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Everything posted by SplitS

  1. Just the props and bulk strips the cost is going to be well north of $120K (don't ask how I know). Even if he did stop the props the engine's would still need to be striped with the amount of prop damage and force being applied you would still have to strip them. Once the nose gear failed to come down it was going to be expensive.
  2. You don't need a clearance for class E VFR but you do need a transponder and radio. If they just did a rule change to allow Skyecho or similar to be used instead almost everyone would be happy. I do have a transponder however making everyone fit a heavy, expensive, out of date piece of gear so they can fly the coast is crazy talk when we have cheap tech that will do the job just fine. Also ATC have shown in a few recent incidents that they cannot be trusted in making any decisions other than what type of coffee they should be drinking.
  3. BFR's are a waste of time and money a couple of circuits yawn simulated engine failure which you know is coming up yawn and maybe a crosswind landing since I fly of a single strip I do this all the time. They are just a tick the box exercise.
  4. We should be lobbying for class E and D transit if we are fitted with a Skyecho2 or equivalent. This would be a big plus for rec aviation and increase safety for very little cost around busy centers. It would also open up class D for RAAus aircraft and mean they could do what they like with the current class G to E coastal proposal. We would be lobbying from a position of "improving" safety with very little cost burden to us.
  5. The skyecho2 does not need an external antenna 20 Nm is heaps. It is cheap and portable. If they said class E is ok as long as you have a skyecho or equivalent I would be ok with changing the coastal class G to E. Under the current class E rule's it is to expensive, heavy and to much maintenance to have a transponder. Lets not forget the last Australian mid air was caused by ATC along with contributing to a crash around Coffs giving them more power is probably not a good idea based on their current form.
  6. Not worth it. What do you hope to achieve? So you can fly with them?? Write it off as a personality clash and move on life is to short to have a fight over this, you can spend your money with a flying school you like.
  7. Yes they can see the skyecho at reduced range. We only broadcast at 20watts but we pop up on their ADSB in
  8. Who the hell wants to fly IRF under 10K??? They have gone insane.
  9. In my experience ATC almost always goes out of their way to be helpful and accommodating. Shining a spotlight on the bad operators and promoting/supporting the good ones would only benefit aviation. In this case they failed and contributed to a double fatality. The Airspace overlay was also a contributing factor and of course the pilot but if you force aircraft low over tiger country this outcome is inevitable.
  10. A BFR does not include any nav or flight planning or even weather reading. I really don't think a few circuits with an instructor would have changed the outcome in the slightest. They where basically flying in their back yard not having a current set of maps or an efb is not that bad if you are flying around your local stomping ground. He did not break airspace and clearly knew where he was and what he wanted to do re-airspace. Having flown there quite a bit I don't understand why he did not use the coastal route once ATC denied his request. However it's not my local stomping ground. It was a Swiss cheese crash 1-ATC, 2-stupid airspace restrictions and 3-complacent pilot. But with 1 and 2 failing, 3 was just waiting to happen. With the amount of stupid over regulation I don't think any of us can say we are 100% sure we are flying legal.
  11. So ATC and the stupid airspace around Brisbane killed these 2. Was always an accident waiting to happen. Brisbane has the worst airspace in the country coupled with the high hills, the clouds that develop and the lack of respect for VFR aircraft just sad.
  12. While it is true there is always two side's the flying school should have been more professional after all that is what they get payed to do. Build confidence, encourage more people into aviation, etc,etc the fact that they have someone walking away disgruntled in a relatively small community is not a good look. I hope they both sides learn and move on and New2flying does not give up on their dreams.
  13. What matters a lot is what the approach and departure look like even though overlays allow for "angles" off the end of the runways it makes an big difference in reality between coming in over crops or gum trees, power lines etc. I love the Jab's but would not consider flying one off a 300m strip. I also love my Subaru but for a Simpson desert crossing I would use my Land cruiser. Sometimes you have to choose the right tool for the job.
  14. So what you are saying is the world is not flat hmmmm. /s
  15. I flew into Shep recently. You have a fantastic community there but the vibe from the flight school was weird. I did not think to much about it some flight schools act like they own the place some are fantastic and welcoming. What you could do is take a "flying holiday" find somewhere where you like the instructor and spend a week flying with them then see how you go and what they think of your flying. Don't let one bad interaction stop you from chasing your dreams.
  16. How the hell did they get this shot???
  17. "Bent prop productions" indicates he knows it's hi risk.
  18. Some Video has popped up. Don't know how real it is.
  19. No they don't have customs. Alice Springs is very similar to Dubbo but Dubbo seems way more relaxed. Alice does service the space base but they tend to park away from everyone else and do there own thing. Alice would have way less GA traffic than Dubbo so there is that to.
  20. I would be surprised if anyone cares about an ASIC card in KI. The only place I have landed where they even check is Alice Springs where they have way to many airport staff with nothing better to do. 99% of the time just wear a lanyard with a red card no one will question it.
  21. J230 is the perfect plane for this. Once the temp gets over 38deg you probably wont want to be flying anyway. Fly early and tie her down when it gets hot. J230 has a lot of space and the cockpit is a comfortable place, the high wing provides shade. The Aircraft is super strong when flying around 600kg there is a huge safety margin giving you can fly the same airframe over 700kg if it has letters painted on the side. If you have a problem the factory is easy to talk to this is a huge plus IMHO. They know their aircraft and have all the spares. I am a huge fan of these aircraft plus you are supporting a fantastic Ozzie company.
  22. Yarrawonga airfield is a great place most of the time councils are anti business in this case they should be applauded.
  23. Ozrunways talks over the mobile network so you can see other Ozrunways traffic if you and them have mobile service. Skyecho is a low power portable ADSB device 20w output is fine and 20nm is more than enough to assist in being seen by other ADSB in traffic. It was never intended to be in competition with the commercial IFR 200w transmitters. CASA has done a great job allowing us to use these cheap low power ADSB's for VFR they add a large safety factor for a low cost expecting it to be the same as the 10k plus systems is not reasonable IMHO.
  24. Skyecho is good for about 20nm I have been flying with one for a while. You see other skyechos pop up intermittently at around 25nm and usually steady under 20nm. If they are flying with Ozrunways they go from light to a darker blue ADSB has priority (dark blue) when signal is strong enough. 20 nm won't trigger base stations very often.
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