While it seems RAAus is a popular thing to kick at the moment, may I ask if I’m the only one who is utterly sick of PC, social engineering, whatever you want to call it, within organisations such as RAAus, and of late their magazine. Australian Sport Pilot was once a reasonable read, but yesterday I opened the latest edition to find another article (the first was in the previous mag) claiming to be written by a not-yet teenage girl. In this day and age of so-called influencers, it’s pretty obvious what is going on: little girls mummy wants daughter to be famous (mummy wants to be famous too but will use child to achieve this), little girl is primped and preened, and camera is always ready to take a picture, mummy writes articles for little girl, little girl wants to be a pilot and drive expensive cars, but gosh so many choices. Mummy fools the RAAus team into thinking that the ‘articles’ are suitable for the magazine, and a star is born.
Yeah, I get it that RAAus is trying to broaden its membership but this is ludicrous. It may be suitable for Dolly magazine, but if RAAus wants to be taken seriously they need to kick this crap down the road; they are being taken for a ride by little girls mummy.