I recently bought my first plane, a Tomahawk, and ended up with what equates to the 80% I guess. A deciding factor was that it is a plane I'd had some lessons in and liked flying, another factor was that my better half wasn't comfortable with the budget I had in mind for the 100% option. Seeing as she'll never come up with me and my touring dreams will probably be done solo it seems like a good thing, at least for a couple of years. I've also cross-hired it to the school where I've been flying which I think (maybe incorrectly) is kind of easing me into the whole ownership thing. At least much more experienced people than myself are flying it regularly and keeping an eye on maintenance etc and I'm learning through their comments. One day I hope to be able to tour with friends or family, just not the Ms, then I can either hire or trade-up to my 100% plane hopefully. I do like the idea of a Jab 230, definitely a plane on my short list.