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Jase T

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Everything posted by Jase T

  1. Mid 90’s. Nope copilot callout was correct a parameter was approaching limits. This engine (Lyc T-53) had no recording system so there was no way to know the actual value reached. Hung out to dry means there was a lot said and done that I disagreed with. Basically the N2 in a turbine engine is the compressor stage attached to the gearbox attached to whatever it’s turning. So overspeeding that overspeeds gearbox’s, accessories, pumps, and lots of expensive parts. If you overspeed by a certain amount (major) it’s pretty much take every part and throw it in the bin! There are a number of gov’s that should have prevented it actually overspeeding and to this day I don’t think it did. I reported it to be safe. Can’t edit original post to fix my typing errors (pressed post instead or preview) so sorry for the grammar.
  2. A lot depends on the current culture in the regulators. I once self reported a “possible” N2 over speed and was hung out to dry by the investigators. Basically the copilot called “N1” whilst we were manoeuvring thenaircraft. I was pilot flying at the time. We both observed the N2 at redline and reducing. We never observed it exceed the limit but at it and reducing. Given the gov should have prevented the overspeed I was not too worried. Maintenance decided it may have and as we don’t know by how much decided t could have been a major and replacced the engine, gear box’s etc etc etc all requiring overhaul due to major overspeed... it was therefore classed as an accident!!!! I could have not reported it! Would not have been any further issues.... Would I have suggested a junior pilot report in the same situation?? Not at that time. But there was a culture shift later and then yes I would!
  3. African or European canaries?
  4. Having flown aircraft with the other sort of ballistic emergency system (the one you sit on) I can say the considerations on when and how to safely use and survive one would blow your mind. You can't simply pull a handle. You need to know the system limits, know the max ROD / attitude limits that will allow it to work. And then when the time comes know that you will have the confidence to us3 it and trust it..,,
  5. How big is big? KLM had an orange 777 for a while. Do Braniff still fly the “big orange” 747 cargos? If you have Flightradar24 in a subscription you could probably replay that time and date and see who it was?
  6. I go flying so people cant contact me!!! They are welcome to try but they will have to leave a message!!! I Aviate, the I navigate, then I communicate........ If i am flying you will have to wait until I get back!! My headphones don't do Bluetooth....
  7. If you had to order weather today is what you would have written on the order request!!!!! One of those days to remember how lucky we are to be able to do what we do!!!
  8. I saw this the day it came out. The first thought I had was it was caused by an ego with a credit card and an airplane... But considering the crew experience, one would think they both had plenty of human factors training... The ground crew could not have put more effort into stopping them! Would love to hear the cockpit conversations, yet they continued....
  9. Alpha Bravo Charlie if it helps I can make a helicopter arrival direct to the pad remaining clear of the circuit.....
  10. Number 3 Alpha Bravo Charlie
  11. Tv commercila shooting or an episode of Great Outdoors or something similar. Plenty of reasons to do it. It's not difficult to fly a heli in form with a FW.
  12. How to turn a nasty situation into a very nasty situation very very quickly.... Note the first thing he did was make a mayday call!!!! I am guessing (hoping) a fairly low time guy. No PAX brief at all... That many bounces in a Moonie there will be prop and engine damage for sure. They really don't like to bounce... I can recall a similar situation. On my CPL flight test in 1990 with a well known and rather grumpy testing officer, flying a 177RG the first leg was GC to Tenterfield (TFD) where we did a short field landing and a soft field takeoff. Airborne gear up, the baggage door popped open and began fluttering in the breeze. Back around for a CCT and a landing. Shut down and receive a dressing down from the testing officer who went on to explain how you MUST lock the baggage door in a 177 or they will come open,, how its lucky nothing flew out etc etc etc. I was 100% certain I have locked it as I knew that aircraft (VH-CVG) well and new about its door issues. He gave me a demo on how to shut and lock it and thinking I had probably failed the flight test we took off for the next leg anyway. Airborne, gear up, POP baggage door comes open and is flapping in the breeze. I am thinking to myself see I told you I locked it, now it opened on you, there may be a chance for the test yet... Downwind for another landing.. gear down.. winding noise, no gear down light, in transit light stays on... Gear leg visible my side, gear leg visible, his side, think I can see the nose gear in the teeeny little mirror. I was allowed to keep flying and work through the issues. Keep it under 90KIAS for the door's sake, manual gear extension for real. No change to the situation. We discussed the situation. Don't want to land on the dirt at TFD with dodgy gear, don't want to fly all the way back to CG (nearest with services) with open baggage door. Decided the baggage door was a bigger issue so declared a pan pan pan and flew the approach at TFD. Surprisingly I was allowed to fly the approach, but had help with the "Hold the nose gear off as long as possible". We kept the engine running and don't try to shut it down. flying the ACFT over saving the engine... Touch down went well, gear stayed put, we rolled out and turned left off the runway. stopped clear of the strip and shut down. Called the operating base for help. they send out a PA-34 with a LAME and help. Turns out an over-center bolt in the nose gear had sheered and the gear was being held up by weight on it alone!!! LAME fixed it (I don't want to know how) temporarily and the cargo door was fixed with 100MPH tape... We flew back to CG with the gear down and RTB.... The PA-34 blew a starter motor on startup and was stuck there for 3 days!!! I passed the check ride but had to go out the next day in a PA-28 to do a low level leg to prove I could NAV at 500' to pass the flight....
