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Everything posted by Cooko

  1. I only started flying a few years ago but I distincly remembering that 1 hour of training was too much in the beginning. I reckon my performance would tail off after about 30-45 minutes. However as my ICE plane required post start checks, warm up and run ups and with the meter running, I realised that 30-45 minute sessions would not be an efficient way to spend money! Something to consider perhaps.
  2. I had a good look at pictures of that prime mover from the driver's side on the internet and compared it to the video footage from the car driving past. I noticed a shiny box in front of the driven wheel which is not present in the video. I also noticed an apparent difference in the hubcaps of the driven wheels and finally i saw photos of firefighters trying to hose down the fire. You could say I was pretty certain. I guess I was mistaken.
  3. That is not the same truck. Also, the brand of prime mover is Janus rather than Jabiru. 😀
  4. I fly the c150 with the seat in its most rearward position. I am 6 foot tall. The c172 seat goes back way further.
  5. Are good.
  6. Cooko

    Drifter brakes

    If not, you can still get them relined. I have had golf cart shoes and a 1940's motorcycle shoes relined.
  7. Their population must also be a lot lighter than ours!
  8. F10, as you mentioned you have c150 experience. As there are c150's on the raa register, I believe you should just need to do the paperwork and maybe a checkride. See the raa operations manual under equivalent experience.
  9. Wasn't there more than a few 10 reg sapphires?
  10. Oxygen sensors will fail after a short time of being exposed to lead. You will therefore be limiting yourself to Mogas.
  11. I am sorry, perhaps I have the wrong end of the stick here? But someone is presenting a situation where they dont yet have a license/permit, is going to relocate so as to not get caught flying illegally. And people here not only support this but are recommending low level ops as a way to justify it if questioned. I am not going mad am I? This is really happening!
  12. On sunday in victoria we were about to move into a society where your movement will be completely restricted except for a few prescriptive exceptions as detailed by the state. By monday we had moved to an alternate strategy where the status quo remains but groups of activities are progressively deemed illegal. Flying a plane has not yet been deemed as such.
  13. As someone who is new to the scene and therefore does not understand the system, why can't RAA provide some server space? The annual membership used to provide a hard copy magazine did it not? Then digital, now nothing. Surely they could see the value?
  14. Still smiling. It makes my family uneasy though! They think I am up to something.
  15. Hello everybody. I have been lurking for a while and have enjoyed and benefited from your opinions and advice. I fly out of yleg (leongatha) in a c150 and and despite the weather over the last 9 months, today i did my 1st solo. After over 25 years of procrastination I am both overjoyed and a little dismayed that i did not pursue this sooner. However at 43 I still have a few good years left in me. I had initially planned to go raa in a j170 but then i discovered a closer alternative in a similarly priced GA. I see myself reverting to raa as a more financially sustainable option in the medium term. I wish you all well and hope to meet some of you over the coming years. - Adam.
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