Can you multiply by 10? Case numbers were going up by a factor of 10 about every 2 1/2 weeks.
Starting at 3 cases/day, 2.5 weeks later 30 cases/day, 2.5 weeks later around 300 cases/day.
Another 2.5 weeks and it's 3,000 cases/day, 2.5 weeks after that it's 30,000 cases/day. 5 weeks without action and we would be in deep trouble. We can't cope with 30,000 new cases every day.
That's the same way the disease progresses everywhere, unless you lock down to stop the spread. To deny that would happen here you need to find some reason we are special, and the maths that apply to the rest of the world don't apply to us. (Hint: we're not.)
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