Hope everyone is well......In the UK we are now allowed to fly solo and with family members. Managed to revalidate my NPPL in a Pipistrel Alpha trainer. Requirements were... all surfaces, control stick, door handles etc, to be wiped pre and post flight, masks and gloves worn and, to fulfil the DVLA requirements for driving instructors, a clear plastic screen was fitted between the instructor and pilot. The layout worked quite well except for me I felt a little uncomfortable flying left hand and operating the center throttle and flaps with my right hand...apart from over controlling a little the renewal was ok.
In the UK the NPPL has 3 categories, SSEA, Microlight (<450kg or 472.5 with a BRS fitted) or SLMG. The BFR renewal only covers the category the pilot is seeking to renew. Renewing in a microlight does not mean you can jump in and fly a group A Piper Cub (SSEA). It is strange that I am allowed to fly my Jab ULD microlight but not the Jab SK an identical aircraft that does not meet the microlight stall requirements.
Anyway the real point of this post is to announce that I flew my Jab solo for the first time in nearly 9 month last Tues evening and it was fantastic...blanked off the oil cooler intake to get the oil temp as high as possible in the green and flew around the strip for 40 minutes staying in gliding distance to the strip...hope there is more to come....ps can anyone identify the single engine aircraft partly hidden behind the Alphas left wing..?