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  1. Thanks for the response David 10.
  2. Hi Guys - just thought I would let you know that the Revo will sometime over the next 6 months be certified to have a 500 kgs MTOW. The ATSM requirements for the Revo were actually carried out at this weight and the US manufacturer has now decided to increase the MTOW that currently stands at 482 kgs. This will upgrade existing Revos like Heldering's. Most trikers are unaware that most trikes have a weight limit on each seat - and believe that as long as the MTOW is not exceeded all is well. In fact the Revo has 114 kgs per seat, the P&M GT 450 110 kgs and the AirBorne XT 100 kgs per seat. There are quite a few fliers out there that are actually above the 100 kgs mark and do not realise that they are flying above the manufacturer's specifications. I suspect this may also affect their HGFA or RAA public or other insurance - but I am unsure about this. Worthy of a follow up by someone who may be around this weight I would have thought. Or perhaps someone on this Board may know the answer to that ? - and I, and some others, would appreciate a legitimate response to this question. Thanks - Jon.
  3. The first Revo from Evolution trikes (USA) has been freighted. It is due to arrive in approx. 35 days at Perth WA. This trike has the sports wing (12 sq. m. wing) with a 912 ULS engine, electric trim, Enigma colour glass cockpit with built in GPS, interfaced MGL V-10 radio, carbon fibre body, back seat arm rests, carby heat, quick oil heat system plus standard equipment. Will be available at Bunbury for trike pilots to see and fly.
  4. Hi Jon1, Welcome to Recreational Flying. John Nicoll - Bathurst
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