I wouldn't discourage people from insuring and I applaud your intentions, but that's not what insurance is there for.
Public liability insurance is there to protect YOUR assets. The insurance company takes over defending the case. If at all possible, they will pay zero to the injured party. If a payment seems inevitable, they will work to pay them the minimum possible amount.
When you took out the policy, you entered a contract to help them pay as little as possible to anyone injured. It doesn't matter who they are or how badly they are injured, you must work with the insurance company to minimize their payout.
If they can't show that you were negligent, they get nothing, no matter what they actually need. This isn't a very fair system - many people need help and don't get it, and much of the money is absorbed by insurance companies and lawyers.
That's why we have a different system for car crashes - they are common enough that the system couldn't cope with the cases to try to prove negligence, and the majority of people who need help would miss out. So we have a no-fault system where you are automatically covered and you don't have to prove someone (with assets) was negligent.