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Everything posted by Manwell

  1. Pardon my ignorance, but what is an MPC course?
  2. Very few, in all likelihood, Garfly, but ya gotta be optimistic... ? Ladies too.
  3. Accepted M61. Develop that line of thought so we might learn something about how to fly we didn't already know.
  4. Let's get back on topic gentlemen. As amusing as reminiscing about our childhood experiences may be, they provide more heat than light on the subject. How to Fly is the topic, which shouldn't be that difficult to explain, for experienced pilots at least.
  5. Yes, a machine gun, so you'd be based at Oakey I'd guess. Do you know Mike Sutcliffe?
  6. Yep. I figured if they were going to call me Manwell, I owed it to them to play the part to the hilt. What did you do to deserve M61A1 as a nickname? ?
  7. Congratulations Thruster, that's the best answer so far! The only criticism I can think of is that we aren't birds and can never really fly like one, but that still shouldn't stop us from knowing how to fly like an Air-man.
  8. Yes. I was. And I'm not from Spain. I earned that nickname for making a dumb comment once. I also look a bit like him.
  9. What sort of projects are you experienced in Admin? I guess it's not construction from the above.
  10. .....or you've only done your best to kill yourself because of your instructor's best efforts... Kasper, I can see this is going to be more difficult than I'd hoped, but hey, who said it was going to be easy? The intention is to stimulate thought, and the idea is for the level of thinking to rise eventually, much like the process of teaching someone to fly. They begin with the mindset of an earth bound mortal, so it takes time to develop the attitude and will-power to transform into a Pilot in Command. Is that a subtle clue?
  11. Lift only exceeds gravity during a zoom climb, and not for long M61. Good try though. Have another try everyone, the only one who's even close is Thruster88. No-one else is even trying. Knowing how to fly will save your life one day, so it's definitely worth knowing.
  12. What sort of projects do you manage Bruce? The problem with being a paid up member of anything to commit aviation is that they pretty soon forget who pays them, and why.
  13. To kick off as quizmaster, I'm starting with something easy, or so it would seem... Without going into long explanations, aerodynamics, or anything fancy, post answers below in one sentence. The shortest correct answer wins. The more you know about flying, the harder it is to describe it simply, at least until you know everything. Then it's easy.
  14. Thanks for the warning Admin. I'd lay odds he won't though...
  15. Multi-guess doesn't engage people much over the longer term, and it doesn't develop thinking toward a logical conclusion, so I'd prefer the discussion thread.
  16. Good luck getting one in Melbourne Admin. There's your biggest hurdle, unless you're a loony lefty of course, then you're a shoe-in.... ? What line of work are you looking for?
  17. Okay Admin. Here's a starter for you. How is an aircraft flown accurately?
  18. The quizzed I had in mind wouldn't be straight single questions. They would be structured to develop pilots minds so their thinking aligned with masters of the art. I don't know whether this software would enable that.
  19. Do I have to learn how to use this software?
  20. Hey Admin, may I respectfully suggest to hold off on the purchase? There's no need to spend your money just yet. I thought you'd just want me to come up with some questions that would challenge pilots?
  21. Hi Admin, The Quiz Master role would be right up my alley. Aviation knowledge is a long term passion of mine, so it would provide a great opportunity to stimulate some minds, and help make members better aviators.
  22. I take it you're a bit of a handyman then Bruce. That's a good thing. At least handymen aren't academic specialists who know progressively more and more about less and less. Which aircraft did you build or rebuild Bruce?
  23. Tactful reply turbo. How about we introduce ourselves a bit to break the ice. My names Peter, and I'm retired........?
  24. You don't have to have a relationship with CASA to promote them. Some voluntarily promote their PR because they don't know any better, but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Are you paid to post here by someone else then? Nearly 11,000 posts implies a lot of spare time to waste, or you're a professional.
  25. It seems you must work for CASA turbo. Could be somewhere higher up the ladder too. While your long-winded explanation above sounds logical, it's exactly what I'd expect of a press release by CASA PR. In summary, it's not their fault, it's someone else's - the one-armed man perhaps. That is such a standard cop out at all levels of Govt that you gotta be on the payroll.
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