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Everything posted by SplitS

  1. Haha no I paid full price and have no stake in SkyEcho. For what it does and the price we should all have one. The two planes that mid-aired while IFR last year would no doubt agree.
  2. Trump is a symptom of the divide not the cause. How can you not support Trump given his track record for not starting wars and killing millions of civilians??? The choose is simple Slaughter of innocent or not. Men in men's toilets or not.
  3. The SkyEcho is fantastic and one of the few good things CASA has done by allowing us to use it. It's as good as advertised we should all be carrying one.
  4. The USA has no place being the worlds police. The lives lost/destroyed by USA incursions from the Iraq invasion, Syria (one of the few democratically elected Arab county's), Libya who now have slave auctions etc is way worse than letting them be. Trump has his faults but I forgive everything else because at the end of the day He is a dove and wants peace. The other side wants to blow shit up and cannot figure out which toilet they should use. Trump has his faults but the other side is insane.
  5. From July 16th, CASA’s Advisory Circular 91-23 “ADS-B for enhancing situational awareness” will approve Electronic Conspicuity (EC) devices and integrated Traffic Awareness Beacon Systems (TABS) for VFR aircraft. See the full AC here: AC 91-23v1.0 This AC allows VFR aircraft to utilise the ADS-B OUT functionality of lower cost and portable devices, except during the following situations: (a) in VFR flight at or above FL290; or (b) concurrently with a Mode S transponder that is also transmitting ADS‐B. An EC device may be operated in Australia concurrently with a Mode A/C, or a Mode S transponder (other than one that is transmitting ADS-B). UAT is NOT used nor permitted in Australia. During these times the transmitting (ADS-B OUT) functionally must be disabled. From https://ozrunways.tenderapp.com/kb/frequently-asked-questions/skyecho-ads-b I use a transponder mode C (no ADSB out) and skyecho at the same time if you are entering controlled air space you need the transponder. The Skyecho allows you to see and be seen by other aircraft for about $1000 buck everyone should carry one. I can see aircraft out to about 20nm intermittently(other sky echo's) and solid signal at about 10nm which is fine. "Real" ADSB I have seen them out at over 100nm.
  6. Nothing else really matters.
  7. You would expect him to have a parachute on. This guy does
  8. I down graded my license to RPL from PPL because the medical is a lot easier in a country town, your local GP can do it. If you are doing the training and want to fly GA there is no point not doing the PPL. Whether you fly RAAs first then transition or start with GA aircraft is really a question on what you want to achieve. If I was starting again I would be aiming at a J230 and ignore GA these aircraft will give you 90% of the performance at 1/2 the cost. Unless you want more than 2 seat's or enter controlled airspace.
  9. Fire them all. Adopt the FAA rules and have a couple of people to enforce them in the commercial space. Done. Part 103 👍
  10. We live in clown world. This is truly insane. If you add in the unemployed and people on the pension it just leaves me an a couple of other people doing all the work.
  11. Why do you think he is a good pilot??? The fact he is standing in front of a broken plane seems to indicate something different.
  12. That will buff right out.
  13. I know this plane you will not be disappointed.
  14. Geophys at Coober Pedy where I took the pic. Made more funny because of the antenna out the back.
  15. Like everything it's not clear cut. Number 1 rule DO NOT DO A STALL SPIN. Spinning in will most likely result in a very bad out come. A turn a low altitude with low energy is high risk but if your confident in your plane, skills and nowhere else to go it may well be worth the risk. If your choose is houses or forest you may attempt it where as if you have open farm land you would simply land straight or slight deviation in a paddock.
  16. I fly VH most of the time.
  17. I never submit a flight plan VFR and fly into class D airspace regularly. Occasionally call up an get clearance to go thru class C never had an issue. In my experience if you are polite and professional ATC will accommodate you. This is one of the best guides for class D airspace. http://www.grahamswebdesign.com/archerfield_visual_pilot_guide.pdf How many pilots have been saved because they have submitted a NAIPS??? I am tipping almost no one.
  18. Sound proofing is heavy so not so good for AC. ANR aviation headsets are not even close to the best headsets for active noise reduction they are generations behind the best consumer ones. If you want the very best active noise reduction headset you have to look at headsets like the Sony WH-1000XM3 these smoke my Bose A20's you do need a mic but this company has the solution. NFlight Nomad Pro Aviation Microphone This gives you a way better more comfortable headset with the latest generation of active noise canceling. Oh it is cheaper to :)
  19. Wow you post a cool looking hanger and the keyboard police find an issue with your fuel storage. One of my cars holds more than 200l should I always park it over a storage drum?? Cars leave oil on the road and the road is made from oil. 200l drum is nothing to worry about. I have a 25,000 liter diesel tank standing out side FFS.
  20. This is 100% correct the Aldi plan will not work well enough for aircraft. I use my phone Bluetoothed to the Ipad you don't have to pay twice for a data connection. I have a wifi connection to my skyecho and internet data from my phone both connected to my ipad. Zero issues no extra sim cards and data costs.
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