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Everything posted by pmccarthy1

  1. NOx injection is available for road registered sports cars if you want. I know someone who had it in a Mazda MX3.
  2. You get the same orange fumes from nitrous explosives. Nitrous oxides in air react to form nitric acid, very bad to breathe in. So I think this would be banned outside Russia.
  3. It looks like it contains a liquid. Might it be warm water, for warmth? Or was he carrying vodka? ?
  4. Four Aussies training to be pilots in the Empire Training Scheme, Canada 1942.
  5. Tullamarine airport, 1968 before it opened. (Hope I didn't already post this)
  6. Red, lucky you are not a doctor, you are still here.
  7. Sergeant Colin Miller, mum's fiance, who died over Germany in 1944.
  8. My father and his mate George from Griffith, NSW about 1950.
  9. I speak FORTRAN 4 on theWatfor compiler.
  10. It’s back to reacreationalflying.com
  11. and had its cockpit in the right place.
  12. A friend was once bothered by a kid on a trail bike outside his back fence. He asked me whether a .22 bullet could set off a petrol tank explosion. When I asked why he said "because I'm going to take pot shots at the little b.... but I don't want to kill him".
  13. It is amazing, and he is now working on the "motorcycle" version. Imagine 10,000 stormtroopers coming over the hill on these things!
  14. Quite remarkable - I didn't pick it.
  15. I flew into Stockholm and Copenhagen last week as a passenger and saw two airports that had windrows of something across them to prevent use. I can't remember quite where they were. I suspect that they are unused military fields that can be quickly reinstated by a front end loader if the neighbours get restless.
  16. My grandfather used to cut up old mine shafts and sell them to farmers for post holes.
  17. I have been known to murder a beer on a hot day.
  18. Cut the dog open? The chip is usually in its ear. This is not a common or garden pilot. Maybe a pirate? Was his name Frederick?
  19. Pilots who do things that cause death then immediately regret what they have done are very rare. Most do not survive to the regret stage. He should be studied forensically.
  20. We never had a billy cart. Had to slide along on our b$ms. Steered by weight shift.
  21. A centipede fell off my bathroom wall once. He needed one hundred feet to recover.
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