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Jase T

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Everything posted by Jase T

  1. A quick tip for new players. It’s much easier if you have a study buddy to bounce ideas off and work through questions... and to help keep you motivated... if you don’t have one ask around there’s always someone studying the same thing.
  2. I remember a cartoon that had a pilot in a 152 looking at a charter plane wishing he could fly that, the charter plane looking at the airliner wishing he could fly that, the airliner looking at a high alt research aircraft wishing he could fly that, the high alt looking at the space shuttle wishing he could fly that, and the shuttle pilot looking at the 152 through a telescope wishing he could just go back to flying for fun!!! I agree with the airline sentiment, I am glad I went military when I did and had the opportunity to fly the aircraft I did when I did. Had I let that pass (and I very nearly did to go OS and get lined up for an airline) I would have spent the rest of my life wishing I had!! Ended up just flying for fun for many years but plan on being back in the right seat instructing again very soon.
  3. This one is great. It goes into a lot of detail explaining the differences between the Rotax and Continentals we are all used to. A lot to learn and see.
  4. Thank you very much for this info. It will be digested, compared and shared with future students
  5. It’s all fun and games until you encounter clear ice in one on autopilot......
  6. My local wreckers (back in the late '80s) used to hold Saturday afternoon refreshment drinking sessions that involved running engines without oil and water at WOT until they stopped. One could bet on how long they would last if one was that way inclined (in beer, of course, no money would change hands)... A holden red motor would regularly go longer than 20 mins before it started shedding bits of glowing metal... Morris engines less than 5..... The problem in the real world is that the cause of the oil loss is normally something a bit more serious than a loose line and is often the cause of the failure, not the loss of the oil it's self!
  7. Does anyone know how to watch a recording of the RAAus Aus Runways chat from Wednesday night? I was not able to make it to watch it live but would still like to learn what they had to show? Seems if you missed the show you miss out?
  8. Having more rotary-wing than fixed-wing hours I can honestly say I need a stick in my right hand!!!
  9. I would love to know what turned out to be the cause of the engine failure. Purely for my own professional development not in any way wanting to anything other than praise a job well done by the PIC.
  10. Willl need to check the CAR's but I am sure a PPL or better can (by day in VMC with the appropriate radio), the question is does you CASA BFR need to be current? And can you enter class C......
  11. My eldest daughter did a BAvn through a rather reputable university.... It has not helped her one bit! Other than being able to put flying onto a HELP debt and pay it off there was no actual benefit, she would (in my opinion) have been better off doing Aero Eng.... FWIW I also have a BAvn (thanks ADF) as well as a BAppSc in parks and wildlife management, (even less useful if you want a job that pays more than $55K).... My Grad Dip in Project management has found me far far more work!
  12. Buy that man a beer, that's a textbook job and I wonder how many of us would be able to pull that off in that situation. We may think we can but I wonder how many actually could? I know if it was me the audio would be unplayable it would be just one long bleep... And I may have kicked the aircraft after I exited it! A question though. I have never flown an injected Rotax so I am assuming it is dependant on the elec system for fuel supply? Otherwise, I cannot work out why an elec failer would cause the engine to fail as well, yes I intend to do my own research starting right now. Well done again Kyle this will be used many times in the future I am sure as an example of "How to do it correctly". To me the best points are the obvious pushes on the stick where the pilot is positively ensuring he has the correct airspeed! That's what really saved his life in my opinion!
  13. Phew... Big breath in big breath out.... That said it has been a loooonnnnggg time since I have had to use a DAH in anger!!!
  14. I have looked everywhere and cannot find any info on this. Please let me know if you find out more. I would be concerned about using home printed maps as there was no guarantee on scale and measured distances could be wrong. I sincerely hope they don'tdo away with paper maps I actually still use them.
