Oh I hear you and agree whole heartedly. It seems that everything and everyone is looking for more money from me. Insurances, memberships, Council rates etc. It is assumed that a small increase will not be noticed, but I don't know about you, but I'm not in a position to always be handing over more money everywhere. This is one of the main reasons for seeking election to the board. If I'm going to be a member of an organisation, the least I can do is ensure the finances are handled the best way possible, so that I do not have to spend more each year.
Having only joined RAAus this year, I can only go on the Annual Reports and the information provided therein. It seems that the organisation is certainly heading in the right direction financially, however, I believe that there is always more that can be done.
I also know from my experience as one of the Directors of the Massage Association of Australia, that it is important to have good solid cash reserves. There is however, no reason why the Board can not look at "other options" for raising funds, (within the parameters of the the RAAus Constitution), that will support members and prevent them having to pay more each year. This is something I'm really good at and will explore with earnest desire.