I think a long bow has been drawn here. Not all livestock owners out here have that plan, in fact they would be in a very small minority and probably won't be here to see the next drought ( I hope not anyway ).
In our case we destocked all cattle at the beginning of the dry (about 3 yrs ago)and bought our sheep numbers back to ewes only , under 2000. We usually run 500- 800 cattle and 5500 sheep. Even only running 2000dry sheep ( haven't joined for over 3 yrs ) it is not only the dry, we have been eaten out of house and home by macropods which have been in plague proportions for a number of years because of the resistance to sustainable harvesting of roo's. Mother nature has done it for us in the most inhumane way possible, by starvation. I would estimate over 5000 have died on my property alone. Nothing is more depressing than going on a water or feed run and near dead roo's trying to drag themselves up then collapsing again then having to put them down or pulling dead ones out of the water troughs because they've fallen in and haven't the strength to get up and drown.This is a death you would not wish on anybody or anything. I just ask one question . What would your drought plan be to still be viable after the drought breaks?
Me I'd just buy my stuff from Woolies and pretend all is well and tell others how to do it