimum limit of liability as part of your aircraft insurance as the liability attached to the RAAus membership is limited. Also the biggest risk with aircraft ownership is not the loss of the hull, but the legal liability you take on as the owner, which can amount to millions of dollars in the event of a claim that involves property damage / bodily injury / death to either passengers or third party (i.e. people / property outside of the aircraft). Additionally, if the aircraft is owned by an individual and the Combined Single Limit of liability is exceeded in the event of a claim, everything personally owned is potentially exposed to claimants, particularly the family home. Of course, the decision is yours, however we do strongly recommend you consider a Combined Single Limit as part of your policy
  3. Thanks.. We did buy a regular PLB, which I hope goes unused. I also hope that in the event of an emergency my mobile phone network traces, Av-plan logs, "find my phone" app, mode-C records and the NAIPS-filed flight plan all prove useful in narrowing down a location. I probably shouldn't worry as I suspect statistically an "incident" in near proximity to an airfield is probably more likely. BTW still haven't worked out which public websites receive our NAIPS flight plan information ie RAAus scheduled arrivals/departures at regional airfields.
  4. RossK, Your aircraft looks a bit like mine! Here was my recent flight near Lakes Entrance... an opportunity to see a rig I previous was involved with (years ago), and also to ask my son how long he thought "90 mile beach" was.. ("don't know") Steve
  5. Perhaps.. but I guess that's really just the same as the "Find My" apple/android app (since I always have my phone with me). If noone has investigated this before I might contact NAIPS and see who they share filed flight plan data with (they must have a public API for the scheduled arrivals/departures pages of airports). I also suprises me that CASA will approve Avplan and OzRunways, but not require approved parties to share live flight data share data with each other. It would be safer if we could all see the planes with the "other EFBs", see conflicting NAIPS flight plans and even have a feed the mode-C bounces that must be available to Webtrak. If we ever want commercial drones to work, then sharing this this seperately siloed data will be critical.
  6. Looking for some advice on how friends/family can track thy progress of an RAAus registered aircraft, with mode c transponder, flying cross-country, under a NAIPS registered flight plan.. My (limited) understanding is 1. Avplan (and presumably Ozrunways) will show your progress to others but only to those the same software (shame they can't share), and of course the aircraft has to be in mobile coverage for GPS coords to make it up to the server, they don't offer the data publically; 2. Flightaware and Flightradar24 will not show anything live because they rely predomainately on ADS-B (which I do not have). They will not record arrival and departs from their airports, even though NAIPS knows. 3. Webtrak https://webtrak.emsbk.com/ would show a flight with code 1200, but only if you are in close proximity to one the (mostly) capital city airports 4. Some airports have an arrivals/departs webpage which seems to be a RPT filter on NAIPS data? The reason for confusion is when my aircraft was registered under CASA, ie VH, it was trackable on Flightaware... and I am sure I have seen a record of an RAAus flight there once, but I can not seem to rerproduce it. SImilarly when I flew to Mildura once I was suprised that my planned inbound flight appeared on an arrivals webpage. Perhaps there is some "trick" to having your NAIPS flight plan data made public? On seperate note, in Avplan, I have recently noticed a number of RAAus aircraft with the Callsign Rxxxx where xxxx is their 4-digit RAAus registration. These are ADS-B equiped (where as I am not). Is it preferred Avplan or other noclamature to have the map-visible "callsign" as Rxxxx? Steve
  7. If the above concept is ok, and there are not extra approvals required or misunderstandings about Point Cook, the only shoreline I can't get to as RAAus pilot would be the Mordialloc area due to Moorabbins 3NM radius.
  8. Turbo, Did you mean continuing the Melb Coastal VFR route until the BOM tower then heading south from there? I was trying to fly the entire bay shoreline if I could. SGM
  9. As RPC and unaccustomed to flying over restricted areas, I thought I would check my understanding. If flying the below route from NE to SW.. - fly anytime except Tue, Thur, Sun at 1.15pm-1.45pm AEDT - radio call on 126.2 at 10NM to advise overflying, and maybe again as entering R330A (which is about 4nm from YMPC - Point Cook) - fly not above 2000 until ALTS (infact 2000 is the westbound guidance on this VFR route) - fly at 2500 (and not above) within R330A and R330B (given trainee circuits are probably being conducted at 1000) - radio call 126.2 when directly above YMPC - Point Cook - keep a sharp lookout given danger area and no ADSB (which is the recommendation) - Don't land (as I don't have permission), keep beacon and landing lights on - Did I miss anything? (slightly confused by the comment "status of MIL CTR/CTA are not included" as this is a MIL field) --------
  10. Jerry..That's the current image from Google Maps - I noticed it on a flight simultor the other day.
  11. Could it be this?
  12. As per person who started the thread - let's call it to a close here - happy fathers day and safe aviating.
  13. To be honest, I think it's a very impressive edition. I was concerned for a while (after Mark's untimely departure) that it may disappear altogether... but it's back, and I think he would be proud. Anyone else have thoughts?
