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Jase T

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Everything posted by Jase T

  1. Just go to hobbyking.com and buy from there!!
  2. Commercial pilots have always been out of work!!! They also work for next to nothing ~~~ However there may be a few more ATPL's out of work soon!!!
  3. OK, I don't the SU-25 but I do know armed military aircraft very well. There is a big RED switch in the cockpit... It is called Master Arm, it is generally guarded to off..... If it's off nothing can fire, you can generally use and test a weapons system (including radar and all sensors there are even ways to test the firing circuit without arming it) with it off. It is NEVER set to arm unless you intend to fire a weapon and you have received approval to do so. I cant think of a reason for it to be in the Armed position on the ground... It is designed to prevent exactly this sort of accident!
  4. There is a LOT of work here if you want to cover it all, well over 100 hours of study. I am using it as professional development for my GA quals. I am not stuck at home but if you were and you needed a good way to update your knowledge....
  5. Unlike Australia, (we are talking GA here but it also applies to RA) the US has a requirement that instructors do a refresher course every 3 years. Sporty's (yes the shop) have been running them for years and are an approved course provider to the FAA. Right now they are allowing you to do the Flight Instructor Renewal Course for free... You have to pay if you want the certificate in the US (who needs that) but to study the course is free and it has a lot of up to date stuff especially relating to Risk Management and Instructional technique. You can simply not do the FAA and American airspace stuff and just do the subjects appropriate to us here. I was able to use my ARN and details and it let me log in as an international student. Check it out at Sporty’s eFIRC - Flight Instructor Refresher Online Course Or dont
  6. I am thinking a night telling stories with you over a few bottles of wine would not be wasted time!!!!!!
  7. Best thread i have read on here in a long time!!!!
  8. The big problem will be BFR's / flyingt training for new pilots / aircraft owners it's well and good for you to flY your plane but there will be no on going train or new pilots until a lot is sorted out. currency / proficiency is going to be a problem if the entire sport is only flying occasionally. Remember flying is a skill you loose if you don't practice it! Regulators and insurance companies will only allow you to go so long without a flight review!
  9. I remember being told once your brain has the processing power of a 286 computer (and I am sure my memory has been reduced by too many Merlots over the years) and it's easy to overload it in a high workload environment. I do feel everyone need to oexperience flying at the limits of their ability (in a safe way) so that you can recognize the symptoms of "Task saturation". for me it is a narrowing of the field of vision (I am aware of it and can recognise it) to focus on what I am doing only and missing small side tasks such as config / lighting changes or even missing a CTAF call from another aircraft. I have flown single-pilot IFR in helicopters and recognized it was happening and I can tell you knowing when you are at your limits can save your life! I have sat as an assessor for IRT's and seen very very competent pilots miss radio call altogether (from ATC) or forget things like turning strobes / landing lights on or off or even descending right through a minimum descent altitude because they were trying to lay off a heavy crosswind during an instrument approach (to the point where i took over and told them to pull the screens down and look out the front as we flew along at 200 feet)... I can easily see how overloading can happen in a partial engine failure on take off. You are so focused on what the hell is going on with the "Noise MAker" that you simply don't see the trees or the wires.. Everyone needs to experience it so they can recognise it (in a safe situation)...
  10. This has to be a wind-up? You just bought an aircraft and now you think you can teach yourself to fly it? And operate safely at low level with no training? I guess being way out n the sticks will be handy.. But leave someone a good plan of your route so they know where to start looking when you don't come back!
  11. PLB lives in that pouch on my belt (glasses for scale) I should be able to extract it from there and it will easily come with me if I need to get out in a hurry.... .
  12. NICE. I spent a lot of time over on Bougainville. Challenging flying (and the place of some of my biggest aviation scares) but honestly the most beautiful place on the planet with some of the greatest (and some of the worst) people I have ever met!
  13. we are all hurting for the $$ right now and I class myself fortunate to be in a position that will not (in the short top med term be impacted). However, I am sure I have a small amount I can chip in to keep it alove. Perhaps a gofund me page? Or a premium membership (but what do I get for my $ that others don't get?). PLEASE PLEASE don't go with Facebook.. I have been part of other groups there and it goes to shit very very fast! Remember you introduce a whole new group of Admins (facebook bots and the ability for anyone with a sore thumb to report anything that hurts their feelings) this leads to a HUGE increase in the admin's efforts just to keep the page alive. What I dont have a lot of is time but perhaps others do and you can make a group of trusted admins to help reduce the workload..
