Black Saturday Once the wind died down, fire intensity and the temp fell the aircraft appeared "Golf clap".
No amount of resources where going to stop the fire's on black Saturday however we did save home's more would have been saved if we had more equipment when it was needed not later.
"aircraft were used to work with ground crews containing fire edges. " Without the ground crews the fire's are not contained the aircraft are simply wasting money.
"That article you quote is American, a totally different perspective when it comes to resources." So what you are saying is US fires are different to Australian fires?
"What would you suggest to do with wildfires in remote country with scattered populations? Leave them burn?" Wasting money on Arial fire bombers is letting them burn the money would be way better spent else where. Like more controlled burns, more trucks, cars and Dozers.
If you have not been on the ground fighting out of control blazes you have no idea, watching from the sidelines in mild conditions is not a good example.