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Jase T

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Everything posted by Jase T

  1. There shoiuld be as line on your map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. If you have a chinograph pencil the entire canopy is your knee board! Just don’t leave it in the sun
  3. I have used both "Special VFR" and "Helicopter VFR" on many occasions. If you are flying coastal or in an area you know it's not tooo bad. If you are in a new area it can be a bit challenging, especially if you are planning on crossing ridgelines or there are towers power lines around. Clear of cloud can be a very subjective process. Oh and just a tip, make sure you know speeds for best maneuvering and know how to safely perform a min radius turn!!!
  4. A very very wise man once told me “If it flies, floats or .... rent it. It’s cheaper in the long run!
  5. I I disagree. There are (and this is only IMHO) only a few things that can genuinely kill you quickly. If those there are few you can actually have a say in. Stall / spin is one of those. Many of the higher performance RAA aircraft would be fairly easy to spin I would imagine (or at least get a good wing drop). And it would be in many pilots best interest to actually experience it, and it’s recovery in a safe controlled environment. I agree if you are going to take it easy in a simple aircraft you may never need it but it is nice to have the experience the day you do need it. Also with the increasing amount of IT in cockpits many pilots are spending increasing amounts of time “eyes down” and would probably benefit a lot from unusual attitude recovery training. Should they be mandatory? I don’t know are they a good idea? Bloody oath. Being an RAA pilot doesn’t mean you can’t be the most professional and safest operator you can be!
  6. I did my CPL in a 177RG (CVG) in the 90’s. Loved it but the luggage door was an issue as it wouldn’t necessarily always stay closed... Oh and I had an LGE again I extend on my CPL test! Only thing I will add to your very accurate constant speed lesson here is this. ALWAYS read your aircraft flight manual! Some will allow an ‘overboost’ it varies with type. And whilst Pitch up Throttle up is always a good idea it may vary.
  7. Having actually gone "Inadvertent IMC" in a helicopter at low level / speed (its called dust and heavy aircraft) its bloody hard work even when you have briefed what you are going to do if it happens, you are very current at it, have a full set of instruments and a co-pilot to help you out.. I can only imagine how hard it is when it happens unplanned / un-briefed you are on your own in the cockpit and you have to transition to instruments instantly!
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