  14. BTW - on the topic of flying, I made some polite enquiries today... it seems some Victorian aviators may be operating under some older guidance (eg https://mfs.com.au/staying-safe-covid-19 - example only, this company is not presently flying although others are). Perhaps this explains the ~10 or so training flights I could see today. Even though I am vacinated and would be of no risk to anyone with a solo flight, perhaps it's the optics of if that prevent me. Hang in there everyone!
  15. The observation is that multiple Victorian training aircraft are in inflight in Victoria, right now, including the one from a major university (an organsiation that you would expect would take a conservative view). Is there a "recreational flying" guidance / exemption / "understanding" that anyone has come across.
  16. It's probably more an observation (from FlightRadar) than a a suggestion. I know that people movements on roads are steadily increasing. Personally I would have hoped any activity that results in no human contact would become tacticly or implcitly permitted, given we are likely to be in some form of restrictions for the x months it takes to get to 70/80/90% vaccination levels.
  17. OK so I am in Melbourne, in lockdown 6.0, and using Flightradar24 app I have observed various private aircraft flights around the state, typically without any regional landings. I have also observed [xxx] Aviation Academy flights. There are probably many more without ADS-B. So I am aksing if you have any "friends" (no names) who may be keeping their skills current, and what approach they may be taking. In my situation, it's my own aircraft, so zero other human contact would be required to fly it. I spoke to the nice lady on the Victorian COVID hotline, and she has approved with my travelling for more than 5km to undertake 'essential maintenance' on it. Clearly the Government can't make rules for every situation but has done in some situations.. eg Recreational fishing and boating this is permitted for up to two hours per day, within 5km of home and with only one other person (plus dependants if they cannot be left unattended). Face masks must be worn at all times unless a lawful exemption applies.
  18. OAT - not sure to be honest, probably 0-ish. There is a cabin heater in the aircraft... but I encouraged my wife to wear warm socks. She also brought a big loose "throw around", which frankly I found a bit loose as it hung over the controls etc. But she was warm enough to fall asleep just after that photo.. it might have also had something to do with the wine she had at Milawa (YILA).
  19. Thanks everyone.. flew back home over Mt Buller yesterday with no sign of icing. IMG_0746.MOV
  20. Thats a shame.. only available to tour operators licenced with Parks Vic!
  21. I did a volunteer drive today for Angel Flight (shameless plug for charity here = https://www.angelflight.org.au/). The person I had the privilege to transport had never flow to Melbourne before, but they had flown from Mallacoota to Gabo Island! "Gabo Island?" ... yep, he stayed in the assistant lightkeepers cottage which is heavily booked https://www.parks.vic.gov.au/bookings/place/gabo-island-lighthouse-reserve. As a non-pilot, he said the approach was very "interesting"...it felt like they were going to fly into the cliff - presumably 06. There is not much information on it on Avplan, and only a little bit on Airmate (below). My thoughts, as a low-hour pilot, is that it might be better as a spur-of-the-moment day trip on a calm day, rather than scheduled to match an accomodation booking. Anyone been there? BTW - always happy to hear of others "secret" weekend-away flying destinations, the degree of difficulty, accomodation etc.
  22. This is something I either never learnt, or forgot, from my RAAus cross country.. so seeking your collective advice. I am contemplating a flight soon at 7500. The GAF has conditions per the below image. Aside from using the cabin heater, and not flying near any cloud, using carby heat on descent, is there anything else I should watchout for generally (eg icing on surfaces). The engine is a 912.
  23. Telstra wholesales parts of it’s mobile network to Aldi and others, but the Boost brand, which is Telstra-run within Australia, has access to the larger Telstra coverage. This webpage has a comparative coverage map https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Guides/Telstra-network-coverage-vs-ALDI-Woolworths-Belong-Boost
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