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Mike Gearon

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Everything posted by Mike Gearon

  1. The wind turbines caught my eye! I’ll PM you on topic. Don’t want to bore others even though we get to talk aerofoils and tail sections. Bruce.... I’m going to steal the rail system idea. So much less span. So much less worry about hangar rash. Thruster...new zero turn mower now there should be something to mow! Where do you keep the ultralight?
  2. Turps. That makes absolute sense. Not going to slow it too much.
  3. Yes, what liquid! ? I looked them up and the commercial ones have I saw are in liquid.
  4. I like that a lot. Simplicity. What liquid?
  5. Can’t. I’m huge on all that. It’d be exciting and fun. I’d have geo thermal lines, solar and wind. We are very limited with space. Think Hong Kong. That’s how tight we are. But... one day it could happen and we expand into something in the countryside but near enough to city for workers and the above fun can start.
  6. I’ve just found out you can’t say fuck, shit or cunt. It’s amazing. The Good Place was my absolute favourite show for a while. If you watched Ted Danson in Cheers as a teenager it’s worth a look. This is just like that. Forking interesting. In The Good Place it’s heaven and swear words get changed out from words like fuck to fork. I’m still fucking amused by this. Easily amused I guess. I’ve stuck likes everywhere on these posts. Made me realise I always dreamed of flying. Grew up in Rowville, Victoria early childhood and up the hill near quarry was/ is a little clear patch. I’d consistently dream of flying from there. ‘Somebody mentioned motorbikes. Same... broken bones. Funnily enough flying feels like motorcycling at speed but less risky. I think I’ve just produced a consciousness download. Oh well, off to work.... Steam and chilled water this week. On the .00001% chance somebodies read this far and has experience with chill and heat plants I’d really like to chat with them. We use in Taiwan to heat and cool plastics in production and are expanding plant against a limited electricity supply. I spent all last week with temp gauges and a 5 litre bucket and timer. From zero knowledge 7 days ago to some knowledge. Enough to know it’s expert experience territory.
  7. Arse. I just noticed you can’t write ar*e. Probably can’t write cunt or fuck either. ‘It’s like the tv show... The Good Place. Forking hell.
  8. That’s save your arse type information. I was just reading it and thinking “Wow, that’s amazing the glue is so good. I’d have only been confident in stitch” Great the fabric remained so strong (puncture proof). Seems like you need a pull test as well on all the glued surfaces. How you do that without weakening or beginning a small unglued section is difficult. Try to pull up and no is a pass. Hard pull up and glue back down? I think I’ll keep looking into stiched fabric. Drifter, no idea how these are sorted. I’ll investigate.
  9. That’s what I’m discovering. Open in your face flying. Looking forward to testing a drifter! Whatever the aircraft...It’s certain that it’s shared experiences that make things really fun and fulfilling. When things settle down and we can fly intentionally my intention is to fly in Australia, Phillipines and USA with others involved. Trips and experiences. My flying highlights so far have been solo cross country climbing between scattered clouds and then later with my ultralight instructor in Phillipines. First would have been even better shared and second because it was shared. Here’s the actual cloud from that solo. I’d also always send evidence to Pat that I’d landed at the airport instead of touch and go on solo. That’s second pic. He never seemed pleased with those pics.
  10. This is quite disturbing. I’m really sorry for any comments I’ve made when simply trying to understand how this could have happened in order to avoid it. We all fly for the joy of it. Only reason to get back in the plane, line up and push the throttle forward. The moderator here has an awful job. Who’d want it? You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t with regard to intervention. As mentioned previously I’m a new pilot and new to forum. I’ll tread very lightly around the incident reports in future with respect for the families. I’ll unwatch this particular thread as my first ever such action here. It’s either that or stop reading the forum and I’m sure it’s a better move to keep reading the rest of it. There is so much that’s both fun and educational/ safety related and I’ve not found a better forum to date.
  11. I just noticed this while avoiding work/ waiting on some engineering tests.?
  12. https://www.wsj.com/articles/coronavirus-can-travel-further-and-longer-in-the-air-11587564001?emailToken=57b5cc5fa3668e24056ccee15794223eYp7qE98mlnco1GVjjYlhNmDbDc9nmC9Gwaeet8ORu+D4X5RNJ25plmwNmqPnTIHPTB5Ssv2V3p6b48GUY9FZNxW9kkJPuENo1B8am8WeRbBVeDc8zZw60m+YVQ46c4GX&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  13. Fabulous. Brightened a hard day at work!
  14. Yes, we are all different. Makes the world interesting. I guess I’m going partly on myself and on my French Island farmers. Almost invariably they are like me. Grew up on a farm and drawn back to it. I’m at my happiest in a farm shed, on the tractor singing badly or watching young calves running fast just for fun. As an aside....As a young man I was informed that some people were city people. Some people were country people and some people were just c@#ts. My American wife can throw that word around with ease. In the USA it’s apparently like bum. Not a big deal announce somebody is one.
  15. I’m not seeing this. Condtion 1. An automated altitude control has a mathematical probability of failure of almost nothing. Say .005% chance of failure just to put an arbitrary figure on it. Condition 2. Altimeter has failed. A)Pilot has a failure rate that’s tiny based on looking out the window and keeping the plane clear of terrain until landing time. Even then a good chance. For instance Wing spa sights the runway Half way up at 1,000ft AGL downwind. B) Condition changes when in cloud. Near 100% failure unless cloud clears. I get what you’re saying. The example bothers me.
