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Everything posted by leestanley

  1. i have a few at home that i grab from qantas when i fly commercially... perfect for the job... i'll collect more and leave at lilydale if you like...
  2. Give Jono a call 03 9739 1211... probably still another couple of months off. Aall this activity would seem to indicate RAA/GA scene around Melbourne very healthy ATM.
  3. Positive Stories? Lots of very good info here but do any readers have good news stories to share re their aircraft ownership? i.e comments that would recommend ownership to others :) Cheers, Lee
  4. I must admit I found the transition from Jab to 152/172 more difficult than I anticipated/ was led to believe it would be... Toe brakes/steering made ground handling more challenging initially and the wheel in place of the column on the jab felt unnatural to me... also (surprisingly) relying on my left hand doing most of the work in the Cessna was disconcerting at first... Of course you get the hang of it eventually but I certainly don't subscribe to the 'if you can fly a jab you can fly anything' line! Just my experience, of course :) Lee.
  5. very good news! any pics of the new rooms? lee.
  6. congratulations... what's the deal? new cfi? just RAA or GA as well? cheers!
  7. yes, this is being discussed by people around water coolers that have no knowledge of aviation... everyone is aware of this one! tragedy + past youtube footage = repercussions that may touch us all beyond empathy for the families involved...
  8. my experience with both Tyabb and Lilydale has been very positive. get yr BAK out of the way asap and apply for your SPL and AVID/ASIC. with your hours and types you are a long way in front but will need to meet the school's standards, of course, and this will necessitate a review nav and some circuit work so they can see where yr at. then probably a couple more navs and some solo student time - maybe another 10 - 12 hours for you depending on yr proficiency... ask for a grade 1 or 2 instructor so that you get an adequate review with a minimum of fuss. most importantly, meet the CFI first off and agree a program with him - establish a good rapport with the guy that is going to do yr flight test! just my thoughts good luck and keep us posted!
  9. many good comments on this one, and especially cficare's letter to the editor but a couple of points: 1. I'd be interested in the reaction from schools that instruct both RA and GA - surely they wouldn't find the comments helpful... 2. Paraphrasing the comment "if you can fly a Jab you can fly anything..." - am I the only person who found 172s after gaining my Jab PC and XC incredibly difficult?.. weight, inertia, ground steering, required flare and that infernal wheel!! Lee :)
  10. Better still... get the so called 'real' smartphone people to improve their marketing so that they can tell us all why the iPhone is a piece of garbage!! e.g does your smartphone allow you to use google voice search to find a restaurant, be shown a map with directions and the phone number you can touch to call?? THAT is slick! Lee :)
  11. Well, it is in Melbourne so having it thoroughly checked out will be easy. I would have no qualms about buying from eBay... standard precautions apply in terms of inspection, seller motivation, etc and further investment to have her airworthy - but yr asking all the right questions. you'll need a decent shed though! cheers
  12. ... in the time it takes to make a cup of coffee! I love the mix of fast forward and real time - very cool! Lee.
  13. ... and good advice on Recreational Flying!! :)
  14. thanks shags - not a waste of time at all! all feedback is good... with all the super changes in the wind you should be a very popular man! David's feedback and links were very useful... the $20k threshold appears to be v important. I'll be seeing an accountant over the weekend who has aviation clients so I'll post back any pertinent updates. Cheers, Lee.
  15. Hi All, Looking at the options for owning an aeroplane and putting it on line at a school to generate income and therefore make expenses tax effective. Do any of you have experience here, are there particular thresholds that the ATO will expect you to meet in terms of usage, income etc? Please note that this is primarily a tax question - and NOT a general question about having aircraft on line. And, of course, I will consult my account for professional advice - just interested here in any lessons you have learnt :) Cheers!
  16. Hi Tomo, How have you gone with your GPS III - did the aussie maps download work well? are you happy withe the unit? Cheers, Lee.
  17. fyi - quote was $600 +GST
  18. thanks all for the advice... i'll give di a call.
  19. There are some very good iPhone apps in the US that suuport flight planning and moving map displays... CoPilot at 23.99 for example. I haven't tried them yet.... not sure how good their aussie support is...
  20. Hi All, Can anyone help with a referral to a reputable source of a good quality canopy cover? If yes, ballpark $? Cheers, Lee.
  21. HERALD SUN 8.12 P18 DEATH PLANE WAS RISKY Two brothers killed in a plane crash were flying what is believed to be the only aircraft of its kind in Australia - and experts have grave fears about the safety of the imported ultralight. Edward "Ted" Berryman, 58, was taking his brother Alan, 60, for a scenic flight in his new $70,000 Slovenian- built Pipestrel Spider ultralight when it plummeted to earth. They crashed near Burramine on the Murray River, about 10km from where they took off at Yarrawonga Aerodrome on Sunday evening. Both men were from northern NSW - Alan from Lightning Ridge and Ted from Manilda. Ted, who built aircraft hangars, was well known around Yarrawonga. Members of the local aviation community yesterday said they had concerns about the plane's safety. Yarrawonga Lore of Flight pilot training school spokeswoman Anne McLean said the aircraft was the only one of its kind in Australia. "And I hope it remains that way," she said. Does anyone have any comment regarding the Spider? Lee.
  22. why GST? Just a polite enquiry... if a private sale, why does GST apply? Apologies for my ignorance :) She looks beautiful by the way!! Good luck with the sale! Lee.
  23. Tyabb Hangars Hi 172M, Thanks for the reply - can you suggest a contact at Tyabb? or just through the club? Cheers, Lee.
  24. Hi All, I might be needing a hangar soon and was interested in what may be available around Melbourne... can anyone advise costs and any availability they might be aware of? Contact details would be good as well - here or via PM Much appreciated, Lee.
  25. hi drizzt - do you think you could snap a pic one day and post for us? cheers, lee.
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