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  1. Thanks Glen All done! Spent ages this afternoon trying to find it ... came home and you had the answer for me. Current upgrade $60.00 for 1 off or $330.00 for year. Regards Wayne
  2. Trying to update Jeppesen Pacific Data to GPSmap 296 and can't seem to find any links. The garmin shop is not coming up. Anyone know the best way to do this. Can it still be done??? I haven't updated for a while. Regards Wayne :big_grin:
  3. Thanks for that guys. It always amazes me the knowledge that lies just beyond the keyboard.
  4. Does anyone know if a CHT sensor is in error is that error consistent throughout the temperature range. ie if it's overreading at higher temps such as climb, will it be over reading at idle or can the degree of error vary with temp?
  5. Here are a few photos from a trip earlier this month
  6. Interesting thread... I've just started flying from the right hand seat to get an instructor rating and know exactly what Tomo is talking about. Felt like I was starting to learn to fly again for a couple of circuits and then it started to fall into place. Before we started my instructer stood directly in front of the plane about 25m away and told me to pick a point on the cowling where he was (didn't use tape)... Just made me think about what I do in the right hand seat without even thinking about it... and now it's reversed.... all good stuff. Tomo... flying a Drifter and a Jab... what a perfect combination... I've been planning on getting an endrosement on a Drifter... would they be a good aircraft to get a tailwheel endorsement with? Regards
  7. Just wondering what solutions people might have for cooking while on an aircraft camping trip. ie: what can you carry in the aircraft?
  8. Thanks Yenn, Yes, I will be stopping at Gladstone to top up. I'm flying an LSA with a 65 Ltr tank. Endurance about 230 so say 3 hours safe at 90 kts = 270nm (The distance between Gladstone and Shute Harbour) Nil wind ok... but would be nice to know if there is somewhere in between where I can get fuel. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks John, That will be fantastic.
  10. Planning a trip from Sydney to Bundaberg for the air show in a couple of weeks and then onto Townsville in a Jab. Stay in Townsville about a week and then returning. Would appreciate any hints on best places to land and for fuel etc. particularly up North. Will all be octa.
  11. I fly an LSA all the time and there is a huge difference between grass and bitumen. Grass is much more forgiving if you’re out with your directional control. The tyres grab on the bitumen and bite in. As the others have said keep moving the stick back as you land (keeping the pressure off the nose wheel).... but be right on top of your rudder control and to keep it going straight..... as soon as you see any tendency for the nose to move one way or the other apply rudder to stop it. Talk to your instructor... you'll be on top of it in no time.
  12. I've been flying into and leaving my plane (Jab LSA) at Coldstream when I go to Melbourne for the past 2 years and have always been treated fantastically! Pretty sure it was the old owner who I spoke to as well as the RVAC guys. Everyone has always been great. I find the LSA gets a great welcome anywhere it goes.... just as long as I'm smiling!!! My only comment about Coldstream is give some thought to operating with lots of gravel around. Plan to do your run up on an unused concrete pad. Otherwise it's a great place to fly from/to. Regards Wayne
  13. Well done Keith! Fantastic!
  14. Well done Pecram air and Ultralights. That was a hard one!... For those interested (I haven't been in there myself) you "must" get permission from the owner of the town. There is "Tiger" country all around too. Following link might be of interest. http://www.yerranderie.com/welcome.htm Regards
  15. What a great thread! One that comes to my mind (there are few) is taking off from Bankstown in a C172 and the seat slipped backwards as I took off. I could only just touch the controls with my finger tips and push forward. Very scary for a few seconds... from then on always been pedantic in checking that any seat is "properly locked" into position. Always find the seats in the Jab to be pretty good in this regard. More stories please guys and girls!
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