  16. We seem to need the environs we grew up in. My mother in law is from Great Plains USA and isn’t happy without a visible distant horizon. I grew up on farmland and I’m not happy in the city or suburbs. Currently 12th floor of the middle of Taiwan’s second largest city. Not happy! I have weekend escapes to mountains and lakes now. That helps maintain a modicum of sanity. No idea why my pics insist on sideways.
  17. Yes, a small % have most of the wealth. That’s a problem. I can’t understand the small percentage doing productive work. What’s the definition of unproductive work? If we are talking pure communism or socialism we can point them out. Our capitalist system guarantees most are productive or won’t be employed. Even government departments don’t seem safe for slackers these days.
  18. 100% still the number 1 reason would make sense. I’m wondering if anyone has a story of having to switch after take off to avert an emergency landing. Second reason in the case of the spaced spark plug engines you’d think would have to be a say 5% increase in efficiency. That would add up in commercial flying. I’m now wondering if the Jabiru engine designers slapped themselves across the head at any stage and went “that’s why they put them on opposite sides” “Bugger, I better make up a good sounding engineering reason why mine are on one side"
  19. Just a note on the ball and virus.....I don’t want to be the smug guy living in a country almost free of CV and telling my fellow Australians how to do it. It’s a big deal though so I’ll do my little bit for fellow pilots. Taiwan has gone for a few days without new cases. I was shocked this morning to suddenly see 22 cases. It’s a navy thing same as that aircraft carrier in USA. Taiwan community transmission is all but eliminated currently and remains so (for now) Why is Taiwan doing well? It’s constant temp checks, face masks, hand washing and tracking and quarantine of suspect cases. I read the article in Melbourne Age on Friday where a professor said “I wished I’d never picked up that book” Book in question handled by the newly CV positive author. Now, keep in mind the professor sat at a table with the author for an hour (if I remember the article correctly) The western countries in general have a fixation on hand to mouth transmission and are throwing their hands up in the air over carriers without symptoms. It’s hard to watch! If as in the case of Taiwan the entry for professors book lecture had temp checks, masks for all and mandatory spray wipe it’s unlikely the professor would have become ill. Likely the author would have been found with temp elevated at entry. If not he’d have had hand wipes and after lecture met at table with face mask on. The obvious conclusion. You’re sitting 1 to 2 meters away from an aerosol CV dispenser for an hour or you touched a book. How did you get the virus? I’ve been meaning to write a letter to the Age and won’t bother. It’s a cultural norm that’s not going to be changed in a hurry. We don’t wear masks. I’ve been guilty of this in Taiwan. 100 people in the supermarket and 99% wearing masks. Like Trump and I don’t want to be like Trump it was “well, I don’t really want to”. It’s not a choice now in Taiwan. Out in public (defined as public transport, groups, shops etc ) you must wear a mask and peer pressure also reinforces. Just mentioning there because I’d like my fellow pilots to stay safe. Flying... I’m still looking to July 1st USA. Wife must have an operation soon and it’s in USA. Paid for there by insurance so USA. Australia as backup plan. Reality is probably have to remain in Taiwan. It’s not that bad. Yesterday pic at sun moon lake.
  20. That’s exactly what I was told while night flying. It was already stressful. ? Somehow it ended up being one of the best parts of learning. I think you’ve got to be prepared to be a little shocked at how little information seems to be available (lights) to fly in remote country airports. Probsbly also makes it the best learning environment.
  21. This I didn’t know. It’s nice to have in the tool box of checks. Almost positive but wouldn’t bet money it wasn’t in King School, either FAA book I read from cover to cover or in Cessna handbook. Expect we are all looking forward to the time when the word “vaporisation’ doesn’t take you straight to coughing and Covid 19
  22. Interesting Jabiru specific no more than 100rpm drop from 2000rpm. That’s 5%. With both plugs being together it’s likely the difference in efficiency of the complete electrics from spark plug backward. If somebody was really bored they could swap components 1 at a time and take notes to determine which particular parts or combination of parts affected the initial 5% dropped side. Based on the Jabiru being plugs together and also potentially dropping you’d then do the same on a Rotax and check if the same thing happened and swapping parts changed the side with the drop. You’d then match parts that have no drop on either side so efficiency of circuit is eliminated. Then flick a side off and see what happens. Then compare plugs together to plugs apart. I think you’d need to be really bored to do it. edited just now..... I see the post with Jab engine identical. Makes the spaced plugs likely more efficient.
  23. Want to fly.... Can’t like most of us. I did have a very enjoyable morning via Facthunter posting this in another thread.....“Almost balances Farri's idyllic flying at Deeral in the Drifter.” Found Deeral on the map. Found some great drifter information. There’s at least 1 of them at Angeles flying club, Philippines. I’ll fly it when back there once the corona has calmed down. Watched the video linked here. Really well done. An 11 minute flying journey I’ve participated in from a Taiwan rooftop. This is as close as I get to flying. Maybe that’s why breakfast on the roof. Signs virus spread is reducing in Australia as a possible destination. USA looks like people fighting for the right to not be told what to do and that’s not going to go well. Might be a while to get to USA and fly. That’s helped
  24. Wasn’t hanging on your every word. I just happened to complete the morning Taiwan rooftop ritual of coffee with Wall Street journal then Rec Flyer check in before getting to work. All good. I’ll get back to work now. Probably lucky I’m in Taiwan and it’s business as usual with just temp checks on getting to work and strict mask on policy around people.
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