Ignore the English.....I’m trying to improve Chinese so I understand the problems there.
I’m paragliding and looking for ultralight airports so thought I’d check the accident reports. If the first one didn’t involve injury the idea of crashing on a pineapple farm would be more amusing. The standards here are interesting. Lots of bravado. The guys definitely push the limits.
1. On Feb. 3 1155 Hrs (Local Time), a Quick Silver Sport 2S twin seat ultra light aircraft, took off from Jhong-Pu private ultra light airfield. During the initial climbing, the operator loss of control the aircraft with full power flight into terrain, the aircraft was rest on the pineapple orchard, which was located at 100 meters north west of the airfield. The aircraft was substantial damaged, the operator was suffered the serious injury.
The two operators in the occurrence were all members of legal ultra-light vehicle activity association and held valid operation certificates issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (hereinafter CAA). However, the vehicle was designed and built by an individual and did not hold a valid inspection certificate issued by the CAA. Furthermore, the vehicle did not take off from a legal site. As a result, the operation was an illegal ultra-light vehicle activity.
The contributing factors preclude weather, fuselage structure and flight control system related factors. The occurrence vehicle experienced engine rotational speed decrease and subsequent decrease of output horsepower during cruise, which resulted in the flight altitude of vehicle could not be maintained, therefore, the operators executed emergency landing, causing the vehicle destroyed. The two operators were no injuries. Due to severe damage to the engine, relevant functional tests could not be performed. Therefore, exact causes of insufficient engine horsepower could not be determined.
The CAA has stipulated relevant provisions for inspection and issuance of certificate of ultra-light vehicle designed and built by individuals or manufacturers. However, up to the present, there is no application case. The CAA may go deep into the realities to find out the reasons, enhance the dissemination of relevant procedures and regulations, and provide guidance to intended applicants.