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Jase T

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About Jase T

  • Birthday 30/11/1972


  • Aircraft
    Set SCE to AUX
  • Location
    32 DME inbound on the 198 omni radial left flight level 190
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  1. Plenty of hours in the mighty 210. For those of you that have never flown one. This aircraft will easily and happily cruise well above VNO at 75%power. On a Shiite turbulent day like that I imagine it would be very easy to cause a structural failure (I am betting on aileron or even elevator flutter as opposed to tipping a wing off) if you were not consciously keeping speed under control and well below VNO. Just my opinion but reading between the lines it sure looks like an in flight breakup.
  2. Looks like yellow turbo thrush something agri
  3. Just saw single down chinchilla Wondai road CCA. 1 fatal
  4. https://youtu.be/LoAQ0q75lSI
  5. As it seems Wingtech have closed up shop and taken retirement who (if any) in Australia can do up a custom set of skins in dacron??? Can't fond any local and shipping from overseas is a joke as you know they wold not be right when they got here!!!!! Any suggestions?
  6. Hey team. Considering an older Lea kenstrell With a rotax503. Reasonably competent 2500 hour pilot but limited tail dragged time (aboit30 hours about 20 years ago. Thoughts / comments/ personal experience appreciated ' o
  7. Long taxi at heavy weight can equal hot brakes.So can an aborted take off. Certain warnings on ECAM or similar can require a minimum break temperature before you can retract the gear. Otherwise you risk a wheel well over temp. Lots of stuff in there you don't want getting too hot. So let it dangle keep it below VLGE and let the airflow cool the breaks before retracting the gear
  8. An Allison 250 would solve most problems here..
  9. You know I have put a lot of thought into the many Jabiru issues. And after carful consultation with many pilots and aircraft designers i have concluded that all of the Jabiru issues can be quickly and easy solved by flying a Tecnam....
  10. Hope that wasn't the instructor from down that way that posts on youtube a lot?
  11. The Samsung Seems to have all the functions I need for day VFR in a <250 kias machine
  12. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4344291868916965&id=130736376939223&sfnsn=mo
  13. The USAF and the FAA tell us that the human body can survive sustained 9G declaration. To the point that it has become (I am led to believe) the requirement for structural integrity of seats and cockpit in N registered aircraft. I can't find the study right now but will research it if anyone is actually interested, that looked at deaths related to deceleration in aircraft accidents. 100% of cases where the deceleration was 9G or less were survivable, yes higher transients up to the low 40's were survivable, albeit with some nasty injuries, but the tolerance was in the tenths of a second. I am talking sustained here. So, for my money the key is hitting the ground and stopping while sustaining 9G or less. At 50MPH you need 9.4 feet (all I could find was in US language) at 100mph you need 37.6 feet. So, the key is to arrive in control and as slowly as possible. Some of the 9.4 feet can be crumple zone of the aircraft, wings, and anything you need to hit to slow you down. But when you think about it 9.4 feet is not all that far if it means survival....
  14. Is this where I throw in a quantum physics discussion about the fact that gravity does not exist? That its an interpretation of the impact on space/time of a body with a significant mass? Gravity is relative to your frame of reference!!! Perhaps the Best Lay explaination i have ever seen is here..
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