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Everything posted by SplitS

  1. You know you can run avplan and ozrunways on your phone. That's my backup. EFB's are game changers with ADSB in and out via skyEcho, and real time weather updates the safety factor improvement alone is worth changing over from maps.
  2. Yes! I make the small black plane fly along the pink line. The Ipad does everything re planning.
  3. The council is a soft target the judge gets to "give" this woman "free" money. It will be reduced on appeal. 1.5M with zero injury is nonsense.
  4. I second the Jabiru J230 these are fantastic aircraft. Number 2 would be a J160 or J170. They are tough and reliable with easy to get parts if you do have a problem. If you want to be stuck somewhere with something like a coolant leak and hard to get part's fly some imported thing (good luck with that).
  5. I have some info on this crash. He was landing and did not see the SWR line until it was to late. Was ejected from the plane during the crash thru the windscreen very lucky to be alive.
  6. I had 2 mixed up Lancefield vic was a 912 I knew there was 4 but did not look up the incidents, You are right the coolant leak Gippsland was a subaru. There are a lot of Jab's flying a lot of hours in OZ. Rotax the current trend is not your friend. Jabs should be more reliable they are way less complicated. Also R22's use air-cooled engines just saying.
  7. Off The top of my head The last few serious incidents. Heck field Rotax failed to make enough power on takeoff South east of Melbourne (I think) Rotax powered coolant leak into cabin crashed into tree's Orange Rotax powered (we don't know what caused this one so it may not be the engine) and this Foxbat Rotax power engine failure. So while I was I was also half serious. There seems to be a string of Rotax failures.
  8. Anyone else notice a trend with Rotax power aircraft. They should have been flying a Jabiru. 🍿
  9. I should be clearer sorry. The Mag test great on the ground run, you have to pay really close attention to even notice a change between both, 1 or the other. When I did the air test both mags behaved the same way. I wont do it again. to quote facthunter "never stop learning"
  10. Tried this yesterday. 190 kts IAS, 2000', 2400 rpm (constant speed prop), 36lph (50 deg Lean of peak on richest cylinder). IO360. When I turned one of the mags off the engine when very rough the EGT started to rapidly rise. I did not leave it running on one mag for more than a few seconds because of how rough it got, Both Mags behaved the same. So for me if I loose a mag I will notice straight away. Not what I expected.
  11. If it is VH-UQI Don't know anything about this type. https://www.airhistory.net/photo/47097/VH-UQI
  12. If you have 2 good mags you probably will not notice a slight decrease in engine performance. My taco is only connected to 1 mag so I may loose that if the right one fails but this is an unusual setup. It's why we have to do mag checks because if we dident most people would fly around unaware one had stopped working a long time ago.
  13. Turboplanner is correct Livestock especially these southern ones don't care about aircraft at 500' they generally do not even look up. Same with sheep. 50' and its a bit different.
  14. I know about the Sportstar crash I will say that the official story is not quite right. If you hit a SWR line you probably should not have been there.
  15. Fly with zero insurance and set your affairs up in such a way as to be a hard target for lawyers I have it's not cheap but good luck litigating me.. The passengers have to take a level of responsibility explain the risk and make it their call. We have gone insane with litigation no one takes responsibility for their actions no one forces anyone to go for a ride.
  16. If your going to have a collapse it's best to not have the prop spinning.
  17. The airport was there long before the houses. They are not that loud living next to the Main North road would be way louder. People just like to complain. Allowing touch and goes at RAAF Base Edinburgh would spread the noise out a bit and give the students a different airfield to land at.
  18. My 4 headsets.
  19. Sony vs Bose vs Beats etc. I tried all the high end consumer headsets in a couple of shops the sony's seemed to have the best ANR and if you look up reviews they seem to agree that sony have an advantage here. For me they where also the most comfortable. I use them with heavy machinery Tractors and loader's the reason I found the Nflight setup was because I realized that the consumer ANR was killing the aviation headsets and was looking at how to use my Sony's in the plane. The Bose A20's ANR is not close the the latest generation in Active Noise Reduction once you hear (not hear anything) how good the latest ANR is you wont want to go back IMHO.
  20. My setup is Microair M760 http://www.microair.com.au/products/25/M760-VHF-Transceiver-Q Side by side seating. I normally fly with the AKG https://www.akg.com/support/AV100.html They don't make them any more I find them way more comfortable than the bose A20's My Partner wears the A20's she thinks these are more comfortable than the AKG's I also have the Nflight mic paired with Sony 1000-xm3's because I did not buy the Nflight pro it is hard to get the volume to match with the aviation headset it runs a lot hotter (louder) I use it when flying solo because the ANR in the Sony's kills both the aviation headsets and they are way more comfortable. If I had the Nflight pro I would use this setup as my main headset. In case anyone is wondering I do not sell any of these I have no commercial interest other than improving everyone's experience in GA.
  21. If you buy the Sony's you have to buy a different size plug adapter https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313&_nkw=2.5mm+Female+to+3.5mm+Male+Stereo+Audio+Headphone+Jack+Adapter+AUX+Socket&_sacat=0 Just something to be aware of if you are a bit remote. I have the nflight setup but I made a mistake and did not order the pro it works great if its just me but if you have some one else in the plane the lack of volume control on your head set is a pain. While the noise canceling works when the sony is plugged in, none of the volume controls do. BUY the Nflight Pro 🙂 I own Bose A20, and AKG aviation ANR headsets, the nflight is a way better setup IMHO because the headphones are more comfortable and the noise cancellation is sooo much better. I don't know anyone else using the Nflight system sorry. Edit just saw nflight now do send the Sony adapter.
  22. The Bose A20's active noise reduction does not come close to the best domestic active noise reduction headphones they are generations better. Here's the thing you can buy one of these https://nflightmic.com/collections/nflightmic-store/products/nflightmic-nomad-aviation-microphone and pair it with something like https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Sony-WH-1000XM3-Wireless-Noise-Cancelling-Headphones-Au-Stock/142966776219?epid=16031259277&hash=item21497be19b:g:I6UAAOSwAjVfkw5l You can go to your local electrical retailer and test different brands in the shop for fit and comfort. This gives you the latest generation ANR super comfortable and you can plug straight into you aircraft's radio. Just make sure you get the Nomad pro you will want the volume control on the plug leads.
  23. Trump has started zero wars he has inherited war's which he is trying to withdraw from. Here is his response to Iran shooting down a US drone. Trump tweeted: “We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, ‘How many will die?’ ‘150 people, sir’, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not … proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. The real question is why do people think this is not a rational response. Unlike previous administrations.....
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