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Everything posted by SGM

  1. Thanks guys...The reason given for the bulk strip was "rough running at 1000RPM, which was caused by Cam lobes having deteriorated - dual lifter lobes". Engine is O-320 E2D.
  2. Looking for advice I noticed a Cherokee for sale with about 300 hours remaining before hitting TBO hours. However it recently had a full "Bulk Strip" incluing new bearings, gaskets, camshaft, internal bore etc at a cost of $10k (which was roughly half labour). The comment from the seller was "The engine can go past the TBO for all ops other than Charter which I doubt you will need. Especially as it has had a recent extensive overhaul. We can't understand why it was not zero timed at the overhaul." For the purposes of comparing other aircraft for sale, how much life in hours would it be reasonable to assume a bulk strip gives?
  3. Mark interviewed my daughter and I for the most recent Sport Pilot. He flew to YLIL especially for the occasion. We had a lot of laughs during the process of the interview, and he left a lasting impression positive on both myself and my daughter. He found a lot of joy in flying, and he wasn't afraid to pass that passion on. What a legacy!
  4. Kenny84 : Can you suggest a few of the USA websites so I can read up? I'm curious about whether spare parts still available for the aircraft. Also, with your aircraft are the Jabiru Service Bulletins etc all up to date. Thanks !!
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