  14. Going to throw my 50C in here about commercial pressure. But it is going to need a Delorian 1.21 Gigawatts and a flux capacitor. and set the timings back to the late 80's... I was "working" for a charter company somewhere in Eastern Australia... The company had a contract flying a videotape every day from a studio in a big city to a smaller one for a news broadcast... There were NO excuses it HAD to get there..Ohh its a PA-28, there is a Sigmet current??? So fly coastal at 200 feet... You have had an instrument rating for 24 hours.. so go IFR in a C177 single pilot at night down to minimas just make sure it gets there!!! . If you didn't get it there, there was an entire room of CPL students wanting a chance... There was also the maintenance base that was well away from the normal flying base, last week you flew the C-421 there without an endorsement on type (OK it was 200 hours past TBO on the left engine) so why can't you fly the Beagle 206 there this week? It's being decommissioned so don't worry if you damage it... US aircraft HAD to get there to be fixed.. The C-210 had a tail strike but it's OK just fly it to XXX and they will fix it... .. Then there was the flight in a C-310 to an island destination.. single-pilot + 5 PAX every day of the week... to make it with enough fuel you were WELLLLL over MTOW every flight.. Yet if you dont do it the boss was happy to tell you don't come in tomorrow as XXX will do the next few flights... Ohhh and that job in the NT on the 421's... It depended on the recommendations from down south... You spent every single $ you had, you are eating packet noodles and drinking tap water to get by... You will fly anything and everything and do what it takes to get an advantage... These are real examples I know as I was there to see them!!!
  15. Who is carrying a PLB with them and what are you using? I decided to go with one of these purely from a “bang for buck” point of view. Plus nice and small and simple to use. But interested to see what else is out there? ACR ResQLink 400 Personal Locating Beacon
  16. As an accident investigator said to me one day when we were taking about an accident he was working on “Mate let’s put it this way there was no fire. In a crash like this there is normally some sort of fire.. why do you think that was? Probably because there was none of the stuff that normally catches fire left in the aircraft”......
  17. Here's a story for you Was in the back seat of an AS350 (ADF Helicopter School one) as a student with another student and instructor in the front We were Canberra for Merimbula one student and reverse for the other as a final Nav sortie before our test I remember the instructor saying to the student just after he made a definite position fix.. "mate see that big blue thing out there in front of us? What is that?" "It's the ocean sir... ""Where is that on your map mate???" " "Ummmm can't say for sure its not on there sir!"!! "OK sooo do you think you may have the wrong WAC ENTIERLY?" Yes possibly sir it probably should be I there ... " so are you sure about to that position fix?? Yes sir it works out look here see that town and that road.....
  18. If these fools have an ReOC they deserve to lose it immediately!!!
  19. Victor one is a Hoot!! Make sure you study the VTC and the ERSA before you go lots of Airspace traps!!! Also, be prepared for a very busy listening out on the Comm
  20. Only one other thing to add. Aviate Navigate and then Communicate.
  21. Did you wash the plane recently? Any of the other static air instruments have an issue (VSI ASI??) Thermals can cause it as well I guess so could a side slip if it introduced turbulent air into the static port? Did you just open a window? Crack or water in the static line?
  22. Ok with a buttttt you need to be enjoying it as well. You are paying a small fortune for the privilege you need to be enjoying it. I have seen both sides of the track. Military trained where every flight had to be perfect where you were never more than 2 flights from a scrub ride... to instructing in GA where the stud is paying and has different motivation. Talk to your instructor, they are human they actually enjoy what they are doing. It’s OK to change if you are clashing.... It’s hard to stay motivated if you are not enjoying it!!!
  23. OK well if they are not awarding the plane as it isn't paid for...; The Rotax and the prop were donated!!! They should still be awarded....
  24. You forgot p1 ss poor pilot performance
  25. This is what I normally use. Have used a number of different things in the past (ex-military so have had different things for different types of ACFT and different types of flight).. But for Rec flying this one does it for me, has enough room, sits well on my leg ad holds the important stuff...
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