Going to throw my 50C in here about commercial pressure. But it is going to need a Delorian 1.21 Gigawatts and a flux capacitor. and set the timings back to the late 80's... I was "working" for a charter company somewhere in Eastern Australia... The company had a contract flying a videotape every day from a studio in a big city to a smaller one for a news broadcast... There were NO excuses it HAD to get there..Ohh its a PA-28, there is a Sigmet current??? So fly coastal at 200 feet... You have had an instrument rating for 24 hours.. so go IFR in a C177 single pilot at night down to minimas just make sure it gets there!!! . If you didn't get it there, there was an entire room of CPL students wanting a chance... There was also the maintenance base that was well away from the normal flying base, last week you flew the C-421 there without an endorsement on type (OK it was 200 hours past TBO on the left engine) so why can't you fly the Beagle 206 there this week? It's being decommissioned so don't worry if you damage it... US aircraft HAD to get there to be fixed.. The C-210 had a tail strike but it's OK just fly it to XXX and they will fix it... .. Then there was the flight in a C-310 to an island destination.. single-pilot + 5 PAX every day of the week... to make it with enough fuel you were WELLLLL over MTOW every flight.. Yet if you dont do it the boss was happy to tell you don't come in tomorrow as XXX will do the next few flights... Ohhh and that job in the NT on the 421's... It depended on the recommendations from down south... You spent every single $ you had, you are eating packet noodles and drinking tap water to get by... You will fly anything and everything and do what it takes to get an advantage... These are real examples I know as I was there to see them!!!