  13. One could argue that “inadvertent IMC” is an important part of Nav training. Even if it just gets you thinking about a what if plan (which way am I going to go how high do I need to climb who am I going to call).
  14. You know the old saying, lies, damned lies and statistics! I remember reading that the R-22 was at one time both one of the safest and most dangerous helicopter in the world. If you purely on number of crashes per year it was by far the most dangerous. If you went by crashes per hour flown as a type world wide they were very very safe.There are just so many out there!!! I guess the 44 can be looked on the same way.
  15. FWIW I have quite a few hours on the B model. They are great to fly, ergonomically they area pilots machine, well fitted out and they aero well. But they have really really been through the wringer, lots and lots and lots of CCT,s love to know how many TO /LDG's they have! They are not very economical at all for a 2 sester but have been well maintained. You would probably struggle to find a GA that has been as well looked after!
  16. A second comment here if I may. When was the last time you (or I or any of us) included the CO indicator as part of your scan??? It's stuck there on the panel, but when did you last look at it in flight? Do you even remember what colour means what?? I am as guilty as the next person and think we can all learn a valuable lesson form this!!!
  17. Take a moment to reflect on the impact of Co poisioning on the decision making process and how easy it was to end up where they did.
  18. This guy is very very funny. Been a fan for while.
  19. Putting a cam on a stick out the canopy in flight..,, Sorry that’s just poor form, lacks airmanship, and sets a bad example.
  20. Will have to have a look and happy to be proven wrong but I am sure class E is generally above 5000 surrounding Class D and C. Therefore would need a radio and Xpdr.
  21. AIP ENR 1.1 Class E airspace services In Class E airspace, the following traffic services are provided by ATC: IFR flights provided with an ATC service are separated from other IFR flights IFR flights receive information about VFR flights as far as practicable VFR flights receive SIS where available on request and Hazard alerts will be directed to pilots of known VFR flights. Traffic information services provided by ATC do not relieve pilots of their responsibilities for continued vigilance to see and avoid other aircraft. VFR flights in Class E airspace VFR flights entering Class E airspace do not require a clearance. VFR flights entering and operating in Class E airspace should: avoid published IFR routes, where possible monitor the appropriate Class E frequency and announce if in potential conflict take appropriate action to avoid potential conflict and avoid IFR holding patterns.
  22. I work 6 days a week.. I was just talking to the wife about how I plan to work around the weather tomorrow and if that doesn't work what flying I plan to do next weekend.... She said, "Do you realise you went flying the last 5 weekends in a row do you actually plan on spending a weekend with your family soon?".... We have been together 15 years I didn't think she liked spending time with me anymore???? What the hell do I do now???? I will try buying wine and chocolate and hope that distracts her but what then????
  23. Do you ever get over to Bougainville?? I spent 13 months over there flying helos around in and out of lots of fun places. love to see what it looks like these days.
  24. Do they have Australian Instructors in the aircraft? If you keep asking them to "Say Again" and explain you cannot understand them you may find the instructor buts in and gives you clear info. Keep doing it if you havce to! It is a flight safety matter!
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