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Everything posted by Squidget

  1. Its also virtually identical to what i trained in , have flown other aircraft , savannah , high wing echo, and 230 and 170 jab . No offence to jab guys i didnt seem to settle especially the centre stick, i was the same with one of the savannas it was centre stick, and i couldnt seem to get my arm to settle. Thats more just me too many motorcycle crashes when younger
  2. Its 80k , including the hangarage it has , for me thats a bonus
  3. I know of a europa in maryborough qld for sale , want to go have a look at it , it looks quite roomy
  4. What would you suggest as a low wing composite them around the 60k to 80k?
  5. Im looking at purchasing my first aircraft soon , im looking at a tecnam sierra, its been regularly used in reasonable condition with full books. My wife and i looking at using it for visiting her stepson im Makay (well marian) as well as just enjoying the air. Myself , my wife 20kg luggage ( we toured europe last year with just 15kg combined for 6 weeks) and full fuel we still have 10kg spare. The owner is selling it at the end of the year it will still have around 1,000 hoirs on its engine. He is getting out of flying due to work commitments he is having to move offshore. He has been letting me fly it so i have got to know the aircraft and enjoy it hence the purcase offer. I cant wait to be able to enjoy it
  6. Thankyou flighttracking
  7. Ty eightyknots
  8. Hi im new here and new to flying, can i ask the RG owners with 2 people ( combined weight of 150kg) and full fuel is the aircraft still under its mtow?
  9. Gday Sue ty , i think i might have spoken to you at last years wings and wheels at Maryborough. Ive been meaning to pop up there to say hi hopefully i can get there soon . Cheers neil
  10. Gday ive just found this place, im new to flying and am in the process of getting nav certification, i am lucky to be able to fly my instructors sierra but will hopefully purchase my own aircraft to enjoy the skies in .
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