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Mike Gearon

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Everything posted by Mike Gearon

  1. The property you’re referring to used to have an airstrip. Quite a few properties did. I’d not be putting a plane down there unless no choice. Yes, I’ll post here when runway available and I’ll have to check legal implications. I’ll look around rec flier for info on this. Miss the old days when you just did it. Whatever it was.
  2. I was in the 40’s if I Reiner I like your candour. Another pilot I’ll get along great with. I had a similar experience on return from cross country solo. Was super tired coming in late evening for 3rd and final landing and ran the plane half off the runway. Got it back in the middle with a bit of persuasion. Didn’t flare enough and my big feet had been busy riding up the pedals over the long distance flights to be almost on the brakes. Double problem compounded by super tired. Really upset and I told the chief flight instructor I’d managed the worst landing at his airfield in 3 months. He just said “I very much doubt that”It’s not that bad of you haven’t taken out a runway light and I’ve taken a few out. This was South Dakota so no Ozzie flight instructor implicated here...
  3. Now I see why you can take the poles away. Will phone these guys tomorrow. Looks like a great option.
  4. I’ll go with anything and try to make it work. :)
  5. That’s a bit funny. I expect the thinking behind this is you’re braking or accelerating and can’t do both. I.e. pull back to accelerate. They each hold the acceleration set unlike a car accelerator. They are cancelled by braking. They aren’t touched by rudder control. I think it’s easier to have the visual of hand throttles. Can feel or glance at them. Back to frozen guy. Yeah, almost feel sorry for him. I do. Think one of those dogs that can ride a skateboard could have taken over as copilot and done a bit better through.
  6. Thanks Oneshot. There are a few links to different ones I missed and notice now on review....Skim reading! Shajen, yes and yes. All good. I’ve noticed in past endeavours. The best ones are shared. I’m hoping group trips, fly ins etc will be part of my future. This site probsbly or definitely good to organise. The quicksilver will be fantastic for slow open air flying around the islands as well. We are in process of finishing up bnb on French island. Fly in will be part of its future.
  7. Shajen.... I’ve been searching for greenhouses and little success on your style. The facts you have of 5 years and supports itself with the middle poles removed is really good. Would you mind sharing the supplier info.. Note...if all goes to plan I’ll have a runway on French island by December. Fly visit.. I move the runway all over farm. Here’s the latest. I plan on mowing and then adding soil to a strip say 10m wide. by adding soil I’m meaning just fill the odd low spots and not try to put in an all weather runway. Just a good weather flat (ish) surface with no surprises to either side. It’ll just be a bit rougher either side and planes will have to bounce their way back to the middle is my thinking. There is a shed that’s quite large there. Height and span for aircraft would be a pain. I think the greenhouse is ideal. Can also then move runway to some other part of farm if it isn’t the right spot and move the greenhouse easily.
  8. Excellent. I’ll have both aircraft 1km from ocean when on the island..Info on condensation also good. This reinforces my rough plan to have an aircraft condom of something really light. Maybe just clear plastic and run a dehumidifier in each. Hose to dump water outside...Solar/ wind system so no cost/ energy renewables used. Drums.... had a friend lost half his nose. Know we all know... still... worth reminding. Be super careful with empty drums. They are more explosive than full ones. I also think it’s a bit uptight to get too carried away about a little fuel on the ground. However.... a degreaser squirted in or just soapy water might do the job. Wouldn’t be as much oil/ petrol on ground as a pressure wash of tractor.
  9. I have an example of the opposite here. Living in Taiwan 15 years ago. Aircon install on 3rd floor. The guy tied a rope around his waist and tied it to the bedroom door knob. He felt safe I guess. Taiwan has become a little more strict. No longer allowed to touch the secretaries bottom for instance.
  10. Maybe I’m a sample here.... haven’t been near the site in months. A bit excited now because I hope to come home late October. I hope to pick up the Nynja I purchased from Vince headling for a year ago. Even purchased the Bose headphones I’d been avoiding. Arrived in Taiwan last week. Purchased an ultralight. Ready for post covid adventure...
  11. I’m having trouble understand how you get it out. There’s no room it seems between the 2 uprights. Does the structure remain stable in that case during egress/ ingress when you pull the 2 or 1 of the 2 columns. Please note I’m prepared to feel stupid here... might be something obvious. I’m keen to know because I’m working right now on farm runways and temporary storage before pulling the trigger on a major hanger build...or not.
  12. Bloody impressed with this. Simple. Well done.
  13. I’ve paid for the QS. Missed one for 12.5k that sold in 2 hours. This is much newer. Engine has 60 hours. Floats and parachute. 20k. USD There’s also an airbike for 10k available. See here. If anyone wants an airbike we could split container. It’s coming from Seattle.
  14. I’ve purchased a quicksilver 2 seater in USA. Has a 90hp rotax and optional floats. Looks straight forward to bring to Australia. My seller is going to strap into the 20’ container. Any traps?