  15. Oops double posst
  16. There are plenty the of ways to fly arou d Brisbane just don't try to go east of YBAF. Also watch out for the Amberly restricted airspace. Get VTC out and sit down and look at it. VFR lanes are available. Depends where you are coming from and goi g to.
  17. I will second that! As a former Unit Maintenance Test Pilot, post-maintenance flights were always the best briefed, best researched, and the ones that had the most thorough preflights, from a special purpose designed checklist. Whilst they had the greatest chance of things going wrong (the only time I ever experienced a compressor stall for example) they were also the flight where you had planned for things to go wrong and had planned and briefed your "What if's". The 8P's was the key to doing it properly! But there was still a good chance for things to go wrong if you let good old fashioned complacency sneak in! I recall one flight (was in fact on my UMTP course) we attended a 3rd party maintenance facility where deeper level maintenance was done. In this case an R4 (the most comprehensive almost a full strip and rebuild of the entire aircraft). My self and the instructor drove down to pick up the aircraft and sign the acceptance paperwork we briefed the hell out of the sortie in the car on the way. We walked out to do the acceptance test flight with checklists in hand, we climbed up to start the preflight from the roof of the aircraft (in this case a UH-1H), we looked at the rotor head (had seen them thousands of times before) and I said to the instructor "I Can't put my finger on it but it just doesn't look right". He said "Well let's make sure we get the checklists out and do a good job of it" was the reply. About the 3rd item on the checklist referred to inspecting a certain piece of lock wire. It wasn't there "BIG red flag", neither was the next one, then it dawned on us that MOST of the pieces that had to be Lockwired had not been... Now the maintainers amongst you will say "that can't happen it must have been checked by at least 5 people before it got to you". Yes, it had been checked and signed off by more than 3 people. BUT WORSE it had flown 3 times by the company test pilot like that (accep[tance and vibe test runs) before they deemed it serviceable to hand to us for acceptance back to the unit. We called the company test pilot to come over and have a look at something we wanted to show him... The look on his face was rather white and concerned when he realized he had flown that aircraft without most of the important bits lockwired on!! Lets say it failed the acceptance flight, there was 2 mountains of paperwork, and it was a LONG time before it was presented as ready again while they checked everything that had been signed off!! So yes maintenance test flying can be risky, but you have to plan and prep and brief... and then something unexpected is bound to happen!
  18. And it came in an awesome little orange folder with the "Department of Civil Aviation" flag embossed on it!!!
  19. That's rather bizarre wonder what I have been doing wrong? I have never been able to find a way to download it (especially as a PDF). It has always been a bugbear of mine. I spoke to CASA about it by e-mail last year and they informed me they were keeping it as online only as they needed to "make sure everyone was using the most up to date version" and did not intend to publish it as a PDF. If you frequent the PPRuNe site there was quite a discussion over there about it last year, or was it 2018???? CASA even got in on it (there were suggestions that it was some sort of cost recovery reasoning behind keeping it on line only in that if you wanted a portable copy you had to pay for it, but it's PPRuNe and that sort of stuff shows up all the time). I was of the belief the PDF version was only released a few months ago and it is now up to the user to make sure they are using the current version. Anyway I am just glad its available that way.
  20. No it's been free to view on line since it's inception. But it was not available for downloading or use offline unless you purchased the paper copy from CASA. The free download was released this week. And yes they still ramp check.
  21. Hey team in case you have not been told CASA has now released the VFRG as free to download as a PDF from their website.... http://vfrg.casa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/visual-flight-rules-guide.pdf
  22. Couldnt find manuals on the tecnam site? Did I look int he wrong place?
  23. Did that and every single one of the places it pops up wants a credit card number before it will let you look at it. I have an allergy to giving out my credit card number to random websites....
  24. Dragging up an old post from the past but I am also looking for a copy. Anyone have one?
  25. I note the US is in the process of decommissioning about 40% of their VOR's. Only those used on busy air routes are staying, many standalone and airfield ones are going. They are certainly moving to GPS only approaches to many airfields.
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