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Everything posted by SplitS

  1. 50 Billion not even close. You should pay more attention to how and where your food is produced because you have zero idea. The lock down is going to kill millions and it is impacting AG in Oz.
  2. Here are a couple of ER doctors saying exactly what I have been saying only better. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/2-whisteblowing-cali-er-doctors-urge-open-society-now-because-lockdowns-are-weakening-our UN warns of starvation of "Biblical" proportions cause by the global lock down. Trump curbs immigration as UN warns of food shortages The lock down cheer squad have to own both side's of the ledger here if you lock down to save live's but it end's up killing million's more due to economic/food production destruction you have to own that to. Covid 19 scare for the mathematical illiterate.
  3. Thread drift warning, Down South of you (Victoria) we are having fertilizer and chemical shortages. How's your chemical and fertilizer stocks? . There are also spare part supply issues altho that's not a show stopper ATM. Planting's are definitely being effected. My advice to everyone PLANT A GARDEN.
  4. https://earthxbatteries.com/ Put one of these in it. They weigh almost nothing and crank way better than the old lead acid.
  5. Both had working ADSB and both where talking to ATC. Lucky they spent all that money on ADSB/ATC other wise they mite have crashed. The take away here is make sure you have ADSB in and don't rely on anyone else. If one or both of these aircraft had ADSB in this crash would most likley have been avoided.
  6. 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 Anything else and the sheep get it.
  7. No there are plenty of none commercial uses that are business related that are not "commercial". Get a Mate to "hire" you to take a photo of their property don't need no "commercial" license to do that.
  8. Your freight maybe a bit to small but I use this site for shifting loads. https://www.loadshift.com.au/
  9. Opp's Here's me think bang handle was something else.
  10. No the projections are way off Sweden has proved the health care system would not be overwhelmed. The models are complete rubbish and we don't have to model anything the data is now available. Letting it burn thru the under 50's-65(with no underlining health issues) will not cause a problem for the hospital system. Shutting down the economy will kill far more people. Where do you think the money come's from to run the hospital system? (Hint a robust economy = robust health care). We have gone insane.
  11. If you actually look at the statistics you will see this covid thing is blown way out of proportion. Check Sweden's response which I have been advocating for from the beginning. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/09f821667ce64bf7be6f9f87457ed9aa Look at the data (which you have not post anything other than mmmhh feelings) under 50's and your chance of dying is less than the 2017-18 flu there are no if or but's Destroying the economy will kill far more people than this virus we know this from past recession's so you are right "It is difficult to label accurately such behavior other than sociopathic at best". Covid-19 scare for the mathematical illiterate.
  12. Your not coming over to the dark side are you???? Soon you will be saying we should open the economy and protect the vulnerable. (hey its all good changing mind is a good sign). Sweden appears to have the right balance there is enough data to say following there model is the sensible thing to do. 90% of hospitalized covid patients have underling health issues this thing has been blown way out of proportion. The latest data is saying a vaccine maybe impossible as people apear to be getting reinfected. If we are waiting for pixie dust it maybe a very very bad idea.
  13. The real question is does covid change the death rate enough to justify destroying the economy? (spoiler alert. No!) Sweden did not lock down, it did not destroy it's economy and it did not suffer from a spike in deaths. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/09f821667ce64bf7be6f9f87457ed9aa https://www.euromomo.eu/index.html What the Swedish data show's is the covid 19 patients where going to die anyway they just happen to die with covid not because of it. The data is in the lock downs do nothing useful. Unless you like totalitarian police states. Covid-19 scare for the mathematical illiterate.
  14. A lot of airports are owned by the fed's as is the airspace. The State governments can control you to the airport gate's after that it's up to the fed's and there is no restriction (on airspace) in place.
  15. Victoria opening schools next week but you cannot go fishing or play golf or FLYING by yourself. Have we gone insane? Lock downs ending soon. Wondering how they are going to whined it back after the retoric.
  16. Looks like the whole running out of ventilators thing is a bust. There are only about 10 Aus patients currently on ventilators. Lucky we have over 4000 ICU bed's If you require a ventilator your chance of survival is about 20% so patients don't spend much time on them anyway. Remind me again what the lock down was for? The covid-19 scare for the mathematical illiterate.
  17. That's wrong on a couple of levels. The PC crowd will not be happy. We are not allowed to make funny joke's any more don't you know this is a serious time. /s
  18. As the lock down gets more stupid. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says The question that need's to be answered. Australia has about 160,000 deaths per year. If Covid kills 50,000 - 100,000 (which it won't) what is the over lap?? This is the truly important number as destroying the economy and peoples lives will result in a lot more deaths. A healthy economy = money for a health hospital system. We currently have 91 ICU patients lucky we locked down. Sweden has NOT taxed there hospital system and they kept everything going. Lockdown, what lockdown? Sweden's unusual response
  19. This lock down will be over in under 2 weeks. I have a number of family in law enforcement people are going nut's. There is no way this lasts very long one way or the other.
  20. He has been walking it back watch his latest public announcement's he talks about isolating the over 70's. Maybe he is reading my posts :) The UK's medical officer has walked back his 500,000 number and now say's this UK chief medical adviser: COVID-19 death rate may be 'much below' 1% Another article I notice you lock down totalitarian cheer squad don't post link's here's another one. https://reason.com/2020/03/23/two-reasons-the-worst-case-scenarios-for-covid-19-seem-unrealistic I am confused why most people cannot understand simple math and want to revert to "but mhaaa feelings". Or take 1 case and make that an example. I know of a case where the 2017 flu killed an infant and made another very very sick in my local town. However one or two examples is not a good reason to lock down and destroy the economy. Covid-19 is slightly less dangerous than our light planes.
  21. The 2017 flu season is a good metric we did not hide inside and destroy peoples lives. It is not the worst flu season(2017) it was one of the worst in the last 10 years. My tables where death rates per 1000 it has nothing to do with time and the 2017 flu was way worse the flu's R0 number is lower so it moves slower but 17 was more deadly than covid19 look at the number's. I have explained my strategy everyone under 50 go back to work and protect the at risk group. The current strategy is insane. Covid 19 scare is for the mathematical illiterate.
  22. Sure. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/ https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Lookup/by%20Subject/3303.0~2017~Main%20Features~Deaths%20due%20to%20influenza~5 The 2017-18 flu was way worse than covid-19 it's not even close. For all those who say but vaccine it did not work to well in 17-18
  23. Something to keep in mind. The police have no restraint and you have no protections at this time. jstor.org/stable/20634827?seq=1 It's an old paper about the limits of the state's power's when they declare a state of emergency. In a nut shell there is no limit, there is no rule of law and they can do what they want. The only restraint on this power is civil unrest. While most of the population is cheering these lock downs on, the real risk here is the totalitarian government rising to the cheers of the masses. Covid 19 scare for the mathematical illiterate.
  24. The parked up airlines have continual maintenance workers looking after them your plane is no different. They cannot be left unattended same as your skills.
  25. https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6145949551001 Some in the media are starting to catch on. Covid-19 scare for the mathematical illiterate.
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