  15. I’m glad. They are some of my favourite people. I even had my own one for 8 years. Exactly as you’ve written. Genuine and try really hard. I have just been messaged that my next tandem paragliding flight MUST then follow with a solo. Not sure what to make of that. I have two cracked ribs from a failed tandem takeoff into a weather system. I said to instructor on way up mountain I’d not fly a plane in this weather. He helpfully told me planes can fly in much worse weather than paragliders. We lifted then the wing furled and we dropped 2 meters. Ribs happened when were turned 360 degrees sideways. We then recovered and took off. We then had to spiral dive to avoid the rain coming at us. 3G turns. The paragliders can’t deal with extra weight of rain and the rain drop disturbed surface of aerofoil. We landed wet. I now understand why we flew. This is plum rain season. Almost always towering cumulous and we’d not fly often if ultra cautious. if there aren’t any more posts it’ll be obvious the solo didn’t go so well. looking into the LSR flying here. Bit like the wildwest and my Phillipines flying. She’ll be right.
  16. Ignore the English.....I’m trying to improve Chinese so I understand the problems there. I’m paragliding and looking for ultralight airports so thought I’d check the accident reports. If the first one didn’t involve injury the idea of crashing on a pineapple farm would be more amusing. The standards here are interesting. Lots of bravado. The guys definitely push the limits. 1. On Feb. 3 1155 Hrs (Local Time), a Quick Silver Sport 2S twin seat ultra light aircraft, took off from Jhong-Pu private ultra light airfield. During the initial climbing, the operator loss of control the aircraft with full power flight into terrain, the aircraft was rest on the pineapple orchard, which was located at 100 meters north west of the airfield. The aircraft was substantial damaged, the operator was suffered the serious injury.  2. The two operators in the occurrence were all members of legal ultra-light vehicle activity association and held valid operation certificates issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (hereinafter CAA). However, the vehicle was designed and built by an individual and did not hold a valid inspection certificate issued by the CAA. Furthermore, the vehicle did not take off from a legal site. As a result, the operation was an illegal ultra-light vehicle activity. The contributing factors preclude weather, fuselage structure and flight control system related factors. The occurrence vehicle experienced engine rotational speed decrease and subsequent decrease of output horsepower during cruise, which resulted in the flight altitude of vehicle could not be maintained, therefore, the operators executed emergency landing, causing the vehicle destroyed. The two operators were no injuries. Due to severe damage to the engine, relevant functional tests could not be performed. Therefore, exact causes of insufficient engine horsepower could not be determined. The CAA has stipulated relevant provisions for inspection and issuance of certificate of ultra-light vehicle designed and built by individuals or manufacturers. However, up to the present, there is no application case. The CAA may go deep into the realities to find out the reasons, enhance the dissemination of relevant procedures and regulations, and provide guidance to intended applicants. https://www.ttsb.gov.tw/media/3241/0311storch-executive-summarypdf.pdf
  17. Not a fan of spreading whichever God you’re promoting. However......great flying. Well done.
  18. from the article...Almost certainly the straight wing as making it “one of the worst aircraft he ever flew” “After Charles Lindbergh’s popularity exploded following his transatlantic flight, Henry Ford invited him to visit Ford Airport and fly the Flivver in August of 1927. Lucky Lindy didn’t share Brooks’ enthusiasm for the litte plane, later describing it as ” one of the worst aircraft he ever flew”. I guess that one man’s “think a little faster” is another man’s uncontrollably dangerous.”
  19. I put the Nynja up for sale. It’s in the for sale section. Might one day buy it in kit form. Sold on the plane itself. Explained on the up for sale post.
  20. Hanging on still works. Simulated here apparently.
  21. Xi 2, Modi 3, Vladimir 4, MBS 5, somebody in France 6, Angela 7, Boris 8, somebody in Japan 9. Japanese ones I removed without wiki were Takeshita and Fukuda.
  22. I was also thinking that. Probably want as dark as possible and I’ve even thought about humidity control. I’ll put a hangar 1.3km from seaside and it’d be nice to have a dehumidifier for longer storage periods. Maybe a custom tent type arrangement and just control a small amount of air.
  23. Pics! Would like to see this. Pics please! I’ve enjoyed seeing all the hangar variations. I’ve built in rammed earth first house then as seen (iTunes/ Foxtel/ free to air ABC) Grand Designs Australia in rock, glass, Coreten and spotted gum. I’m hoping to get back to Australia later this year and put in a runway and hangar on French island. Will definitely use idea from here. Current winning idea is combination of farm shed with the carriage and rail system and ability to store 2 or 3 planes. Mine and visitors! https://www.completehome.com.au/new-homes/american-inspired-grand-design-french-island.html
  24. Yes... that’s very clever. I’m also interested in what look like wing pockets/ wing receivers/ wing cupboards (hangered if I know what you’d call them) in the other picture
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